That is to your credit that you don't feel a sense of entitlement or 3d superiority to other children of god. However, given the decadence and corruption of 3d society here on Earth, the same cannot be said for those propping the system up, which includes both the slave masters and the willing slaves that obey AUthority in return for something.
All must be burned, purified, and sifted.
The human civilization, in aggregate, has learned to not rely on gods or religions. That is one way to progress, but it also leads to erroneous judgments, such as 2020 where churches obeyed the State, shut down, and did mandatory/recommended shots rather than relying on their so called god or christ for healing. When push came to shove, you saw them for what they truly were. Tombs full of death and rot, white washed to look good on the outside.
The people who refused to OBEY, were considered the heretics and demon worshippers, same as the New and Old Testaments. Right before the civilization blew up or fell, due to ignoring the warnings.
God sent the grace of salvation in 2020, perfection vision 20/20, to both see the evil and not be killed by it. That is why 2020 death rates were lower than in 2019 in aggregate. But the same cannot be said for an unrepentant civilization that actively sacrifices children to moloch planned profit or transgender pedos in 2021. There, their free will choices have consequences.
Now as it was inaccurately described in the doctrine of the rapture, that your brother and sister may fall away and disappear. People will faint for fear, and their hearts will stop, as described in revelations. The merchant ships are out at sea, and not allowed in port.
This materialistic civilization does not need the healing grace of god, it prefers the healing grace of AI/Meta death verse Satans. So be it, that is the consequence of free will. People go to hell not because they are forced to it, but because they choose it of their own will.
Yeah… it’s hard to realize that because I don’t see myself much different from many of the tares. There but for the grace of God go I.
That is to your credit that you don't feel a sense of entitlement or 3d superiority to other children of god. However, given the decadence and corruption of 3d society here on Earth, the same cannot be said for those propping the system up, which includes both the slave masters and the willing slaves that obey AUthority in return for something.
All must be burned, purified, and sifted.
The human civilization, in aggregate, has learned to not rely on gods or religions. That is one way to progress, but it also leads to erroneous judgments, such as 2020 where churches obeyed the State, shut down, and did mandatory/recommended shots rather than relying on their so called god or christ for healing. When push came to shove, you saw them for what they truly were. Tombs full of death and rot, white washed to look good on the outside.
The people who refused to OBEY, were considered the heretics and demon worshippers, same as the New and Old Testaments. Right before the civilization blew up or fell, due to ignoring the warnings.
God sent the grace of salvation in 2020, perfection vision 20/20, to both see the evil and not be killed by it. That is why 2020 death rates were lower than in 2019 in aggregate. But the same cannot be said for an unrepentant civilization that actively sacrifices children to moloch planned profit or transgender pedos in 2021. There, their free will choices have consequences.
Now as it was inaccurately described in the doctrine of the rapture, that your brother and sister may fall away and disappear. People will faint for fear, and their hearts will stop, as described in revelations. The merchant ships are out at sea, and not allowed in port.
This materialistic civilization does not need the healing grace of god, it prefers the healing grace of AI/Meta death verse Satans. So be it, that is the consequence of free will. People go to hell not because they are forced to it, but because they choose it of their own will.
See my comment above.