I just tell them that they are gullible chumps and suckers and not to make a complete jackass of themselves again or I'll never let them hear the end of it. Try shaming. What do you have to lose? Some - quite literally - mindless "friends"?
Shame needs to come back in vogue in a big way. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Now I stomp on those shells.
I just tell them that they are gullible chumps and suckers and not to make a complete jackass of themselves again or I'll never let them hear the end of it. Try shaming. What do you have to lose? Some - quite literally - mindless "friends"?
Shame needs to come back in vogue in a big way. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Now I stomp on those shells.
I just tell them that they are gullible chumps and suckers and not to make a complete jackass of themselves again or I'll never let them hear the end of it. Try shaming. What do you have to lose? Some - quite literally - mindless "friends"?
Shame needs to come back in vogue in a big way. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Now I stomp on those shells.