Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Good call! No one may have been taught critical thinking in the last fifteen years, but thanks to Substack, and substacks like yours, we are all getting doctorates in psychological operations! I wonder the same things you do, but also wonder if the Powers That Be TM are about to try to achieve Schwab's "coherence" out of the dreaded "fragmentation" by unleashing something new to terrorize us back into mortal fear mode. THEY have unimaginable arsenals.

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I believe COVID was a "proof of concept", but two things occurred that will have a lasting impact. 1) The "vaccine" has lead to too many deaths too quickly, and 2) the people no longer trust public health officials on any level.

I'm sure that other pandemics are planned, but public outrage may develop far too quickly for a similar response to COVID (masks, lockdowns, vaccine development) to work a 2nd or 3rd time. Those in power played their hand, we saw the game plan, and expect the public to be prepared next time.

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Agreed, they cut their nose to spite their face as my mom would say re the masks, lockdowns or any other regulation attempts. This is how I see the public response. Most will be like me, 'kiss my ass in Macy's window' as the older women in the old neighborhood used to say, I never did any of those things. Well, I did wear a mask, a Lone Ranger mask, a sheep mask once when I went in an ER. There is a Covid Cult, the braindead, arrogant, ignorant ones with terribly skewed science who will smile as they roll up their sleeves again. Then there are those just awakening or on the fence, to me those are who we should reach out to with truth. Don't hit them over the head with tons of it though (we do get that daily in substacks), just a little here and there, their own curiosity will do the rest. You see what we've become in such a short time? An intel community and not really meaning to. The writers did, but the readers also sent in great material.

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Unfortunately, those who complied are still amongst us. I can see them doing it again, if not willingly, then with the same "sense of obligation". However, I have definitely started to hear some worried disquiet coming from colleagues who masked and quarantined and rolled up their sleeves without batting an eyelid. There are just far too many heart attacks, strokes and galloping cancers emerging. I just say "oh, there's definitely a lot of info of harms coming out now". I am not volunteering my research services. This is a path they must tread. Will probably mean they only see the controlled release of info, but it's better than nothing.

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As an ancient ‘intel’ guy from the Cold War I am most pleased and impressed that I and others of like experiences and knowledge gained there from are not alone. Thanks much.

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🤣I wore a plague doctor’s mask from day 1 most places and was never ever called on it. Otherwise I wore a ‘statement mask’ usually with snot hanging out of a nose printed on it (much to the mock disgust of the ladies and, thereby, to my devilish satisfaction). 😈 Still have these in reserve.

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I considered wearing a lone ranger mask!!

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BTW, I for one thank all the readers. We are in this together.


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WE do also, and they have no idea of what they are.

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Well did he not recently paint us a nasty picture of "ze cyber attack"?!

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Yes he did and I am convinced that we will see "ze cyber attack" too. I think its baked into this poison cake. They will probably crash financial systems to create a choke point.

In order to make it through the choke point we will have to accept their new digital currency if we want to eat and pay bills.

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And doctorates in Virology!

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Worse than a new terror is when the hidden hand offers u the ambrosia nanite solution. The true mark that super charfes a persok into transhumanism by changing dna to resist dna mutatiom diseases.

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I wouldn't be surprised that this has already been done. I believe it's Moderna website that contains the operating system.

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It's in their name:


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This covid scammy was just to test the waters...

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Damn, this is fascinating and so relevant. You just set me off on another tangent track, the psychology ( and manipulation ) of this mess is the most fascinating part to me.

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what track did you go down? I agree re the psychology (and sociology) being the most fascinating.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Well, when this all started I already had an active but amateur fascination with group dynamics and 'group think', useful to be aware of anyhow when you manage teams of people but my interest probably goes back to changing homes & schools a couple of times as a kid. I had read Leon Festinger's "When Prophecy Fails" maybe 25 years ago, a fascinating study.

Early in the 'pandemic' I started looking at propaganda, persuasion and reactions, Bernays, O'Donnell, Meeloo etc. I did see this early on as a psychological operation, at least in part.

I will explore the Erving Goffman work, a natural progression from the theories I am aware of and the facts that I see. Seems to me that at the head of this snake is some pretty meticulous planning.

Thank you

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I've been studying this stuff for over a decade, which is why I was impervious to all of the tricks they've been using. Read Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini. He explains the 6 principles which are used to get people to take pre-determined actions. A good site to learn all about this stuff is changingminds.org

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Yes! Thanks for the reminder of this seminal work.

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https://youtu.be/CDF_pIaRzTQ gamers had a cheat code plus zombie apocalypse simulation training.

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I’m somewhat of an aficionado of retribution in its many and varied forms myself. This cannot go unpunished for social disciplinary reasons if nothing else. “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” Vicious, nasty, murderous gangster children. Just sayin’.

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Matthias Desmet’s work over the past few years is very on point and very interesting to see the real time overlay of psychology against the COVID policy and societal compliance backdrop.

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He leaves out the conspirators. Blames us instead.

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Depends on which segment of the populace you consider “us”. The brainwashed evangelists (and conspirators who brainwashed them) are bad, but the majority of those who “go along” are what has enabled every totalitarian regime in history. Their silence deserves, actually requires, a vast amount of blame if we are to ever collectively wake up.

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If I see someone with a mask on these days I consider them of that mind and that they are enabling tyranny and if it's not inside someone else's business premises I will likely tell them the same. But I do like to see the main part of the blame go on the conspirators. Also the reaction of the masked when told what they obviously know to be the truth is interesting these days. As they get no back up from those around them.

Just like Jacinda got no back up when I called her a piece of shit to her face.


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I understand completely, and thank you for your part in pushing back. I don’t have the high profile encounter, but I am an American that went to and international school in Australia, with friends and classmates from all over the world. We had a class that studied “leadership” and how charismatic cults are formed. It’s amazing none of my colleagues recognize the parallels with their means of arriving at their cultish beliefs.

We keep up regularly, and, as the American, I speak up regularly, the other Americans voices truly brainwashed beyond all intelligible reason. The silence of many other cultural colleagues provides hope of a semblance of silent enlightenment, but I’m afraid too many have simply been broken or have bought into the crazy.

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I got the answers to these tests before they were released in 2020 so it is nice to see other people s responses

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Do check out the Yale study of almost 5,000 people from the summer of 2021. Normal size for those studies is 1200 to 1500. Manipulation 101

"Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions"

Erin K. James; Scott E. Bokemper; Alan S. Gerber; Saad B. Omer; Gregory A. Huber

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Reminds me of old millgram experiment

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The Substack run by "bad catitude" showed this one and I always loved it. We are at the intersection of all experiments LOL


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Gordon, Have a look at the book A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth. Details the UK Govt using embedded Behavioural Psychologists to frighten the population on purpose so that they would comply. Utterly Despicable! We had things like adverts saying Pop round to Kill Grandma on the way home if you are not vaxxed and others showing teenagers just dropping dead.

Total, utter, cynical manipulation and boy did it work.

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Once i became enlightened, fear could not be used to control me any more.

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Yes thank you for the reminder, I am aware of Laura's book from a couple of podcasts, and am aware of nudge theory. It's on my list to read ( I have a backlog )

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Ahh, "Nudge." Good old Cass Sunstein.

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Cass admitted that the 9/11 attacks were not carried out by the terrorist but Israel. But it would be best for the nation to look the other way or there would be too much upheaval.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I don't think the public will be very understanding about their loved ones being the ones who were sacrificed to save others when it's quite clear that the threat was not what they were told it was and the solution was likewise not what they were told it was.

I think it's far more likely that the BBC let Aseem Mahotra talk because they can see the public narrative is changing and they have to be seen to be on the right side ("We had no choice in how we reported because the govt threatened us but now we are freedom fighters uncovering the truth for the people"). Elon Musk is probably talking about the side effects because almost everyone is now talking about them, even people who thoroughly believed everything they were told. I know a bunch of old people who were masked, sanitised, jabbed believers in everything the BBC and the British Govt told them. They have now started asking me (as a known nonconformist) whether I have any "proper scientific independent research papers" which clearly show the jabs are dodgy. The BBC and the Govt need to be on the same side as these people - watch them all throw selected fallguys to the wolves in the coming weeks.

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I think you're right a few fallguys/scapegoats might get thrown in front the bus. More likely Chris Whitty than Ferguson or Valance. More likely some obscure MP than Johnson, Sunak or Hancock.

Same in US/Canada/NZ etc. Just different characters.

Media is so abstract they don't need a fallguy.

Meanwhile all the main pieces move off the board with their hoard.

Personally I hope we get some 2023 version (no hanging) of Nuremberg with money rebates, jail terms, asset seizure. Monitored lives for the perpetrators... But I'm doubtful.

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All hangings!

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unhelpful comment

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...And now you come off like the member of the team left behind to manage the mark.

Why, pray tell, should these murdering con men not be hung?

After a trial for their crimes, of course.

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there are laws for committing treason. but they've not been followed for over a century.

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Because traitors make and eforce those laws now

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This applies in NZ as well.

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unhelpful comment

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Why is this an unhelpful comment? The criminals behind this genocide have friends in high places and a lot of money. Put them in jail, and they will be quietly released after a few years as soon as public attention fades.

Also, anything short of the death penalty is simply inappropriate for genocide.

Normies do not understand that psychopaths are hard cases who are simply undeterred by the minor penalties the modern "humane" justice system metes out for offenses. Psychopaths need to be smacked on the head with a proverbial 2 X 4 ... and that's just to get their attention.

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It's unhelpful because are you going to do this? Is Jeff K?

Who, exactly, would you like to be in charge of the hangings and the putting of the heads on the pikes?

Everyone here is such a psych expert but it seems like gross naivete to think that some alphabet agency surveillors are not logging these comments, calling for violence, into their DVE logbook for potential use at just the right time.

Gentle reminder:


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It would be good to consider how we can continue without total chaos. What are the paths to prosecution? Will a particular nation or state lead the way? Like Canadian truckers, but maybe a state-sponsored prosecution of former. A full international trial on the source and backdoor dealings would be good. But like Twitter files probably just add black and white emails to what we already know...

Fauci, Ecohealth, NIH, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Lockstep, WEF Schwab commands to Government cabinets, demands for crazy models Etc. Etc.

Long-term solutions seem to be Twitter trust-as-a-service model.

Ban on US pharma advertising.

Allowing market forces to determine executive pay more (so many corporations and organisations rolled over and took lockdowns as their execs were shielded from consequences)

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On the other hand, silence is your consent to ve ruled aa livestock by the wannabe illuminati.

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I recall the attempt to convict Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge of genocide -- after the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars by a UN task force, none could be found guilty; Pol Pot died in his own bed under house arrest for the last year of his life. Apparently, when one is trying to kill everyone, it cannot be prosecuted properly as "genocide".

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And watch out for some high profile suicides, or rather, murders made to look like suicide!

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Q warned us about Suicide Weekend.

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Bring them on I say, the more the merrier!

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Part of me thinks it could mean when they turn on the 5g and all of the vaxxed suddenly go away. Of course, it would be timed with an event like "Donald Trump will be reinstated as President on 2/14/23 and could possibly win an additional term" and then they'll flip the switch and call it a mass suicide.

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More like kari lake now threatrns em more

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You hit the bullseye.

If you have some good proper scientific independent research papers that clearly show the jabs are dodgy, please post your favorites. I've got my shortlist of good interviews, roundtables, etc., but a curated list of papers would come in handy...

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I don't have a curated list but I'm sure someone has! I rely on people like Joel Smalley and Igor Chudov and John Dee. They all link to the original data.

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The scam behind peer review is that they are competitors colluding together to decide if maverick s stuff is up to their standards. Of course they will suppress their competitors if ground breaking research is done that makes them all obsolete.

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The threat was even greater than they were told. Just they were wrong on the source. The solution was the cause.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's all propaganda, all of it. Oceania has always been at war with East Asia. Folks need to read/re-read 1984, Animal Farm and the Hunger Games trilogy with a more critical eye and ear. We are living these scenarios in real life.

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That’s where I am at now. My skepticism is off the scale, probably closer to paranoia now.

Everyone with a platform and a modicum of notoriety or celebrity who has come out late, done a 180 or quietly gained a “following”, is likely in on it. Judas Goats. Gatekeepers. It seems we are all being herded along narrative pit stops according to where we are in our grasp of the bigger picture.

TV and MSM talking heads and programming herds the majority without much effort. The “edgier” dissidents, truthers, censored voices of the internet, however, have to allow sone loose lips to herd the rest of us along degrees of being “awake”. Consider a continuum from Aseem Malhotra and John Campbell to Russell Brand and Neil Oliver to Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone to RFK Jr and Bret Weinstein to Joe Rogan and Elon Musk to James Delingpole and Masjid Nawaz and so on... with many other “shepherds” in between. (For the record, I do trust some of the fighters out there: Dr Mike Yeadon is the colossus above all of them)

The bigger picture? Socially engineer, obfuscate, gaslight and ultimately deflate the pitchforks and tiki torches, and divert attention from the dawning realisation that a eugenicist democide is being perpetrated. I believe governments eventually will want the outrage, and as it is stage-managed to its peak, they’ll let it loose to destroy trust in all civic institutions.

The common denominator? Not yet clear but somewhere between Quigley’s “The Network”, the weird handshake crowd, eugenicists and the “lizard overlords”, as Tucker Carlson just called them.

Carlin was probably in the big club when he said those famous words. That’s just how they roll.

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"Dr Mike Yeadon is the colossus above all of them."

No question. I have a similar background to his (minus VP, only in "small pharma" and 1/3 of his career span before I moved on) and I can understand his anguish. When the injections roll out started, I was extremely skeptical of this "achievement". The lack of knowledge of the long term toxicity was one thing that puzzled me, along with the fact that it was known that the spike protein was responsible for the clotting and other endothelial damage. Dr. Yeadon was the voice I stumbled upon that shared the same concerns and with no reservations, openly stated that people should simply decline the vaccine. Great soul.

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And Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . .

Dr.SHIVA™ INTERVIEW: Why Joe Rogan Fears A Real Scientist . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWt7mQ2-lIo

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Yes. Another giant that very early provided sound advice. And continues to do so.

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And Tuck is in the club too. We've Read the Documents YT channel has a playlist about him.

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100%. His “lizards” comment is equivalent to the Carlin “big club” comment, if both seen in the context of my post. Faux subversion. Narrative herding.

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I am not paranoid about narrative herding. It is how i managed tonawakej any of u mortals from 2006 onwards

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Agreed. Carlson is one of them. I suspect the late Rush Limbaugh was also. He never told the whole story. He had to know. He worshipped the Bush crime family until the end.

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I am a lot more paranoid than you are, I guess.

First I will mention the exact meaning of being (not) paranoid and being gaslighted (or not/deceived in other way(s)), as I think I 'know' from books, teachers etc in my life so far, so we all talk about the same subjects the same way, and we will understand each other better. And that this necessary to make our world a honest and happy place to live in, will follow directly from the exact meanings of the words, in which proper meaning they are hardly never used and why this is a fact as well as by whom it is probably caused.

In my opinion/conclusions the word 'gaslighting' is in fact used very often lately on 'our side/substack', but unfortunately I did not ever see the word used in its meaning bur only as a more serious/bigger form of 'lying/deceiving etc

I don't know if everyone here really knows what gaslighting actually really is about, nor do I know if we all do use the word in the same meaning, reason for me to try to define it's practical meaning here, as follows.

Gaslighting is all about educate/conditioning people to believe that what they see, hear, feel etcetera is NOT real/reality/actually there/present, but that it only exists in their heads and not in the heads of other people when placed in exactly the same situation as in which they saw /heared /noticed that something.

So the gaslighter must organise (several when necessary to reach goal) completely controllable situations to work out their detailed plan to gaslight their victims. This by educating/showing his or her victim (by repetition when necessary to reach goal) that what they see isn't really there. Or better explained: the goal is to 'disarm' someone by making the person believe that their senses or thoughts are wrong, or aren't real nor shared by other people, and especially that what they see is NOT ACTUALLY PRESENT.

Practically it means the gaslighter controlls what is presented to its victim. For example the gaslighter takes care of putting the gas on in an usually abandened house. So the gas is on, by actually putting it on himself secretly making its victim seeing/noticing the gas is on in some (manipulated) way. The victim of course concludes that there is a dangerous situation, because the gas is on, when there is nobody in the house to controll it.

Then gaslighter says he sees NOTHING and that the house has been abandoned for a long time or something like that...and this situation is being repeated. The gaslightee puts the gas on and off and always says there is no gas on burning, when in fact it is because he made it burning!

The victim keeps on correctly seeing the gas is on, 'reason' for the gaslighter to arrange they can enter the house to check, when of course the gaslighter putting off the gas first properly and on time, so there is no heat left.

This is an actual scene from some movie, I don't know the name of it, maybe it was called 'gaslighting' as well, where this extremely damaging form of manipulation was shown/described for the first time, when actually using this gaslight on/off thing. So that is why this form of manipulation is called 'gaslighting'

So gaslighting is among lots of things lying to people, but lying to people is by far not the same as gaslighting someone!

Gaslighting is in my opinion actually one of the most severely harming forms of abuse man can do to manipulate people.

Gaslighted victims, have become people who were taught that what they saw, are things nobody else sees too. This results inherently in them getting completly isolated because of not having the same reality othere people have. Also because they are shamed of themselves because as when they see things that aren't there, they MUST be mentally ill. And of course because they never know anymore if that what they notice, is actually there...and worse, they were taught it probably isn't. Concluding this, is the consequence of NOT being mentally ill but victims don't know that only deductive reasoning from past unreal experiences that taught them this.

And maybe most depressing fact is the ultimate learned helplessness they were conditioned in...this is because of the fact that succesfully gaslighted people are left alone AND without any tools left to solve their extremely mentally killing problemsituation, because the senses feelings and thoughts they need to do so, are wrong they were taught.

If you see/notice/think/hear things that only you could detect presence of, other people who are, for some reason, not ABLE to notice the same you do, probably will call you paranoid. But in this situation, you are in fact not at all 'paranoid'.

If you see/notice/think/hear things that aren't there, and because of this you are the only one to do so as well, other people not noticing the same as you did, also probably will call you paranoid. And in this situation, when you weren't gaslighted or manipulated to do so, you probably are really 'paranoid'

So 'paranoid' is lately/usually not being used in it original meaning, but to suggest the paranoid person is wrong on what he or see is saying, and worse, because of the suggestion of mental illness! And who is one gaining by abusing the term in this way? Not us, but propagandists, and that are people we don't want to be or look like, and using terms wrongly the same way propagandists do, pollutes our messages, and that is what the propagandists really badly need and want.

So people, please, take a good look at the meaning of words, especially when using the same meaning as propagandists do, because very often their meaning is not only not correct, their meaning is supporting the propagandists instead of your 'healty message'!

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The movie is Gaslight 1944 film noir with Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer, and Angela Landsbury. The gaslighting is just as you describe and in the movie. Charles Boyer convinces Ingrid Bergman that she is imagining changes in the gas in the house lamps, among other things.

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Thank you so much!!

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And the reason I am far more paranoid is because I think the vaxxes and pandemic circumstances are just one of the numerous situations created to distract the world from the fact a global power transaction is placed from almost all governments in the world to the murderous idiot terrorists of WEFleaders and other impostors richest people of the world.

Rich people do own lots of money that previously belonged to other people. Getting rich means other people become poorer.

The richer the rich are, the less they need the money to live their lifes. Why still do they want or need gaining even more and more money for? I don't know. But I do know what is NOT the reason: to show them good and mentally sane people with dito meaningful lives

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Therr is a transfer but it is the other way around from darkness to light. What u see are the cockroaches when u turn on the lights.

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" Getting rich means other people become poorer."

That's not true. It's a distorted way of looking at the world.

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Federal reserve bank. That distortion came from babylom

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Please explain why I am wrong.

During last plandemic a lot of people became poorer, and just a few were getting richer.

In this overall context is what I was talking about.

Do you think my example is wrong too?

I really like to be educated, but just mentioning I am wrong in general without explanation is not going to help us all any further.

To me actually it looks like you saw my remark, and formed an opinion, without taking a look at the actual meaning of my comment as a whole. Which also can be wrong according to you of course, but a wrong statement can fit a wrong comment. In this case my polarised remark served the goal of my comment.

It is probably possible to write a billion books about this topic.

And it is true that I really do think that when I pay someone, in most cases I get poorer and the other one get richer.

And I know the big banks created inflation, extra money, and a zillion other tricks to make the amount of money grow, but far most transactions aren't covered with extra money, so I really like to know what you are trying to tell me with your criticism, because, please without wanting to be rude, I don't get it (right?)

Kind regards and hopefull you like to react on this comment, but if you do not like it, or not want to do so, please don't. I will respect whatever you choose:-)

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Generally the comment about the rich would imply u r a socialist. So the likely disagreement is on socialism vs capitalims. Which isnjust another red vs blue sports match. Fake fighting.

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About money and why rich people want more and more of it: Money is power to make other people do what you want. Money can also protect/insulate people from ordinary and some extraordinary risks/dangers/mishaps/tragedies that humans can experience.

One small example: I knew a woman who was born in the U.S. in the mid-1920's. She remarked, "The Great Depression didn't affect my family. It was something I learned about in school." Her family was not extremely rich, but her father steadily earned a good income providing a service that wealthy people were happy to pay for . . . because they, too, were not affected by the Great Depression.

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Thank you for your reply... I knew a bit about power and money, and money and power... the rich people I ment were actually not 'just' wealthy people, but the extremely rich people. And I kind of thought they already had more power than ever needed for whatever they wanted and or needed...

Your comment clearly explains that I was not only very wrong on that assumption but as well about what the current 'mental global war' is about..the ones that own about half our planet think more money and more power than owned, is always better, so in their minds they do not have it all untill they REALLY own it all.

To think this way, they have their focus on everything they do not own. That is exactly opposited to my way of thinking. To my it looks like a totall sad waste of time. If I was rich like them, and also when this os not the case, I would prefer a nice talk to friends and family, take a walk with the dogs, and a 1000 things more to do first;-)

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The qasbal used the riots to burn down the property of businesses they compete with, then they buy those properties up at a huge discount afterwards. This is how sociopaths and mafia think.

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That is basically why psych institutes exist. To gaslight telepaths

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You’re certainly not paranoid!

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“You’re not paranoid if they are really out to get you.”

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Yeah I have always read his words as a possible "suck it up". Just like Gervais a few years ago who laid into the minions not the producers & studio owners.

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I’d love to actually see a continuum of “trusted” names from least to most. For example, did you write them out in any sort of order above? I’m deeply concerned about being manipulated or gaslit at this point. I believe RFK Jr is to be trusted. Am I right? Is he on the continuum to the far right/trusted? Sage H. writes about Sherpa (RM) enough to cause me serious pause. I would never have guessed. I realize it’d be a dynamic continuum that requires updating, but for those of us who Remained Strong, the need to resist being duped, even subtly, is more important than ever.

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Thr only ones u can trust r the true god creator and yourself. Everyone else us just an actor on a stage

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You can add JJ Couey to the list above. He had it correct from the beginning.

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Sodium fluoride. Chem trails. This is the only beginning of how they tried to kill us all. Involuntary sterilization in usa. Happened and forgotten.

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Think back through the years. All the government scandals and crooked political people that, when exposed, were swept under the rug and the population just forgot about it all. People are so dull.

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Matrix slaves that think they r free. God has a hard time waking em up

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Recently binged watched "The Hunger Games." My intuition has served me well during this plandemic. Haven't had TV since 2014, only Roku and movies. Won't watch Anything post 2020 either.

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Dc gulag. Hunger games capital

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Animal Farm? Or Lord of the Flies foretell CV-19. The Hunger Games are more about what to do now and we aren't helpless, although many feel intimidated or have a 'what can I do?' attitude.

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Yep and I always tell them "USE CASH". It is so simple that people don't think it can do anything and they are so addicted to the convenience of a credit card. Yet if you want to stop the Digital-ID/Vax-Passport/Cashless debacle they are telling us they will do next, you have to keep cash in circulation. I'm at about 50/50 cash/CC and working on it.

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The shop i contract for uses a smart payment carrier. They charge 1 or 2 percent for credit card charges to the user. They then end up using their debit card cause they dont get any cash back and the credit card banks dont get their 5% or whatever ridiculous fee they charge shops for use.

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V for Vendetta is pretty similar.

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The lord of the flies is of coursw more demonic indoc. When the real british boys landed at an island they created a fair society and got rescued.

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I have been calling this pandemic "COVID-1984".

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Just look up thr 12 year old plot summary of deus ex on ytube. Gives u all the plot of 2020 but back in 2000

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Gattaca is more relevant these days

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This may sound weird, but I find the film Nineteen Eighty-Four w/ John Hurt comforting for some reason.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

Yeah that is odd. I found the film so hard to watch despite knowing the story having read the book in high school. You just keep hoping for the protagonist when there is none.

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I had told people for many years it was coming true and urged them to watch it, but they scoffed. Now when I watch it, I only see how right I was and that I wasn't the crazy one.

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I have done the same. I first read it when I was 12. It made such a big impression. I have been watching for the signs since then. I have seen them accumulate. I have told people. They have no interest, no curiosity.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I think that you are right. It’s gotten too big to ignore and they’re trying to manage public reaction.

Your analysis is spot on.

I also had the feeling that something wasn’t right.....

I replied to a comment on another thread about ‘the dam starting to break’ regarding the vax narrative.

I posted that it looked to me like ‘they’ may have put in a spillway(of information) in order to save the dam.

Your analysis is way better.....

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I think your analogy of a spillway being put in to save the dam is excellent.

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The transfected don't want to hear about the danger of what they injected into themselves and their loved ones. Publicizing the truth in a low key way with no great outcry, is just what allows the duped transfected to react to our attempts to make them aware, by telling us "so what, it's not being suppressed, it's just not that big a deal". I think there are too many people who don't have their own sensorium for independently assessing whether something is really bad news and a scandal. They just assess issues based on the media treatment the issues get.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

Spot on.. How to move the needle on the transfected?

Give them some hope (https://covid19criticalcare.com/reducing-cardiac-risk-after-covid-19-vaccination/)

and THEN they can look at the ugly.

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At the same website, people can click on "Treatment Protocols" and find detailed information about prevention and treatment of a wide variety of adverse effects of the COVID spikeshots. I tell people "The COVID 19 'vaccines' are causing serious health problems for many people, BUT there are really good doctors who have already figured out how to prevent and treat many of these health problems. Good help is available for people who got the shot and wish they hadn't!"

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PROTOCOLS . . . OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Thank You!!!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I absolutely share your distrust.

The Epoch Times has done exactly the thing you were suggesting about "cooling the mark" by meekly suggesting forgiveness, apologies and money handouts for the dead.

I took them to task:


The conspiracy theorist community have another term for this sort of thing: limited hangout. An attempt to head-off a wider exposure by releasing a much smaller one.

Until Elon Musk explicitly condemns the fact Tesla manufacture mRNA for CureVac, I still will not trust him. He seems to be trying to suggest the shots don't do anything until the fourth, but VAERS had clear cases of people dying after the first. Plus, no guarantees what he got was the real deal without proof.

Meanwhile they want to keep the mRNA acceptability criteria confidential. Your money *and* your life, demand the robber-barons:


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I tell everyone expecting any form of amnesty or forgiveness that "There is NO amnesty or forgiveness for war crimes" and I cite them the things they were NOT allowed to do that they did or advocated for "Force, Fraud, Deceit, Duress, Containment or Coercion".

If they were advocating or doing any of those then F'em.

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There are so many reasons to doubt Musk. Just survey his life up until now.

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Musk is what I call a "manic pioneer." Highly energetic and driven, super-smart, gathers a great team and does some brilliant pioneering work like developing re-usable rockets. Escalates further and further into grandiosity and ends up going off the deep end -- doing batpoop crazy stuff like setting out to fill the sky with thousands upon thousands of short-lived satellites (that have to be replaced every 5 years) for no good reason, with no consideration that the sky is "commons" and he doesn't own it. Manic pioneers are love-em or hate-em kinds of people, and usually competitive and pugnacious, so along the way they collect plenty of enemies. When the manic pioneer goes nuts, those enemies are eager to shred him/her to bits and they gleefully throw the manic's earlier brilliant work in the trash can along with the crazy crap, because the brilliant work humiliated and embarrassed them given their own (mediocre) achievements.

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Howard Hughes anyone? Yes, I’m that old. 😫

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Hey, if I was dead from a spikeshot, I'd sure appreciate a money handout. Forgiveness? Forget it. Apologies? I'm not that big a fool.

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Money handout? What money? The worthless fiat inked-up paper that they just keep printing to cause inflation and impoverish us all? While the Masters of the Universe accumulate more land, gold and other precious metals and possessions? Ownership of the known world? Killing off of the useless eaters? Like California's giving millions and millions of paper to black people for reparations?

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Sure, worthless fiat inked-up paper money would be fine. Because it would be every bit as valuable to me as gold coins. Because I'd be dead.

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I’d trust the ‘robber barons’ of old far more than any of the current crop of tech billionaires......

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Hadn’t thought of it that way and I heartily agree.

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Elon recently talked about the troubles 9f the shots hapoening to him and close blood relatives

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Read C J Hopkins' latest post on this. Musk is performing as per the limited hangouts playbook to 'normalise' adverse events, give the plebs hope that the ones dishing out jabs are going to actually have to suffer consequences.

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Even if that is true, it doesn't affect my Divine Plans. He is being used by both sides of light vs dark in a sense.

For example in a black vs white chess match, the check of black vs white may endanger white, but it can also endanger black's king by leaving a hole in their defense, creating a counter check mate move. If black fails to continue the check attack and fails in the check mate, then the counter attack will wreck them instead. That is also what happened on 2020. And 2021 with Russian Federation aka Israel.

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I covered his flip. He publicly declared he was a vaccine refusenik about a month before he started work with CureVac on manufacturing mRNA shots:


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Maybe there are two Elons? Sorta like phsyical Klaus Schwab and deep fake digital Schwab.

I also know of many who didn't want to get the cheats, but felt coerced or intimidated into it. THat's the story of humanity, people are just too weak to fight against evil vampires and ets.

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I noticed that in the Epoch Times as well. I call it the Fox News Syndrome creeping crud.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I was in policing when they started going hard with liaison officers being assigned to victims/families. It was fairly obvious to the cynical amongst us that the main purpose was to 'manage' the disappointment/anger at the inevitable failures of the investigation/prosecution process. And it works - observed many victims/families thanking investigators prosecutors for completely failing.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Hey NE. I think everyone with critical thinking skills should be (and probably is) mulling over all the possibilities and trying to work out what is going on. I highly doubt that any of us have worked out the full picture - and I'd be very cautious of anyone who claims to have a monopoly on "truth" on our side.

Just to add to your headf***, this has been annoying me of late. The government has put defibrillators in schools in the UK. Just before the New Year they announced over a thousand new defibrillators in public spaces:


Then we had this Express headline which all the major newspapers in the UK covered in some way (this was presumably the story that lead to Malhotra giving his statins interviewon the BBC:


Right....put almost 40% of the population on statins to stop heart attacks and strokes....ok.

I have no idea what this means. Is this just normalization? Ed Dowd says he has been told there will be a narrative switch and the vaxx injuries will be blamed on Long Covid and maybe Climate Change. Are people dumb enough to fall for this (especially the latter)?

Also, if Musk involved, then be very wary. That guy is not to be trusted

CJ Hopkins wrote a very good piece on this recently, it all ties into the same thing:

"If you are one of the many people who now appear to seriously believe that military-contractor oligarchs like Elon Musk and narcissistic ass clowns like Alex Berenson are going to deliver us from the New Normal Reich, and “prosecute Fauci,” and end corporate censorship, or in any way meaningfully bite the hand of the global-capitalist system that feeds them, you may want to give those columns a miss."


Finally, I don't know if you are aware of this website: https://politicalmoonshine.com/

I think they are doing a pretty good job of piecing it all together - in no way is it complete but they are getting somewhere close to something resembling the truth. They are a bit too pro-Trump for me, given all he has done, but other than that a lot of their research tallies with my own.

There's a lot to ponder. Just because you ARE seemingly "paranoid" doesn't mean they aren't out to get you! Or something. I've been watching a lot of prepper videos of late and keep hearing the term "keep your head on a swivel" (meaning practicing the art of situational awareness). I regard thinking through the permutations of all this is nothing more than critical thinkers keeping their heads on a swivel.

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Good, usefull and helpfull comment! Thank you very much Baboon, again;-)

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My pleasure Mig, thank you. I'm really hopeful that the community here on Substack will "crack the case" (I regard this website as an open-source intelligence platform) but there's so much to read, so much to digest and so much that is hidden from us.

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Information war 101, still we do our best!

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Yup, normalization.

Under guise of concern for the kids. "Urgent" concern.


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That makes sense. A 24 year old professional athlete who has to deal with forces in the hundreds if not thousands of kilograms on his body is just like going to school....????

These people are morons but the people who fall for this are at least doubly so.

Can you imagine the fun we are going to have arguing with people who believe that climate change is killing people via strokes and heart attacks? 😪

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Soon enough...

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A one way ticket to Mars never sounded better.

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I’ve been thinking that for at least fifty years.

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To paraphrase Flounder in Animal House, “This is gonna be Great!”

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Something to keep in mind is the military have weapons we have no idea about, and plans under what scenarios they will be used.

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I don't think I've seen Fauci without a greenscreen for over a year. Where is this guy? Is it him or the Max Headroom version?

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I too find it odd they let Malhotra on the BBC. They clearly know what his views are. That's not to accuse Malhotra himself of anything sinister (I don't have any evidence of that).

One thing they need damage control on is attempting to prevent Covid vaxx injured, & those sympathetic to vax injured, becoming full on antivax. They used the societal kudos of the cult of vaccines to promote their new product (even though it isn't a vaccine, technically speaking) and now using that cult has the potential to backfire on all vaccines if there is too much death. Too late for to stop some people going down that route but they have got to bolster confidence in their overall vaccine programs for paediatrics (which they rely on for money and causing vaccine injuries which make more money), and also creating the kind of people they need in this society (i.e. creating low level social retardation via aluminium poisoning in adjuvants physically making us isolated from each other as well as the isolation created by the social structures but now I sound like Toby Rogers...)

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I for one shall never take another injection by my own free will and would never give any of their rotten injections to babies

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It is too late for that. Lots of people have shifted from wary to full-out anti-vax (including me). Betrayal of trust has a way of doing that, and whatever else is going on, that is going to be a biggie.

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Now check what sodium fluoride in water does to people

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No worries. Plenty more true conspiracies to fijd in 2023

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I seem to remember Elon musk on camera a while back being asked if he was vaccinated- to which he replied he wasn't ( something about not being in a high risk group) Maybe I dreamt it......

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That's before they were widely available or rolled out. He might have had to take them to keep SpaceX contracts going. But would have spaced the doses right out and switch vaccine order and maker to reduce impact. E.g. Moderna then Pfizer with only 4weeks between doses had ten times the risk than vice versa with 8 weeks spacing. That kind of game play.

Ultimately he's a dunce if he actually took 4 of them and could have it faked it easily at the level of medical care he gets.

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Apparently it was J&J and 2 boosters. His line that "he had to because Germany said so" is so pathetic.

What do Elon Musk, Ron Unz, Steve Kirsch & Robert Malone have in common?

They all have vastly higher IQ's than me (up to double in the of Unz) and they all took the shots and I didn't.

Thank god for the INT-J personality and George Carlin LOL.

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No, they didn't take these shots. They told you so, but it is a lie.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

ISTJ here (one question from ESTJ) and I didn't take kill shot either.

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Ha great to have you here. Of all the types the STJ's have given me the most grief in any organization I've been involved with. But there's always a few who surprise me.

They are called the 'inspector' and those I know who refused the jab seem to have used that suspicious side of them, that spots when details don't match up, to come to their decision. I admire your lots ability to make decisions quickly (cf us intuitives) but sadly too many decided TOO quickly b/c of their natural respect for authority structures combined with their love of closure rather than inspecting the details for themselves.

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I played deus ex in 2000. Look at the ytube 12 year old plot summary. Gamers and astrologers, we knew. What society belittles has a good reason.nsurvivors are hard to kill

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Ha, I know INTJ's who are still taking the juice and refuse to listen to reasoned arguments nevermind gut feelings (intuitions). Damn frustrating when intuitive insights is the main thing I have to offer! I also know some ISTJs, who typically follow authority figures without question more than other types, who were suspicious from the start.

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True but the numbers were still pretty impressive for those personality traits. INT-J, INF-J, INF-P, INT-P combined are 11% of the population and they made up over half the refuseniks. There will be other types who didn't get it and some INT/INF's did but punching above our weight class like that is impressive.

I'm glad some other types didn't get the shots. Can you imagine a world with the vast majority being INT/INF? LOL. It'd be entertaining, that's for certain.

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Where did you get the numbers based on personality traits?

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Ha, it would suck TRM. Us dreamers (my wife and I are both INF) don't thrive taking care of daily practical details!

Still kinda surprised that so many ESTP's, who usually rebel against being told what to do (SO many end up being self-employed), rolled up their sleeves so quick. I guess, ultimately, social approval is more important for them than it is to INF/INT sorts who have often come to accept that we must forge our own authentic path.

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Even bonginontook thr shots. Fear is a powerful weapon vs mortals. No effect on me now

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No politician or likes of Elon Musk took any real Covid injections. Come on... :D

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The people here actually are dreaming about reasons to spontaneously trust Elon Musk, which I do not understand

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Thank you. Again I urge people to review Elon's life and endeavors and known statements. His behaviors and choices.

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There is more chance od me taking it...no way he took it

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If I understand the tweet correctly, Scott Adams is saying that he has an injury as well as his cousin, not Elon Musk. Scott Adams has been complaining about his health for a while now and if he finally acknowledges it’s vaccine injury I don’t see it as part of a conspiracy

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The tweet was Elon Musk's reply to a Scott Adams tweet about a Rasmussen poll.

Here is the link to the tweet and if you scroll up, you can see Scott Adam's tweet that Elon replied to.


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There's a theory that we're not watching the real Elon Musk and it's a guy in a mask.

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And what would be the actual difference (to us)? Why/for what/to whom does it matter?

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Before you scoff, watch these two videos...


This is an official branch of the military...


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OG Elon was cabal and doing their bidding in the Technocratic/Transhumanist Agenda for the NWO. A guy in a mask could be a white hat using his identity in a PsyOp against black hats. His avatar carries a lot of Social Proof and his true believers are easily influenced by him, so it could be an influence operation. I don't see Tesla surviving after the Operation is over, so why would he be seemingly destroying it? The Left basically hates him now because he "flipped" to the "Extreme Right" and the Right mostly don't want electric cars.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes this definitely feels orchestrated: The Controlled Reveal. Let a bit of steam out of the kettle to diffuse anger, and move on to the revised narrative which will be:

The vaccine roll-out was a triumph…have to acknowledge… people harmed…mistakes made…lessons learned…deadly pandemic…unprecedented medical emergency….heroes….announce new public holiday in their honour…Covid Day

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Oh yes probably to replace one of the other holidays that are now politically incorrect.

Could be March 13th which was when WHO declared the pandemic.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I think this brilliant post is spot on.

Doubt very much that Elon has taken the poison. His reference to his cousin is something of a non sequitur - ‘had’ myocarditis, ‘had’ to be hospitalized. All right then, why no mention of how he is now? Myocarditis does not go away, as a simple search will tell him. Wonder how much he knows about it.

As for Ardern - what presumption!

Claims to be human, claims to be kind - say what? Then actually says that her family has made the biggest ‘sacrifice’, perhaps, of all.

No, madam, they have not. The dead and injured are the ones who have been sacrificed, not of their own volition, but because of you, your medical minions, and your corruption. You have never served the people of New Zealand, but rather a terrorist cabal intent on subjugating the peoples of the world - or what will be left of them following the genocidal effects of your and your masters’ actions. Begone with you, albeit too late.

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‘Had’ a ‘case’ of myocarditis like it was an episode of the flu or poison ivy and now over. Did anyone catch that? My husband burst out laughing. Now we will just be having a case of heart failure or cancer. Maybe now treatable with an mRNA shot.

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And what does everyone make of the Musk comment

“I dunno.”

Seriously, someone who is a purported genius, practical, with unprecedented access to information and to people who do know? Someone we are told who cares so much about his kids just doesn’t know and takes three shots and mixes platforms to boot. That comment was meant to legitimize the state of uncertainty. Maybe there still isn’t enough data? Right now I am seeing a lot of fence straddlers. Hedging bets to ultimately claim some credit for being partially correct. I think their role is to make you believe no one could really have known until just recently. To normalize that idea for the hoodwinked. “I dunno” felt like the crafted theatric gosh darn it bro speak and persona of con artist Sam Bankman-Fried. It is okay to be clueless. That is when Musk alarms went of for me. I have been hopeful with an open mind about his real goal and role in all this. But Naked Emperor provides a framework for understanding Musk’s mysterious behavior as well. Censorship with regard to all things Ukraine and what US and NATO are really doing there still happens on Twitter. That war is part of the long game plan to destroy what sovereignty we all have as people and as nations.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel… https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/zelensky-biden-satanism-war-greed

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . .

Dr.SHIVA 2024: Elon Musk is a Scumbag - The Ultimate Agent of Government Censorship . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KOXvsmQvTQ

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Government Frontmen & Fake Fighters: Musk & Kennedy . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u90ymb2gF4I

Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: U.S. Out of NATO – Support Our Veterans . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxWUr3hdt3g

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Maybe normalizing. Yes they had it and now are fine, so no big deal.

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Arden, like Biden and Trudeau, is just a consummate liar. She'll say whatever words are required at the time to get the result she hopes for. Why anyone ever believed anything she said is beyond me. Same with Biden - he's been caught lying SO MANY times over his life it's ridiculous to take anything he takes seriously unless it's a Freudian slip. When they accuse an opponent of anything it's smoke and mirrors to hide the fact they're already doing, or setting up to do, the exact thing.

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100% agree, well said. If only Trudeau could be got rid of too. Two out of three so far, fingers crossed.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The destruction of Government credibility and integrity for their plandemic policies would be a convenient next step for a bunch of elite working towards a Global world Government.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I do find it strange that Malhotra has not been silenced. Who knows about Musk?

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There are not such things as faillures or strange things. Damage controll is also not a realistic scenario.

This global epidemic plan is globally worked out on the minute with governments all over the world taking measures not a single sane well informed person would even consider taking, and that I am the only person here who thinks they have a different plan than we were told they have, is the only reason for us to not understand their plan, instead of suggestion again and again that they are making the same 'mistakes' again and again, for forthy years now, when completely highly intelligently informed.

Guys, when this is going on, it is not even likely mistakes you see, but the only conclusion possible is that those 'mistakes' and 'unnecessary risks' they made, are in fact just measures taken for their sake, because we do know they took them at our expenses, paid for with their lives by many. At best. I think they know someone who can count and or read statistics, if they dont already themselves

And that is a strange fact, but as well is the fact that people keep on talking about this epidemic bullshit is if it is about peoples health, which all proof we have is supporting reasons we were not told about and are about anything but health, and all about illegal and by almost all people in the world unwanted power transition(s) from our so called decocratic governments to not choosen rich (WEF) idiots with plans to kill 12 out of 13 people globally. Sometimes I actually do think they have already started to work their plans out

But I can be very very wrong and or paranoid!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter


Basically that's the con.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Edited once I realized I have poor reading skills. Sorry. You’ve hit the nail on the head. “Controlling the Mark” perfectly describes the BS that has been inflicted on the public for years. I’m increasingly convinced of this and that it has been going on for far far longer than I ever imagined. While we are celebrating the exit of Ardern and the other bad actors( please, please take Trudeau with her) few seem to worry about who will replace them. I fear it will just be the same evil reptiles with fresh faces.

Hope you dont mind but I’m going to steal the phrase “ Controlling the Mark”

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