The people who planned and implemented this all are truly soulless -- and they are formidable enemies. The people who have so thoughtlessly gone along with this are weak in ways I would have never imagined. When I think of the people in my life who I always believed were strong, independent thinkers, yet who surrendered themselves to all of this so easily, it breaks my heart and terrifies me at the same time. I know I'm not alone in my feelings, and that is some small comfort. Still, we're not out of the woods.
I concur. Although I tend to feel a lot of anger toward those who gave in, rather than feeling heartbroken. That’s just me. Not saying you should feel any differently than you do.
But yeah, the last two years have really sifted a lot of relationships. And it’s been hard.
I stepped away from a lot of the communities I had been connected to in the couple of years before the virus and it's ensuring mind-contortion attempts hit. I didn't know why I felt led to, but I did. Then it all made sense. I have actually seen quite a bit of open mindedness even among my liberal neighborhood, more than the wakeful media would let you think ;) I've had good conversations with people who have been messaged but are still thinking, hearts still open, beating alive.
I just tell them that they are gullible chumps and suckers and not to make a complete jackass of themselves again or I'll never let them hear the end of it. Try shaming. What do you have to lose? Some - quite literally - mindless "friends"?
Shame needs to come back in vogue in a big way. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Now I stomp on those shells.
I would say broken, at least right now, beyond repair. The ones that gave in just can’t forgive those of us that didn’t. It makes for a lonely life, or the effort of making a new life in one’s tarnished golden years.
I don’t know why any of the people stupid enough to take this poison feel they have any right to bestow, or rather, not bestow, ‘forgiveness’ on those of us with eyes wide open, maybe it’s more a case of realising now exactly what they’ve done to themselves and more importantly, to their children! Either way I don’t need ‘forgiveness’ from those too stupid to see what was right in front of their eyes!
Well it’s Aug 21 now & the narrative of safe & effective still hasn’t changed no matter how much evidence comes out. And the rumor is ( by way of whistleblower from TSA) that it’s about to start all over again. September, will be the airlines, masks for personnel, October will be masks mandate for everyone again, by December there will be a full on lockdown. Hopefully the people will not be fooled again and they won’t comply. Hopefully just the word getting out will cause enough pushback to stop it. If the majority of the people give in we are finished. Oh, and there’s a new booster for this really ‘scarient.’
Leslie, so glad that didn't happen! I know it was rumored.. but no, the PTBs stepped down. Is there something worse coming for 2025 Presidential Inaugaration? Do not know! But at least this season of Blessed Celebrations (the ones that celebrate the light and not the dark!) will be free of that taint. Though war does loom all over, and destruction... people are still striving to make a difference in the world... in small ways.
I have said that we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago. Things may look tough and lonely, but it is just that the coldest time is just before dawn.
Agreed. What angers me is that my family and friends who knew that I had a reasonable brain ignored my advice or just seem to have ignored me and not come back to me when I explained what was going on in 2020 in my wife and I's Christmas letter. They are largely university educated and many science based degrees.
I want to say to them 'What the hell were you thinking?!'
Even my dad, an officer in the Royal Navy wore his mask to go 10 yards to the pub restaurant table from the front door whilst I went in the back door as I have refused to wear the silly things for the 'flu.
Mouth like a lion for the Beast. Know what a lion does with its roar? It paralyzes intended prey around it for a vast distance. Leopard pelt to hide in plain sight. Bear legs signify great speed and versatility of traveling. Four or two at will.
Very true. But don't forget it says 'like'. Satan/the devil is ultimately a coward, clever but a coward, more a hyena pretending to be a lion. He is the doppleganger, a maker of signs and wonders, in reality smoke and mirrors.
You might like this. You are welcome to share of course if of any use to others..
That is to your credit that you don't feel a sense of entitlement or 3d superiority to other children of god. However, given the decadence and corruption of 3d society here on Earth, the same cannot be said for those propping the system up, which includes both the slave masters and the willing slaves that obey AUthority in return for something.
All must be burned, purified, and sifted.
The human civilization, in aggregate, has learned to not rely on gods or religions. That is one way to progress, but it also leads to erroneous judgments, such as 2020 where churches obeyed the State, shut down, and did mandatory/recommended shots rather than relying on their so called god or christ for healing. When push came to shove, you saw them for what they truly were. Tombs full of death and rot, white washed to look good on the outside.
The people who refused to OBEY, were considered the heretics and demon worshippers, same as the New and Old Testaments. Right before the civilization blew up or fell, due to ignoring the warnings.
God sent the grace of salvation in 2020, perfection vision 20/20, to both see the evil and not be killed by it. That is why 2020 death rates were lower than in 2019 in aggregate. But the same cannot be said for an unrepentant civilization that actively sacrifices children to moloch planned profit or transgender pedos in 2021. There, their free will choices have consequences.
Now as it was inaccurately described in the doctrine of the rapture, that your brother and sister may fall away and disappear. People will faint for fear, and their hearts will stop, as described in revelations. The merchant ships are out at sea, and not allowed in port.
This materialistic civilization does not need the healing grace of god, it prefers the healing grace of AI/Meta death verse Satans. So be it, that is the consequence of free will. People go to hell not because they are forced to it, but because they choose it of their own will.
Yes indeed I have been saying the same, we are in the Great Tribulation and well into the prophecies with judgements taking place. Interestingly, Jesus puts the goats on the left. The left has always been a problem.
But then the left is not right as it cannot tell right from wrong.
The restrainer was taken away that's the thing, Everything went completely insane in 2020 around the Ides of March and April Fool's day. There has never been such a time like it. The mad devils were let out, to create what amounts to dreadful yet bizarrely comic outcomes.
I look on with incredulity when apparently sensible people who I have known for many years suddenly lose their marbles for no apparent reason wearing plastic face shields etc.
The restrainer is a person, a man. I can explain further if wished.
A lot of people are behaving in unrestrained ways. Some major demon went on the rampage at the beginning of 2020. I bet there has been a powerful one assigned "Covid."
Sadly, these are the same psychological 98 lb weaklings who will be clamouring to sell off your remaining liberties once the Everything Bubble of Biblical Proportions pops, throwing the US into 2nd world status overnight. They'll do it without thinking even once, let alone twice.
"I'm bankrupt, hungry, and scared. Give US that damn Central Bank Digital Currency NOW! And jail anyone who opposes it. I want to eat. I want my iGadget subscriptions back!"
5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, ⚡️and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. ⚡️6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. 7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.(KJV)
Could verse 5 be any more specific?
"Thus saith the LORD..." is no declaration from mere man.
In the case of those who turned themselves over, money was not a motive. But a lot of them do slavishly worship celebrity doctors who claim to hold a monopoly on "the Science."
Fear is a feeling not a choice. It is something different for each of us. It can be spoken to gently and asked what it is asking, what needs to be heard.
I think on this quite a bit. What influences someone. I wonder that many people are not integrated in themselves. Able to see themselves clearly. People can be very adhered to their behaviors (we are responsible for them but they are not the core of us), which makes it hard to have an ability to see. (blah blah blah!!!)
We are taught to judge, have opinions and not really wonder at things, really question. Let ourselves not know, so that there is a possibility of understanding.
If we need to see ourselves as nice, and angry and nice can't converse. How can we be integrated and have an ability to stand in integrity. (blah blah blah... she said banging her head on the wall. The one she mistook for a door.)
Yes. Some people can't question because it ruins their self-image of being nice, reasonable, easy-going. That's the case for the person in my life I was most upset to see body-snatched by this debacle.
It's like you went into my mind and typed out exactly my thoughts! I just don't understand it. Some of the very smartest people I know and respect are just oblivious. A business associate said to me the other day that they are just starting to "get out" because they're "FOUR YEAR OLD" can't get vaccinated yet! Blows my mind.
The people who would subject their innocent children to this are the worst! I hope your business associate wises up fast for the sake of that four-year-old.
It's not anything to do with intelligence, nor education, clearly. It's to do with Fear, and a retreat into Fight or Flight thinking, or "Lizard Brain" thinking. And to come out of it means there is no floor anymore, and the entire world is shattered... It's like LOSING your religion. And so the clinging...
I am often in freeze mode, for many reasons. It doesn't stop me from seeing.
Do you think possibly you are in fight and flight mode? Why would you not be. It's a natural reaction to having your boundaries crossed. And man are they being crossed.
Considering my previous comment, I'm saying a prolonged state of fight or flight, lasting more than maybe a few hours, tops? is a state of irrationality and lizard-brain thinking. That doesn't mean it's WRONG, it's just irrational. Physiologically speaking. It's a different part of the brain than is used in rational thinking.
I protected my children by picking up my life and leaving behind so many that I love a state that is the most beautiful in the world California- to move across the country to the state I believe was in line with my beliefs and where I would avoid persecution - Florida. I'm angry I had no other choice because of these imbeciles who didn't rise up against the tyrants in the CA legislature.
That’s great. We considered moving to Florida, but fortunately things never got as bad here in NV as they did in CA. CA is indeed beautiful but is unfortunately populated by virtue-signaling, government-knows-best socialists.
Today is August 21. I’m on here because someone replied to a comment that I made in March. I just want to tell you that you are partially wrong about California. It’s really a red state with pockets of blue in SF, LA, SACRAMENTO, SILICON VALLEY. We have a movement in the state called New California State. It has been in progress since 2018. It’s a state split. You can learn about it on our website we are actually very close to this happening. It will not only be beneficial for California but for the whole country. It’s totally Constitutional. Based on Article 4, Sections 3 & 4 of the United States Constitution. This is how W. Virginia became a state. So maybe hopefully when this happens you will come home. It will be a wonderful place to come home to. There is a map on the website to show you how the state will be divided. New California will have about 90% of the land (rural) ‘Old’ California will have 10% (urban) the population will be split almost 50/50. Rural California is red. Urban California is blue. This will be good for both California’s. California is a state in Financial & Constitutional default at the moment. If you have any questions there is a phone number at the bottom of the website, they will be happy to take your call.
Am I the only one angrier at those supposedly sucked into "mass formation psychosis" than those orchestrating the BS? I am angry at the sociopaths at the top. But turning on family, neighbors, and (former) friends just because some actor--professional liar--on TV told them to, is very wrong.
The latter hits closer to home. None of the propagandists knew us from Adam. Those they deceived chose to turn against those they knew and supposedly cared about.
Oh I am. It's like the Aesop's fable about carrying a snake across the river and it bites the fox because, well folks, it's a snake. It's gonna do that. Why be astonished or indignant when snakes bite? HOWEVER-From the beginning I was sharing info and ideas with family and colleagues and then all the sudden more than half took the jabs. I'm telling you what, I am still struggling to forgive some of them. And I struggle to think of them the same as I did before. I sometimes wonder if I'm preparing to separate from them when they eventually become ill and die. Or I wonder if I'm just personally offended because I've been in medicine for 25 years and most of them haven't, so then what is CNN your doctor now? Oh, not to mention the, "You can come over but stay on the porch" or "I just have to recognize that a lot of people out there just don't care about The Science and protecting others". OK, so far I have not called anyone who took the shots dumb or selfish, so could you refrain from doing that to me, sis? Or I think about how colleagues took bribe money to get the shots and just can't respect them now. Not to mention wondering where in the world intellectual curiosity went or why no one apparently believes in physiology anymore. So, yeah, maybe we're in a small group here being angry with the duped. Or maybe it's just not as big a topic of conversation as it should be. AAAHHHHHH.....thanks for letting me vent!
Yep. They call us selfish because (according to one narrative) we can infect others without being sick though their shots protect them from infection. *Eye roll.
No one calls them selfish or endangering our health and safety by demanding all of us including high risk subject themselves to medical experiments. With a bad track record for animal test subjects.
Jamie, just reading through some of these comments and I really related to everything you said. Îve been an RN for 45 years, always the one sought out for medical info. Like you, I was innocently sending tidbits of info to family and friends and was shocked when totally ignored and also dismissed for "not following the science," even left out of a family gathering as well as a get together in a women's group I've been a part of for 20 years. It really was shocking. Robert Malone calls it psychological 5th generation warfare. I hope your relationships are improving. All of my siblings surprised me by flying in from all over for my birthday in June which has gone a long way towards healing. My friends group will never be the same but prob not just about Covid. I'm trying to pick my battles and realize I can't save them from themselves. I felt pretty certain that they have to know by now how silly it all was, yet not one has ever offered any kind of an apology, they just say nothing. But just this month, my local newspaper puts out an article outlining the doctors who are losing their licenses for Rx'ing Ivermectin, testifying... I really thought this would end but now, w word of more lockdowns and masking in the horizon, I have my doubts.
Yeah, it bites. But that is life, isn't it? I guess I just didn't realize how "life" it really was! I hate that it all gets memory-holed, or whatever is happening. At this point people talk about losing hair, having blood and heart problems, going to another funeral like it's just a usual thing. And time marches on with fires, finances and the "new triple-threat" coming to us this fall, so CV has taken a backseat in a sense. ANYWAY, thank you for your comment and yes things in the fam are better but CV is not to be talked about, so there is that. Best to you and wow thank you for your 45 years in the field!
Some think that we are being pushed into division. That that is part of the goal. So be angry, feel it, let it move. But don't let it further the divide.
Those they deceived chose to turn away…..yes they did. I have a brother who I haven’t seen or spoken to in 2 years because he bought into that asymptomatic spread nonsense. He was terrified of catching the dreaded disease from me. I was furious. He said he had a right to his “feelings.” So I said you are going to listen to the government over your good sense? That was the end of that lifelong relationship. My son & I are the only people in our small family not jabbed. He is very sick from what I think is vaccine spike shedding caught from someone.
In my case of be cut a lot of those people out entirely including a sibling. I just went and did Thanksgiving with my parents (Dad’s on my side, Mom is brainwashed) and it was very uncomfortable. There are so many don’t-go-there subjects that we might as well have just talked about the weather. I think for some of these relationships they’ll hang by a thread due to other things that connect us, but they’ll never again feel warm or trusting.
That sure strikes a chord. So many don't-go-there subjects indeed. It has been difficult to say the least to come up with a completely new way of interacting when so many roads are now closed. I'm tiring of trying to think up new cookie recipes or why anyone should be interested in hearing my latest funny German Shepherd story. Can't even talk about the weather with the crisscross skies and no longer reliable signs that used to be found in nature.
This is a partial consequence of discipline through spanking, physical pain and fear.
When you condition people when they are very young to obey the source of pain, inevitably you create people that will also betray their loved ones. Because their loved ones care about them and won't hurt them, but the government and faceless nobodies will hurt them good and hard, so... THEY OBEY when told to hurt you. Because you can't hurt them, and they don't want to be spanked by the gov, so they obey the gov, just like they did as children when parents forced them to.
Might makes right. THat is the price of building your civilization and society on "discipline" achieved not through god's love or free will, but through OBEDIENCE, fear, and Power.
Excellent point. Growing up I was friends with a bunch of people who have normal jobs. Nowadays I hang out mostly with entrepreneurs. I found it interesting that most of my old friends (normal jobs) folks got the shots without thinking twice. They were conditioned to follow orders. Of my entrepreneur friends (who are conditioned to think for themselves) about half never got a shot and most will never get another. Your spanking example really touched a nerve as I think through the childhoods of some of these folks whom I know well.
If you want to journey further on this rabbit hole, i recommend the former psychotherapist daniel scraton s ytube channel. Or teal swan s emotiona videos. Daniel somebody at least.
Very late reply. Not so sure about your conclusions . I lived through the childhood from hell. The result was profound distrust of authoritarians who bark out senseless orders.
It's 2024 now. The lost around here - remain lost. Sad, really.
If its any comfort, I feel exactly the way you do. Now let's imagine what else they are doing RIGHT NOW...Ukraine, Food Shortages messaging, etc etc. etc. Not to mention the perennial favorite, climate change. It IS terrifying.
And I am watching something deep start to turn the tide of opinion against Joe Biden. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but they are being extremely clever about it. IT is only against the man (a husk of a puppet), but not against the liberal ideology he has used to tear down the country. Oh no, liberals can never have bad IDEAS.
Yes, but imagine how strong your allies are and what they are doing to counter the darkness. Is it logickal for there only to be evil villaind and super villains in Marvel's universe? Same for our unvierse.
Not terrifying really as much of it is fake, sway the masses with 'signs and wonders' on the T.V. but how much is true? Not as much as we suppose. Keep Calm and Carry On, that's my motto
Also known as don't let the bastards get you down if you don't mind the expression.
You might like this on fear which explains things. Contains some humour to lift the mood.
Melissa, I would add that The Branch Covidiots that shamed everyone all have the following in common:
1. They are moral cowards.
2. They are intellectually lazy.
3. They are self-centered and self-absorbed.
4. They suffer from Dunning Kruger Syndrome. They lack a developed intellect (due to licentious lifestyles, stunted intellectual development, ect.. (This is a multi-faceted phenomenon in terms of causality). Because their functional IQs are low, and coupled with a high esteem of their own intellects, they simply lack the metaphysical ability to self diagnose their own intellectual limitations.
Normies have been conditioned now for several generations. There is simply no way to reach them. They will LITERALLY take their esteemed senses of self right to their graves.
See, not all of us are literally "programmed and conditioned" like they are. So, now that they have The Auschwitz Vaccine in their systems, they will need us to help them find treatments for their long-term health demise.
But their moral cowardice has put them into deep deep denial. So they'll fight us tooth and nail to expose this death shot for what it is. Hence, they literally are taking their inflated esteem right to their graves.
You cannot help people who deny that they need help.
In the mid 90’s I worked for a company that sold vinyl replacement windows. Admittedly it was a high pressure sale, and not a part of my career I’m proud of. But I remember the boss used to brag how easily the well-educated doctors, lawyers, etc. would fold under basic sales techniques.
It's still important, for the sake of our souls, to continue to TRY help those who consider us their enemies, even if they cannot be helped. We should never ever become of the same behaviors of those who despise us.
This was ideological eugenics where Marxists were herded into digital echo chambers and fed pro-vax messaging and rolled up their sleeves to prove how much they hate America while conservatives were banned from platforms.
The villagers happily loaded the boxcars for a Krispy Kream doughnut 🍩
It’s curious that none of this ever worked on me. I’m not scared of the virus, and I delight in telling people I’m not vaccinated “because I find the data unimpressive”
Same, it was a red flag after red flag for me. When you read that a new type of vaccine is called the most "safe and effective" vaccine in history after two months of trials, you know something's up and you better run away from it. No serious credible scientist would ever make such a claim in these circumstances.
There was SO MUCH of all this hype about these things that didn't add up. 50+ years of study on these coronaviruses, and a human vaccine had not successfully been developed after multiple tries, yet these barely tested experimental things with NO history were going to be the answer. The entire saga stunk of a FRAUD from the start.
The people who planned and implemented this all are truly soulless -- and they are formidable enemies. The people who have so thoughtlessly gone along with this are weak in ways I would have never imagined. When I think of the people in my life who I always believed were strong, independent thinkers, yet who surrendered themselves to all of this so easily, it breaks my heart and terrifies me at the same time. I know I'm not alone in my feelings, and that is some small comfort. Still, we're not out of the woods.
I concur. Although I tend to feel a lot of anger toward those who gave in, rather than feeling heartbroken. That’s just me. Not saying you should feel any differently than you do.
But yeah, the last two years have really sifted a lot of relationships. And it’s been hard.
I stepped away from a lot of the communities I had been connected to in the couple of years before the virus and it's ensuring mind-contortion attempts hit. I didn't know why I felt led to, but I did. Then it all made sense. I have actually seen quite a bit of open mindedness even among my liberal neighborhood, more than the wakeful media would let you think ;) I've had good conversations with people who have been messaged but are still thinking, hearts still open, beating alive.
I can't look at my immediate friends in the same way as they refuse to even talk about the nonsense of the last few years. Fells a bit lonely.
I just tell them that they are gullible chumps and suckers and not to make a complete jackass of themselves again or I'll never let them hear the end of it. Try shaming. What do you have to lose? Some - quite literally - mindless "friends"?
Shame needs to come back in vogue in a big way. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Now I stomp on those shells.
Sarah, I wrote a blogger-length post on this some time ago on an old website. You're enduring what I coined "The Burden of Knowing".
Just know that you are not alone.
I would say broken, at least right now, beyond repair. The ones that gave in just can’t forgive those of us that didn’t. It makes for a lonely life, or the effort of making a new life in one’s tarnished golden years.
I don’t know why any of the people stupid enough to take this poison feel they have any right to bestow, or rather, not bestow, ‘forgiveness’ on those of us with eyes wide open, maybe it’s more a case of realising now exactly what they’ve done to themselves and more importantly, to their children! Either way I don’t need ‘forgiveness’ from those too stupid to see what was right in front of their eyes!
Well said.
That narrative will soon be reversed.
Well it’s Aug 21 now & the narrative of safe & effective still hasn’t changed no matter how much evidence comes out. And the rumor is ( by way of whistleblower from TSA) that it’s about to start all over again. September, will be the airlines, masks for personnel, October will be masks mandate for everyone again, by December there will be a full on lockdown. Hopefully the people will not be fooled again and they won’t comply. Hopefully just the word getting out will cause enough pushback to stop it. If the majority of the people give in we are finished. Oh, and there’s a new booster for this really ‘scarient.’
Leslie, so glad that didn't happen! I know it was rumored.. but no, the PTBs stepped down. Is there something worse coming for 2025 Presidential Inaugaration? Do not know! But at least this season of Blessed Celebrations (the ones that celebrate the light and not the dark!) will be free of that taint. Though war does loom all over, and destruction... people are still striving to make a difference in the world... in small ways.
Well it’s February 16, so far nothing has changed.
Except that was my birthday.
I have said that we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago. Things may look tough and lonely, but it is just that the coldest time is just before dawn.
You were right!!
The spirit has the truth, you just need to reach for it.
Well said.
I just added a comment above.
Agreed. What angers me is that my family and friends who knew that I had a reasonable brain ignored my advice or just seem to have ignored me and not come back to me when I explained what was going on in 2020 in my wife and I's Christmas letter. They are largely university educated and many science based degrees.
I want to say to them 'What the hell were you thinking?!'
Even my dad, an officer in the Royal Navy wore his mask to go 10 yards to the pub restaurant table from the front door whilst I went in the back door as I have refused to wear the silly things for the 'flu.
Do you remember in the bible it talked about the rapture or the harvest, the shifting of wheat from trash that would be burned, sheep from goats?
Well, you are in it now.
The Bible also makes clear that the Evil One is like a prowling lion, seeking whom he may devour. First and foremost, this warfare is spiritual.
Mouth like a lion for the Beast. Know what a lion does with its roar? It paralyzes intended prey around it for a vast distance. Leopard pelt to hide in plain sight. Bear legs signify great speed and versatility of traveling. Four or two at will.
Very true. But don't forget it says 'like'. Satan/the devil is ultimately a coward, clever but a coward, more a hyena pretending to be a lion. He is the doppleganger, a maker of signs and wonders, in reality smoke and mirrors.
You might like this. You are welcome to share of course if of any use to others..
Yeah… it’s hard to realize that because I don’t see myself much different from many of the tares. There but for the grace of God go I.
That is to your credit that you don't feel a sense of entitlement or 3d superiority to other children of god. However, given the decadence and corruption of 3d society here on Earth, the same cannot be said for those propping the system up, which includes both the slave masters and the willing slaves that obey AUthority in return for something.
All must be burned, purified, and sifted.
The human civilization, in aggregate, has learned to not rely on gods or religions. That is one way to progress, but it also leads to erroneous judgments, such as 2020 where churches obeyed the State, shut down, and did mandatory/recommended shots rather than relying on their so called god or christ for healing. When push came to shove, you saw them for what they truly were. Tombs full of death and rot, white washed to look good on the outside.
The people who refused to OBEY, were considered the heretics and demon worshippers, same as the New and Old Testaments. Right before the civilization blew up or fell, due to ignoring the warnings.
God sent the grace of salvation in 2020, perfection vision 20/20, to both see the evil and not be killed by it. That is why 2020 death rates were lower than in 2019 in aggregate. But the same cannot be said for an unrepentant civilization that actively sacrifices children to moloch planned profit or transgender pedos in 2021. There, their free will choices have consequences.
Now as it was inaccurately described in the doctrine of the rapture, that your brother and sister may fall away and disappear. People will faint for fear, and their hearts will stop, as described in revelations. The merchant ships are out at sea, and not allowed in port.
This materialistic civilization does not need the healing grace of god, it prefers the healing grace of AI/Meta death verse Satans. So be it, that is the consequence of free will. People go to hell not because they are forced to it, but because they choose it of their own will.
See my comment above.
Yes indeed I have been saying the same, we are in the Great Tribulation and well into the prophecies with judgements taking place. Interestingly, Jesus puts the goats on the left. The left has always been a problem.
But then the left is not right as it cannot tell right from wrong.
We can't possibly be. Too many prophecies remain unfulfilled for Daniel's 70th week to be underway.
tough to say, as it seems like the Restrainer is still in place
when that is taken away, things really take off
The restrainer was taken away that's the thing, Everything went completely insane in 2020 around the Ides of March and April Fool's day. There has never been such a time like it. The mad devils were let out, to create what amounts to dreadful yet bizarrely comic outcomes.
I look on with incredulity when apparently sensible people who I have known for many years suddenly lose their marbles for no apparent reason wearing plastic face shields etc.
The restrainer is a person, a man. I can explain further if wished.
As regards timelines these might be of interest.
A lot of people are behaving in unrestrained ways. Some major demon went on the rampage at the beginning of 2020. I bet there has been a powerful one assigned "Covid."
-no Temple built
-no charismatic world leader who sits themself on temple throne
-believers are still around, not snatched away
-seems like Restrainer is HS, choosing to reside in believers
-seems like the current times are those agonizing signs, and they are growing in magnitude and frequency, as in childbirth pains, as written
hope we agree the only thing really matters is to make sure of one's election now!
It's actually "wheat from the tares". Both look very similar up until the harvest. So there's deeper meaning in that statement than meets the eye.
I'm angry and heart broken.
Sadly, these are the same psychological 98 lb weaklings who will be clamouring to sell off your remaining liberties once the Everything Bubble of Biblical Proportions pops, throwing the US into 2nd world status overnight. They'll do it without thinking even once, let alone twice.
"I'm bankrupt, hungry, and scared. Give US that damn Central Bank Digital Currency NOW! And jail anyone who opposes it. I want to eat. I want my iGadget subscriptions back!"
"It breaks my heart and terrifies me at the same time."
Yeah, I feel the same 💔
I despair at the way humans are, it's very very sad.
I am grateful for good people, but I definitely don't understand why the weak ones turn themselves over to the controlling, evil SOBs.
$cience as a religion...
Jeremiah 17:5-7:
5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, ⚡️and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. ⚡️6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. 7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.(KJV)
Could verse 5 be any more specific?
"Thus saith the LORD..." is no declaration from mere man.
Amen! One of my top-10 favorite chapters in Scripture, which contains one of my top-5 favorite verses:
"The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?" ~ Jeremiah 17:9
So... Are you saying you believe the Bible is dictation?
In the case of those who turned themselves over, money was not a motive. But a lot of them do slavishly worship celebrity doctors who claim to hold a monopoly on "the Science."
They worship death thus they obey death doctors. It follows logickally.
FEAR. It's not a four-letter word for nothing.
Fear is a feeling not a choice. It is something different for each of us. It can be spoken to gently and asked what it is asking, what needs to be heard.
I think it's both.
What if the choice is not in whether to feel but how to interact with?
Like love.
I think on this quite a bit. What influences someone. I wonder that many people are not integrated in themselves. Able to see themselves clearly. People can be very adhered to their behaviors (we are responsible for them but they are not the core of us), which makes it hard to have an ability to see. (blah blah blah!!!)
We are taught to judge, have opinions and not really wonder at things, really question. Let ourselves not know, so that there is a possibility of understanding.
If we need to see ourselves as nice, and angry and nice can't converse. How can we be integrated and have an ability to stand in integrity. (blah blah blah... she said banging her head on the wall. The one she mistook for a door.)
Yes. Some people can't question because it ruins their self-image of being nice, reasonable, easy-going. That's the case for the person in my life I was most upset to see body-snatched by this debacle.
It feels like an image of nice but something else altogether underneath.
I'm so sorry your friend was body snatched.
I know this too. 💔
I don't know what ethos, pathos and logos mean.
And is "change available on request" a joke on two cents worth or does it have a larger meaning? Like... one can change when one is open to it.
Same thing happened with every genocide in history. Weak minded fools simply bow to authority.
It was written in Revelations that men's hearts will fail them in the end times. Myocarditis, heat failures in athletes. Coincidence?
It's like you went into my mind and typed out exactly my thoughts! I just don't understand it. Some of the very smartest people I know and respect are just oblivious. A business associate said to me the other day that they are just starting to "get out" because they're "FOUR YEAR OLD" can't get vaccinated yet! Blows my mind.
The people who would subject their innocent children to this are the worst! I hope your business associate wises up fast for the sake of that four-year-old.
It's not anything to do with intelligence, nor education, clearly. It's to do with Fear, and a retreat into Fight or Flight thinking, or "Lizard Brain" thinking. And to come out of it means there is no floor anymore, and the entire world is shattered... It's like LOSING your religion. And so the clinging...
I am often in freeze mode, for many reasons. It doesn't stop me from seeing.
Do you think possibly you are in fight and flight mode? Why would you not be. It's a natural reaction to having your boundaries crossed. And man are they being crossed.
I can definitely relate to freeze mode.
No, I don't think I am in fight or flight mode. Why would you think that I am? Do I sound irrational?
I wonder if we all are to some extent. And I don't feel being so would mean you are irrational.
Considering my previous comment, I'm saying a prolonged state of fight or flight, lasting more than maybe a few hours, tops? is a state of irrationality and lizard-brain thinking. That doesn't mean it's WRONG, it's just irrational. Physiologically speaking. It's a different part of the brain than is used in rational thinking.
Hugs. Lose your religion, find your spirituality...the essence that is incorruptible.
I protected my children by picking up my life and leaving behind so many that I love a state that is the most beautiful in the world California- to move across the country to the state I believe was in line with my beliefs and where I would avoid persecution - Florida. I'm angry I had no other choice because of these imbeciles who didn't rise up against the tyrants in the CA legislature.
That’s great. We considered moving to Florida, but fortunately things never got as bad here in NV as they did in CA. CA is indeed beautiful but is unfortunately populated by virtue-signaling, government-knows-best socialists.
Today is August 21. I’m on here because someone replied to a comment that I made in March. I just want to tell you that you are partially wrong about California. It’s really a red state with pockets of blue in SF, LA, SACRAMENTO, SILICON VALLEY. We have a movement in the state called New California State. It has been in progress since 2018. It’s a state split. You can learn about it on our website we are actually very close to this happening. It will not only be beneficial for California but for the whole country. It’s totally Constitutional. Based on Article 4, Sections 3 & 4 of the United States Constitution. This is how W. Virginia became a state. So maybe hopefully when this happens you will come home. It will be a wonderful place to come home to. There is a map on the website to show you how the state will be divided. New California will have about 90% of the land (rural) ‘Old’ California will have 10% (urban) the population will be split almost 50/50. Rural California is red. Urban California is blue. This will be good for both California’s. California is a state in Financial & Constitutional default at the moment. If you have any questions there is a phone number at the bottom of the website, they will be happy to take your call.
When New California becomes a state, I'll come back. Make California, Florida.
It will be better, no humidity. And believe it or not more Free. We will welcome you home.
Please see my comment that I just made about California. Maybe you will consider coming home soon.
Why do you still respect these people?
Am I the only one angrier at those supposedly sucked into "mass formation psychosis" than those orchestrating the BS? I am angry at the sociopaths at the top. But turning on family, neighbors, and (former) friends just because some actor--professional liar--on TV told them to, is very wrong.
The latter hits closer to home. None of the propagandists knew us from Adam. Those they deceived chose to turn against those they knew and supposedly cared about.
Oh I am. It's like the Aesop's fable about carrying a snake across the river and it bites the fox because, well folks, it's a snake. It's gonna do that. Why be astonished or indignant when snakes bite? HOWEVER-From the beginning I was sharing info and ideas with family and colleagues and then all the sudden more than half took the jabs. I'm telling you what, I am still struggling to forgive some of them. And I struggle to think of them the same as I did before. I sometimes wonder if I'm preparing to separate from them when they eventually become ill and die. Or I wonder if I'm just personally offended because I've been in medicine for 25 years and most of them haven't, so then what is CNN your doctor now? Oh, not to mention the, "You can come over but stay on the porch" or "I just have to recognize that a lot of people out there just don't care about The Science and protecting others". OK, so far I have not called anyone who took the shots dumb or selfish, so could you refrain from doing that to me, sis? Or I think about how colleagues took bribe money to get the shots and just can't respect them now. Not to mention wondering where in the world intellectual curiosity went or why no one apparently believes in physiology anymore. So, yeah, maybe we're in a small group here being angry with the duped. Or maybe it's just not as big a topic of conversation as it should be. AAAHHHHHH.....thanks for letting me vent!
Yep. They call us selfish because (according to one narrative) we can infect others without being sick though their shots protect them from infection. *Eye roll.
No one calls them selfish or endangering our health and safety by demanding all of us including high risk subject themselves to medical experiments. With a bad track record for animal test subjects.
Jamie, just reading through some of these comments and I really related to everything you said. Îve been an RN for 45 years, always the one sought out for medical info. Like you, I was innocently sending tidbits of info to family and friends and was shocked when totally ignored and also dismissed for "not following the science," even left out of a family gathering as well as a get together in a women's group I've been a part of for 20 years. It really was shocking. Robert Malone calls it psychological 5th generation warfare. I hope your relationships are improving. All of my siblings surprised me by flying in from all over for my birthday in June which has gone a long way towards healing. My friends group will never be the same but prob not just about Covid. I'm trying to pick my battles and realize I can't save them from themselves. I felt pretty certain that they have to know by now how silly it all was, yet not one has ever offered any kind of an apology, they just say nothing. But just this month, my local newspaper puts out an article outlining the doctors who are losing their licenses for Rx'ing Ivermectin, testifying... I really thought this would end but now, w word of more lockdowns and masking in the horizon, I have my doubts.
Yeah, it bites. But that is life, isn't it? I guess I just didn't realize how "life" it really was! I hate that it all gets memory-holed, or whatever is happening. At this point people talk about losing hair, having blood and heart problems, going to another funeral like it's just a usual thing. And time marches on with fires, finances and the "new triple-threat" coming to us this fall, so CV has taken a backseat in a sense. ANYWAY, thank you for your comment and yes things in the fam are better but CV is not to be talked about, so there is that. Best to you and wow thank you for your 45 years in the field!
Some think that we are being pushed into division. That that is part of the goal. So be angry, feel it, let it move. But don't let it further the divide.
One of my old friends wants to visit me again. I guess since there's less fear mongering now. I'll be sure to make her feel welcome.
I don't think I understand, but I'm not really understanding most right now.
I'm open to reconciliation with her.
I don't see the whole thread and it's a ling feed of comments.
Is 'her' feelings?
Those they deceived chose to turn away…..yes they did. I have a brother who I haven’t seen or spoken to in 2 years because he bought into that asymptomatic spread nonsense. He was terrified of catching the dreaded disease from me. I was furious. He said he had a right to his “feelings.” So I said you are going to listen to the government over your good sense? That was the end of that lifelong relationship. My son & I are the only people in our small family not jabbed. He is very sick from what I think is vaccine spike shedding caught from someone.
Parallel Society Healthcare.
I may never go to a "state-run-propaganda-artist" doctor again.
Wllness Company. Get intouch with them to help your son. , ask for consult with doctor Aptor, an AZ. I use this too for anything that ails me an was a gd send when I got covid.
Vaxx repair protocols might help with exposure to spike protein shedding:
The jab probably potentiates cancer, so:
Vitamin D for cancer:
Microphage treatment for cancer:
Suggest you go to FLCCC and research their protocols and their health resources for your son. Good luck Leslie,
In my case of be cut a lot of those people out entirely including a sibling. I just went and did Thanksgiving with my parents (Dad’s on my side, Mom is brainwashed) and it was very uncomfortable. There are so many don’t-go-there subjects that we might as well have just talked about the weather. I think for some of these relationships they’ll hang by a thread due to other things that connect us, but they’ll never again feel warm or trusting.
That sure strikes a chord. So many don't-go-there subjects indeed. It has been difficult to say the least to come up with a completely new way of interacting when so many roads are now closed. I'm tiring of trying to think up new cookie recipes or why anyone should be interested in hearing my latest funny German Shepherd story. Can't even talk about the weather with the crisscross skies and no longer reliable signs that used to be found in nature.
Perhaps look into spiritual awakening mentors like Elizabeth April or Teal Swan. Generally that is the next step once you achieve hermit hood ; )
Whoa. I could have written this, even a year later.
This is a partial consequence of discipline through spanking, physical pain and fear.
When you condition people when they are very young to obey the source of pain, inevitably you create people that will also betray their loved ones. Because their loved ones care about them and won't hurt them, but the government and faceless nobodies will hurt them good and hard, so... THEY OBEY when told to hurt you. Because you can't hurt them, and they don't want to be spanked by the gov, so they obey the gov, just like they did as children when parents forced them to.
Might makes right. THat is the price of building your civilization and society on "discipline" achieved not through god's love or free will, but through OBEDIENCE, fear, and Power.
Excellent point. Growing up I was friends with a bunch of people who have normal jobs. Nowadays I hang out mostly with entrepreneurs. I found it interesting that most of my old friends (normal jobs) folks got the shots without thinking twice. They were conditioned to follow orders. Of my entrepreneur friends (who are conditioned to think for themselves) about half never got a shot and most will never get another. Your spanking example really touched a nerve as I think through the childhoods of some of these folks whom I know well.
If you want to journey further on this rabbit hole, i recommend the former psychotherapist daniel scraton s ytube channel. Or teal swan s emotiona videos. Daniel somebody at least.
Edit. Oops was not scraton.
I was spanked as a kid. But I never viewed the government as my dad or mom.
Very late reply. Not so sure about your conclusions . I lived through the childhood from hell. The result was profound distrust of authoritarians who bark out senseless orders.
It's 2024 now. The lost around here - remain lost. Sad, really.
We are FAR from "out of the woods." We are still being manipulated. Heavily.
If its any comfort, I feel exactly the way you do. Now let's imagine what else they are doing RIGHT NOW...Ukraine, Food Shortages messaging, etc etc. etc. Not to mention the perennial favorite, climate change. It IS terrifying.
And I am watching something deep start to turn the tide of opinion against Joe Biden. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but they are being extremely clever about it. IT is only against the man (a husk of a puppet), but not against the liberal ideology he has used to tear down the country. Oh no, liberals can never have bad IDEAS.
A year and a half later. truer words were never spoken!
Yes, but imagine how strong your allies are and what they are doing to counter the darkness. Is it logickal for there only to be evil villaind and super villains in Marvel's universe? Same for our unvierse.
Not terrifying really as much of it is fake, sway the masses with 'signs and wonders' on the T.V. but how much is true? Not as much as we suppose. Keep Calm and Carry On, that's my motto
Also known as don't let the bastards get you down if you don't mind the expression.
You might like this on fear which explains things. Contains some humour to lift the mood.
and on the Ukraine.
Melissa, I would add that The Branch Covidiots that shamed everyone all have the following in common:
1. They are moral cowards.
2. They are intellectually lazy.
3. They are self-centered and self-absorbed.
4. They suffer from Dunning Kruger Syndrome. They lack a developed intellect (due to licentious lifestyles, stunted intellectual development, ect.. (This is a multi-faceted phenomenon in terms of causality). Because their functional IQs are low, and coupled with a high esteem of their own intellects, they simply lack the metaphysical ability to self diagnose their own intellectual limitations.
Normies have been conditioned now for several generations. There is simply no way to reach them. They will LITERALLY take their esteemed senses of self right to their graves.
See, not all of us are literally "programmed and conditioned" like they are. So, now that they have The Auschwitz Vaccine in their systems, they will need us to help them find treatments for their long-term health demise.
But their moral cowardice has put them into deep deep denial. So they'll fight us tooth and nail to expose this death shot for what it is. Hence, they literally are taking their inflated esteem right to their graves.
You cannot help people who deny that they need help.
In the mid 90’s I worked for a company that sold vinyl replacement windows. Admittedly it was a high pressure sale, and not a part of my career I’m proud of. But I remember the boss used to brag how easily the well-educated doctors, lawyers, etc. would fold under basic sales techniques.
Many of the less mature souls go for easier lives. Less challenging. Journey of souls by michael newton documents this
If you know anyone with vaxx regret, these might help.
Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:
The jab probably potentiates cancer, so:
Vitamin D for cancer:
Microphage treatment for cancer:
It's still important, for the sake of our souls, to continue to TRY help those who consider us their enemies, even if they cannot be helped. We should never ever become of the same behaviors of those who despise us.
Have faith & patience, most will come around. It will be quite something when they do, heheh.
I would like to know the SOURCE OF FUNDS for this damnable "research study". DoD??
They are weak in the sense that npc and animal souls are weak.
The reprobate mind cannot think straight. It's that simple.
So true. The most terrifying things were not the actions of the governments but the behavior of the people.
95% of Woketopians got it.
50% of Conservatives got it.
1% of Amish got it.
This was ideological eugenics where Marxists were herded into digital echo chambers and fed pro-vax messaging and rolled up their sleeves to prove how much they hate America while conservatives were banned from platforms.
The villagers happily loaded the boxcars for a Krispy Kream doughnut 🍩
So very well thought out and communicated. I totally empathize
It’s curious that none of this ever worked on me. I’m not scared of the virus, and I delight in telling people I’m not vaccinated “because I find the data unimpressive”
Same, it was a red flag after red flag for me. When you read that a new type of vaccine is called the most "safe and effective" vaccine in history after two months of trials, you know something's up and you better run away from it. No serious credible scientist would ever make such a claim in these circumstances.
There was SO MUCH of all this hype about these things that didn't add up. 50+ years of study on these coronaviruses, and a human vaccine had not successfully been developed after multiple tries, yet these barely tested experimental things with NO history were going to be the answer. The entire saga stunk of a FRAUD from the start.