I think on this quite a bit. What influences someone. I wonder that many people are not integrated in themselves. Able to see themselves clearly. People can be very adhered to their behaviors (we are responsible for them but they are not the core of us), which makes it hard to have an ability to see. (blah blah blah!!!)
We are taught to …
I think on this quite a bit. What influences someone. I wonder that many people are not integrated in themselves. Able to see themselves clearly. People can be very adhered to their behaviors (we are responsible for them but they are not the core of us), which makes it hard to have an ability to see. (blah blah blah!!!)
We are taught to judge, have opinions and not really wonder at things, really question. Let ourselves not know, so that there is a possibility of understanding.
If we need to see ourselves as nice, and angry and nice can't converse. How can we be integrated and have an ability to stand in integrity. (blah blah blah... she said banging her head on the wall. The one she mistook for a door.)
Yes. Some people can't question because it ruins their self-image of being nice, reasonable, easy-going. That's the case for the person in my life I was most upset to see body-snatched by this debacle.
I love your comment, "And all I can think is, we are in the middle of a war against humanity but please don't be upset." I know this was written over a year ago but unfortunately, the war is still on, and I'm upset. I would have loved to know what you were responding to, but the responses are deleted. But, wanted you to know I enjoyed reading your cleverly written words.
Yeah, this is such a push. I've been through so many other pieces as well and often find myself saying out loud 'I don't know how to do this.' over and over again, as I let myself sob and do the work of it just in saying those words and let the feelings come through and out.
I never remember that's the work right there.
It's been cloudy and raining heavily here. I let a scream rip through me as the rains became deafening.
We're being pushed so hard, so relentlessly.
You're not alone in this!
Feel free to reach out (wherever you find me!) although my own page is defunct. (you're welcome to read my writings, sometimes I read my own words to steady myself, stay whole) ❤️
Hey Doug - I haven't read that one, kind of played out. She can be snarly, so go slow. She's got a lot of good work there about radiation, black nobility... A sweet piece on water if you go back. (don't put her on the defensive, she'll bite back, but she has a good heart and loves questions and likely will point you in a good direction)
If you're new to all this, take your time. It can all be a bit jarring. I telly myself I don't need to believe or disbelieve or go places I'm not ready to, or places I've read too much about. There's some really fringey stuff out there too, some is fascinating, some beyond dispiriting....)
I think on this quite a bit. What influences someone. I wonder that many people are not integrated in themselves. Able to see themselves clearly. People can be very adhered to their behaviors (we are responsible for them but they are not the core of us), which makes it hard to have an ability to see. (blah blah blah!!!)
We are taught to judge, have opinions and not really wonder at things, really question. Let ourselves not know, so that there is a possibility of understanding.
If we need to see ourselves as nice, and angry and nice can't converse. How can we be integrated and have an ability to stand in integrity. (blah blah blah... she said banging her head on the wall. The one she mistook for a door.)
Yes. Some people can't question because it ruins their self-image of being nice, reasonable, easy-going. That's the case for the person in my life I was most upset to see body-snatched by this debacle.
It feels like an image of nice but something else altogether underneath.
I'm so sorry your friend was body snatched.
I know this too. 💔
I don't know what ethos, pathos and logos mean.
And is "change available on request" a joke on two cents worth or does it have a larger meaning? Like... one can change when one is open to it.
I looked up the words, my data speed was unusually cooperative.
"The patterns basic values and attitudes of a people, characteristically transmitted through the myths and the arts"
That one's fellow man is likely evil or crazy and more suspect than those profiting from the sale of something.
Or that those in positions of power are above and beyond suspicion because it is what we are taught to believe.
With wealth comes respect and "success".
MD's and health advisory organizations and governments are here to protect and work for the people.
(I think I'll go with the last one)
I was writing with someone today who apologized at one point for being "maudlin".
And all I can think is, we are in the middle of a war against humanity but please don't be upset.
I love your comment, "And all I can think is, we are in the middle of a war against humanity but please don't be upset." I know this was written over a year ago but unfortunately, the war is still on, and I'm upset. I would have loved to know what you were responding to, but the responses are deleted. But, wanted you to know I enjoyed reading your cleverly written words.
Hi Chris,
Thank you!!!
(Curious he deleted his words.)
Yeah, this is such a push. I've been through so many other pieces as well and often find myself saying out loud 'I don't know how to do this.' over and over again, as I let myself sob and do the work of it just in saying those words and let the feelings come through and out.
I never remember that's the work right there.
It's been cloudy and raining heavily here. I let a scream rip through me as the rains became deafening.
We're being pushed so hard, so relentlessly.
You're not alone in this!
Feel free to reach out (wherever you find me!) although my own page is defunct. (you're welcome to read my writings, sometimes I read my own words to steady myself, stay whole) ❤️
It's late here and I want you to know I am listening to you.
I will sit with what you say, but maybe ramble a bit first... and then sleep.
I would be happy to think that all of this is a delusion.
And often I feel that what my experience in the moment is, is more real than anything else. Or just as real...
Feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. Watching dried leaves lifting and swirling on a breeze.
Creating with my hands, dancing, singing. Playing with words.
I wonder if all emotions are love, expressions from within us of care for self.
Energy moving through, much like a river flowing. Getting caught here and there and then rushing forward.
Or simply vibration of the water within us.
But why does there need to be a consensus for something to be.
Something does not need to be understood to be.
I wonder if you would read this.
Which led me to this: https://francesleader.substack.com/cp/129038137
I'm a bit behind on my reading, but I will have to put this to the front. It appears to be classic. Thank you. (I think.)
Hey Doug - I haven't read that one, kind of played out. She can be snarly, so go slow. She's got a lot of good work there about radiation, black nobility... A sweet piece on water if you go back. (don't put her on the defensive, she'll bite back, but she has a good heart and loves questions and likely will point you in a good direction)
If you're new to all this, take your time. It can all be a bit jarring. I telly myself I don't need to believe or disbelieve or go places I'm not ready to, or places I've read too much about. There's some really fringey stuff out there too, some is fascinating, some beyond dispiriting....)
You're welcome.
And now it's too early!
I will bookmark your words and refer to them when I have room for more words.
My knowledge base is experiential. And I am just a wee bit on overwhelm.