Charlotte’s shoes looked odd. Looked like one had a heel and one was flat. I thought I heard - and there is video of this floating around - that an ambulance took someone away on December 28th from Sandringham Palace with a police escort. There was absolutely no mention or explanation given for this. They were at Sandringham for Christma…
Charlotte’s shoes looked odd. Looked like one had a heel and one was flat. I thought I heard - and there is video of this floating around - that an ambulance took someone away on December 28th from Sandringham Palace with a police escort. There was absolutely no mention or explanation given for this. They were at Sandringham for Christmas, and that was the last time anyone saw Kate. My conspiracy theory mind goes to the vaccine. I believe Kate has gotten wind of this awful genocidal agenda and is now realizing she played a part in this. She and William gave that address to the nation telling everyone to get vaccinated. By this time everyone knows someone who is injured. Perhaps she knows someone. Her father was an airline pilot or airline employee and her mother was a flight attendant. There are so many pilots injured. I’m sure they must be aware of this. Maybe one of her kids’ friends got injured, all while taking Kate’s advice to get the shot. She comes from a regular, middle class family. She was new to this horrible cabal that rules the world. I think she’s had a rude awakening and something went down over the Christmas break at Sandringham. She may have threatened to leave. I hear William has a horrible temper and they have screaming matches. I don’t believe for a moment that any of them got the shots, although I do think the queen and Philip may have been coerced into taking them. They died shortly after their shots. Maybe Kate is putting 2 and 2 together over that also and simply can’t go along with this anymore.
I think it may be possible that William released that photo on purpose as a stab in the back to Kate…Perhaps getting back at her for something. Everyone knows she takes her photography seriously, and by putting this awful photo out with 16 obvious errors in it, it forced Kate to release that lame statement about her lack of editing skills
Charlotte’s shoes looked odd. Looked like one had a heel and one was flat. I thought I heard - and there is video of this floating around - that an ambulance took someone away on December 28th from Sandringham Palace with a police escort. There was absolutely no mention or explanation given for this. They were at Sandringham for Christmas, and that was the last time anyone saw Kate. My conspiracy theory mind goes to the vaccine. I believe Kate has gotten wind of this awful genocidal agenda and is now realizing she played a part in this. She and William gave that address to the nation telling everyone to get vaccinated. By this time everyone knows someone who is injured. Perhaps she knows someone. Her father was an airline pilot or airline employee and her mother was a flight attendant. There are so many pilots injured. I’m sure they must be aware of this. Maybe one of her kids’ friends got injured, all while taking Kate’s advice to get the shot. She comes from a regular, middle class family. She was new to this horrible cabal that rules the world. I think she’s had a rude awakening and something went down over the Christmas break at Sandringham. She may have threatened to leave. I hear William has a horrible temper and they have screaming matches. I don’t believe for a moment that any of them got the shots, although I do think the queen and Philip may have been coerced into taking them. They died shortly after their shots. Maybe Kate is putting 2 and 2 together over that also and simply can’t go along with this anymore.
No theory is off the table. The truth is always stranger.
I think it may be possible that William released that photo on purpose as a stab in the back to Kate…Perhaps getting back at her for something. Everyone knows she takes her photography seriously, and by putting this awful photo out with 16 obvious errors in it, it forced Kate to release that lame statement about her lack of editing skills
Melinda Gates?
I really doubt that she would give a crap.