European Lords Shocked That Serfs Vote Against Policies Designed To Benefit Lords
The Elite are shocked, everyone else saw it coming.
Yesterday’s European elections delivered a shock to the Metropolitan elites. ‘Right wing’ parties came out on top and Green and Left wing parties took a hit.
Italy’s ‘Brother of Italy’ party, led by ‘far-right’ Giorgia Meloni (fun-fact - translation is Georgia Melons) won 28% of Italy’s vote, meaning Melons finds herself in the “kingmaker” role in the EU Parliament.
The right wing, European People’s Party (EPP) remains the biggest group in Parliament and has gained 13 seats since the last election.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s party finished joint second along with far-right AfD. And the Greens in both Germany and Austria did far worse than expected. As a result Belgium’s Prime Minister resigned.
Spain’s conservative ‘People’s Party’ won with over 34% of the vote, ahead of the Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s ‘Socialist Workers Party’.
In France, right wing Le Pen got more than twice the votes of Macron with 31.5% versus 14.5%. The map below shows the areas in brown where the ‘far-right’ prevailed.
As a result, French President Macron dissolved Parliament and called a snap election. There will be two rounds of voting on 30 June and 7 July. This is a big gamble for Macron as he could be handing power to his arch-nemesis. And whilst this is unlikely to mean that Macron would resign as President, it all seems rather unnecessary.
The European elections are not nearly as important as domestic elections and so it seems he could have just ridden this out. Elections for the European Parliament often produce crazy results so why has Macron leapt on these results to cause sudden turmoil in France?
And remember, a similar thing is happening at the exact same time in the UK, with a snap election called for 4th July.
It almost feels like they know something we don’t and they are softening us up for it.
But whilst the Elite’s are shocked this morning, most sane people saw this coming. And this applies to all Western countries, not just France.
Who do they think citizens will vote for when election after election, promises are broken. Instead of working for the people, the neoliberal politicians have made things worse and worse for the everyday person. Not only have they made times tough for everyone but they have destroyed the social fabric that had been built over many generations.
They’ve dismissed concerns on immigration and crime whilst focussing on painting pedestrian crossings rainbow colours. Farmers have been ignored whilst Green ideology has taken hold. And family life has slowly been eroded away whilst biological men have been put into women’s prisons.
The majority of citizens who have felt left behind are self-censored for fear of being labelled far-right. In reality, many of the ‘far-right’ parties are just producing policies which used to be centre-right or traditional right.
Nobody was shocked at last night’s results; this was one massive ‘F**K You’ to Green and Woke ideologies that are constantly being stuffed down people’s throats.
It was the same with Brexit. All the EU had to do was make some concessions and it is likely that the UK would have voted to stay. But European politicians are so dogmatically undemocratic that the British populace had enough and wanted out.
Now, as with Brexit, the European elite don’t see fault in themselves but in the ordinary voter, whom they hate. You can see an example of this in today’s Guardian Opinion where they thank bureaucratic inertia in Brussels for fighting the far-right.
Translation: Democracy only applies to those that agree with us. It is fine for us to use our undemocratic ways on people we disagree with because they are basic Hitler.
The EU is fundamentally undemocratic and the British people could sense that when they voted to leave.
And of course, anything that can’t be blamed on far-right trouble makers, gets blamed on Russia.
Because you are too thick to realise what is good for you. You are obviously stupid if you don’t think becoming poorer due to Green Net Zero nonsense is in your best interests. Thinking that you should be able to see a doctor now and again or that your children shouldn’t be crammed into a tiny classroom means you are clearly a fascist. Especially when you think it might have something to do with immigration.
And because you don’t know what is good for you, it must be because the Russian’s have been playing with your mind. Otherwise, you would have stopped flying and staying warm in the Winter by now.
No one was shocked by last night’s results, except the elites that prosper from their undemocratic, divisive nonsense. It has been a long time coming.
What has been shocking, is the number of rats leaving the sinking ship. The number of politicians resigning and the snap elections being called. Something smells off.
Please. Stop calling them elites. They is us. They come from us. They are every awful cocktail party writ large, filled with the same tiresome graspers and climbers. And if they're starting to slip, we should continue to help them tumble down.
I find this all very amusing... as I was growing up in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, I saw the Conservative, Right-Wing parties constantly pushing for banking de-regulation, and de-regulation of Wall St, allowing banks and Wall Street to gamble with the Public purse, with pensions, mortgages... everything really, allowing banks and Wall St to accrue immense wealth and power, same for the Reagan/Thatcherites who constantly went to bat for Big Corp, once again, allowing and helping Big Corporate to become behemoths, to become monopolies accumulating vast amounts of wealth and power... I remember them (the Right) also being on the side of the Big Brother spying agencies, and the military, who have also grown immensely in power.
Back in those days I remember the Left fighting against all that, trying hard to regulate banks, corporate, Wall St, the rest of 'em. The Left appeared to be constantly trying to keep those elements in check so that they would not accrue too much power or influence.
Now the world is being assaulted on all sides by a Plutocracy made up of all the above-mentioned, and the Left has been corrupted to a level beyond the imagination, and over these past 4 years, it's been the Left that has been (and still are) the most zealously autocratic, the biggest water-carriers for Big Corp, the MIC, etc., while it's now the Right that is seemingly fighting the hardest against the powers that they have helped to create over the past 4 to 5 decades.
I had always considered myself to be Left-leaning since I always thought that regulations were very important in order to keep in check the various players, to prevent them from acquiring too much power and influence.
But now I find myself siding with the Right for the most part because over the past 4 years, they are the only ones who have spoken out against the authoritarian and totalitarian ideologies/rules/mandates of our collective treasonous governments who have all been acting against us and who want to act against our own interest even more so in the very near future.
It's amusing, and it would be funny, if it weren't for the fact that the monsters that the Right has created are so very close to murdering us all by global democide.