The open mouth smiles on the kids are weird. Most people do not smile/laugh the same. Most smiles on camera are either forced, or the photographer told a joke. But the big open mouths look fake. My money is still on ai, maybe ai + real photo of Cate. Charlotte's boot with no heel - rookie ai mistake.
The open mouth smiles on the kids are weird. Most people do not smile/laugh the same. Most smiles on camera are either forced, or the photographer told a joke. But the big open mouths look fake. My money is still on ai, maybe ai + real photo of Cate. Charlotte's boot with no heel - rookie ai mistake.
The open mouth smiles on the kids are weird. Most people do not smile/laugh the same. Most smiles on camera are either forced, or the photographer told a joke. But the big open mouths look fake. My money is still on ai, maybe ai + real photo of Cate. Charlotte's boot with no heel - rookie ai mistake.