I don’t know why any of the people stupid enough to take this poison feel they have any right to bestow, or rather, not bestow, ‘forgiveness’ on those of us with eyes wide open, maybe it’s more a case of realising now exactly what they’ve done to themselves and more importantly, to their children! Either way I don’t need ‘forgiveness’ fr…
I don’t know why any of the people stupid enough to take this poison feel they have any right to bestow, or rather, not bestow, ‘forgiveness’ on those of us with eyes wide open, maybe it’s more a case of realising now exactly what they’ve done to themselves and more importantly, to their children! Either way I don’t need ‘forgiveness’ from those too stupid to see what was right in front of their eyes!
I don’t know why any of the people stupid enough to take this poison feel they have any right to bestow, or rather, not bestow, ‘forgiveness’ on those of us with eyes wide open, maybe it’s more a case of realising now exactly what they’ve done to themselves and more importantly, to their children! Either way I don’t need ‘forgiveness’ from those too stupid to see what was right in front of their eyes!
Well said.