What is going on with Catherine?

A. She has severe medical injuries from Covaxx.

B. She has died from Covaxx.

C. She has cancer and severe side effects from her treatment, including hair loss and drastic appearance changes.

D. She had plastic surgery, and her appearance has dramatically changed.

E. Something went terribly wrong with her abdominal surgery, and she is recovering very slowly or not well.

Please add your own thinking.

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The reporter who said she was in a coma said her source was impeccable.

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Oh my God! What in the world... that they would keep this secret. She is a human being who has been much exposed to the collective energy. She deserves the prayers and goodwill of those who wish it for her.

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She was an ambassador for the Rat Juice injections. How many MORE-ONS listened to her and her deformed husband... and injected their children?

F789 her. I hope she lingers and suffers -- a quick death is far too good for Kate.

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Maybe the King knows Kate's the only likable royal and if she's gone there goes the monarchy.

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Yes, I agree. I have inquired with a neurosurgeon at the hospital, but he claims ignorance and will not provide any information on her highness.

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Like the princess in Thailand.

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If this is true then there is a god!

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There's something slow and strange about 'fast' eddy.

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Fast Eddy for POTUS? (click Like to vote)

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She's possibly in a coma due to sepsis from her abdominal surgery. Why did she need the surgery? Vaxx injury?

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time needed to:

1. transhumanly build required replacement parts to 'heal' the real kate.

2. time needed to perfect the this is the real kate replacement algorithm for brain function restoration.

3. time to find and correct a replacement, complete with eliza doolittle language training.

4. distract the world from something else that is happening in or behind the royal family and/or its handlers.

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5. She had transition surgery and they sliced her boobs off and made a penis for her using the skin from her forearm.

And she will now answer to Prince Ken

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lol! yes, it is all clear now. nothing to see here folks, move along. muchas gracias. 🙇‍♀️

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Not plastic surgery, she is already beautiful.

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Boob job gone wrong?

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Nooooo..... it is more ominous than that. Boob jobs are relatively safe.

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I choose A. Do I win a prize?

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I only have a passing interest in things Royal but I agree with you that this situation is definitely troubling. A young-ish mother of three who has basically disappeared…despite “who” she is should cause much alarm.

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I dunno about that... I reckon it should be cause for celebration (remember - she urged all of us to shoot the Juice of Rat - she is - the enemy)

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I agree with your point. While I don't (or, perhaps, "didn't") care at all about the lives, cheers, and woes of those who society consider "celebrities", I am now more tuned to their fate, as they represent a small sliver of highly visible people whose demise is often made public - or at least obscurely so, as in this case)

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The release of the poorly photoshopped photo was obviously done on purpose... followed by the home page retractions...

I have a fair bit of experience with the advertising industry and no f789ing way would something this amateurish get published.

The question is - what is the agenda? Is it meant to stoke conspiracy theories? Is it meant to confuse and unsettle and demoralize the mob?

Who the hell knows - other than this was done on purpose

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Yes... a diversion. Then Kate appears in the end with a reasonable excuse to prove the world is filled with conspiracy theorists.

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That's the likely outcome ... however I hold up hope that she is experiencing an irreversible coma

Recall this https://royalcentral.co.uk/asia/thailand/princess-bajrakitiyabha-remains-hospitalised-what-we-know-186940/ that's what I am hoping for for dear Kate - the Rat Juice pusher

Maybe they could keep her carcass on life support in F789ingham Palace and charge money for a peak? Could become a HUGE tourist attraction ... and as we know The Royals are all about the $$$$... cha ching the f789 outta that

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I have continued to wonder about that princess.

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I heard they dumped her carcass into a fetish brothel on Soi Nana that specializes in necrophilia ... apparently she's a huge money spinner.

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It's an Instagram account, quite possibly the Royals have direct access in the modern style. I don't quite get where this idea that the Royals/the Palace are military-grade photoshoppers come from. Shocking government ineptitude is pretty common, what makes the Palace immune?

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What makes them immune?

They have lots of money and they have a team at a PR Company that ensures professionalism.

It's kinda like a major luxury brand like Louis Vuitton always puts own immaculate creatives in their PR and ad campaigns. You will never see a hair out of place...

That's cuz LV - like the Royals... has the money ... to pay professionals... to ensure quality control.

That's how.

Did I mention I've got over two decades of experience in this area? Look up Dunning Kruger and you'll see where you are wrong

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Lol, Dunning-Kruger was debunked years ago, it's just a statistical artifact (auto correlation). Look it up!

Your fallacy is (a) assuming that money automatically buys competence and (b) assuming that whoever did this was willing engage professionals to do it. Hit it's a conspiracy so they had good reasons not to do that.

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I would posit that DIE automatically (or almost) insures the purchase of incompetence.

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So you are saying that there are not people who think they know a lot about a topic which they know absolutely nothing about ... yet insist they do.... do not exist?

Perhaps you do not understand what the syndrome actually is...

In layman's terminology these people are referred to as fools.

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I've read the original paper by Dunning and Kruger. Have you? Probably not because that's not exactly what the Dunning-Kruger hypothesis claimed, but anyway, even ignoring that, basically yes. When tested people are pretty good at estimating their own degree of skill. That doesn't mean there are zero such people only that if you do tests of randomly selected people that problem will only rarely show up.

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Nah I didn't read it ... I just made all of this up.... hahahaha Duh.

Most people are total F789ing MORE-ONS... idiots... clowns ... Fools.

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You would think she would show herself in public to address public's concern. But she did not do that. That is worrisome.

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She won’t appear in public until the divorce or separation settlement is completed, if my theory is correct.

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Abdominal surgery=remove uterus. So she can divorce without birthing a bastard to the heirs. The reason why diana had to die.

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Succinctly stated!

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I love the new updated photograph of William and Kate in the back of a car. So cosy together, she is looking out of a window at a brick wall and he is looking at his phone, almost as if it is suggesting a future separation?

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True love + anger + phone

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Some things never seem to change: Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.

Otto von Bismarck

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A few years ago some government psychologists discussed "vaccinating" us against conspiracy theories. I wonder if we are being "vaccinated" again.

Think back to the weird pictures of footballer Damar Hamlin who collapsed on the field with a heart attack. Media showed what presumably was a body double with his face hidden attending a later game. The unconvincing way they did it, stoked all sorts of speculation that Hamlin was dead. Later they whipped out the real Hamlin again, after they had somewhat patched him up. Thus they discredited people who stated he was dead.

The same with nurse Brittany Murphy, who collapsed when after being jabbed in late 2020. They showed some unconvincing pictures of what presumably was a body double, from far away and wearing a face mask, making a positive ID impossible. People naturally began to speculate. Two years later, Murphy showed her face in a video, again discrediting people who had categorically stated she was dead.

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My impression is the Hamlin event was a staged Masonic ritual. The ready-available ambulance was driven alone by masonic actor dressed in red and black with nobody in the passenger seat. (2) The fake weeping by a few players (3) The Jersey number "33" standing too obviously in the rear of the group photo. (4) The team huddled around the purported victim. It was all complete nonsense acting.

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Do you mean that nurse named Tiffany Dover?

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Charlotte’s shoes looked odd. Looked like one had a heel and one was flat. I thought I heard - and there is video of this floating around - that an ambulance took someone away on December 28th from Sandringham Palace with a police escort. There was absolutely no mention or explanation given for this. They were at Sandringham for Christmas, and that was the last time anyone saw Kate. My conspiracy theory mind goes to the vaccine. I believe Kate has gotten wind of this awful genocidal agenda and is now realizing she played a part in this. She and William gave that address to the nation telling everyone to get vaccinated. By this time everyone knows someone who is injured. Perhaps she knows someone. Her father was an airline pilot or airline employee and her mother was a flight attendant. There are so many pilots injured. I’m sure they must be aware of this. Maybe one of her kids’ friends got injured, all while taking Kate’s advice to get the shot. She comes from a regular, middle class family. She was new to this horrible cabal that rules the world. I think she’s had a rude awakening and something went down over the Christmas break at Sandringham. She may have threatened to leave. I hear William has a horrible temper and they have screaming matches. I don’t believe for a moment that any of them got the shots, although I do think the queen and Philip may have been coerced into taking them. They died shortly after their shots. Maybe Kate is putting 2 and 2 together over that also and simply can’t go along with this anymore.

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No theory is off the table. The truth is always stranger.

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I think it may be possible that William released that photo on purpose as a stab in the back to Kate…Perhaps getting back at her for something. Everyone knows she takes her photography seriously, and by putting this awful photo out with 16 obvious errors in it, it forced Kate to release that lame statement about her lack of editing skills

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Melinda Gates?

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I really doubt that she would give a crap.

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Just wondering - how long does it take for Bells Palsy to go away?

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Good point.

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The open mouth smiles on the kids are weird. Most people do not smile/laugh the same. Most smiles on camera are either forced, or the photographer told a joke. But the big open mouths look fake. My money is still on ai, maybe ai + real photo of Cate. Charlotte's boot with no heel - rookie ai mistake.

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Intrigue at the Royal Court. Speculation has become rampant within MSM and the damage to trust has been fatal. The amateur deception and unnecessary explanations triggers a speculative frenzy and wide spread/global awareness at lighting speed. This awareness gathers sleuths like bees to honey and in the avalanche of effort often arrives at the truth buried under the snow job. “So how’d you get to be king then eh ?”

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Just guessing but did William lose his rag again and push her down the stairs? Everything is so weird about this story that seems the only rational explanation. Time will tell.

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Amy Robsart.

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Nobody cares. Its a non story.

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It's a non story that is purposefully being made into a story which makes it interesting.

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Kate has served her useful purpose and another Princess of Wales car crash in a tunnel would be tough to pass off, even on the gullible British public.

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The people in the car shot = background as it should be in the UK for this time of year, back end of winter drab and bare. The image with Kate and the children = way too green and fresh and green and bright. That's what stands out to me clearly and more blatantly than all the other obvious changes. Backgrounds are often overlooked but always give valuable context. The 'mother's day' image is not right. Yeah, why? That will unfild in time as we are drip fed tweaks to the gaslighting.

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I did wonder if it was as "Springy" there as it is here in San Antonio. It looked pretty green. I bet money on AI.

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What's up with Louis' fingers? The index finger is cut off. The second finger is crossed over the third finger. That's a bit hard to do and unusual. I do a lot of midjourney ai. That's my guess. It would not be hard for ai to make a good image of people who have plenty of photos online to work from.

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Bill - being severely inbred -- is prone to outbursts

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The "hack job" on the photo is a subliminal signal of "surgery" and/or "mutilation.

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Ohhhh! Interesting!

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I can hardly get my finger to move to that position with the other hand. Let alone stay there. And how about Prince George's hand? His left hand looks way bigger than his right hand!!!

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