Please. Stop calling them elites. They is us. They come from us. They are every awful cocktail party writ large, filled with the same tiresome graspers and climbers. And if they're starting to slip, we should continue to help them tumble down.
Please. Stop calling them elites. They is us. They come from us. They are every awful cocktail party writ large, filled with the same tiresome graspers and climbers. And if they're starting to slip, we should continue to help them tumble down.
That's clever, but the point I am trying to make is that we ought to stop acting as though these guys are some unrelated species released upon us by meteor fragments reactivated by water, or something.
welp, I disagree. The useless eliters are different from everyone I know. The eliters have no conscience, no moral compass, have no qualms at all about killing millions for money, for power. I don't know anyone like that, family, friends, even occasional acquaintances. Yes, apparently they are the same species as us, but something has happened to them where they have lost the qualities that my friends and family hold most dear: love, compassion, empathy, willingness to help others, faith in God or connection to spirit. My sense of the useless eliters is that they know nothing of these normal human tendencies and emotions.
I suggest you learn some real history. Blaming ordinary people for this ‘predicament’ is gaslighting. We are in the throes of a very long game and we are merely pawns.
Yes but "they" ARE the self proclaimed elites and "we" keep voting for their puppets and lauding their alleged selfless service and philanthropy. If you have not already I recommend checking out an academic research work titled Rockerfeller: controlling the game, this will offer insight into these elites, what they want and how they go about manipulation of "we the people" to get it. and they are close now...
Everyone middle-class and above is the "connected class."
We failed to use our power during this our Plague Era and that is on us. These are miserable shabby people with lousy taste who spend their lives going to conferences and creating more bureaucratic jobs for their children and their children's friends.
If we are too lazy to stop buying what they want us to buy and if we are incapable of forming the alliances we need to provide legal services and emergency fund for the people they go after, we deserve to keep losing.
Agreed, although using the term elites clarifies whom we’re discussing. I would be happy with ‘elite’s’ in quotes so we know it’s a self-given title. It identifies the group but also says we know the title is BS.
Please. Stop calling them elites. They is us. They come from us. They are every awful cocktail party writ large, filled with the same tiresome graspers and climbers. And if they're starting to slip, we should continue to help them tumble down.
Have been saying the same thing for years! I always refer to them as parasites or just plain scumbags.
Yes. Scumbags are perfectly normal.
Useless eliters.
That's clever, but the point I am trying to make is that we ought to stop acting as though these guys are some unrelated species released upon us by meteor fragments reactivated by water, or something.
welp, I disagree. The useless eliters are different from everyone I know. The eliters have no conscience, no moral compass, have no qualms at all about killing millions for money, for power. I don't know anyone like that, family, friends, even occasional acquaintances. Yes, apparently they are the same species as us, but something has happened to them where they have lost the qualities that my friends and family hold most dear: love, compassion, empathy, willingness to help others, faith in God or connection to spirit. My sense of the useless eliters is that they know nothing of these normal human tendencies and emotions.
These are all the children of ordinary mostly middle-class people.
"Elitist" is better. As is "narcissist." Narcissus is their god.
They is us and I ain't gonna go along with the evasion of responsibility for our predicaments.
I suggest you learn some real history. Blaming ordinary people for this ‘predicament’ is gaslighting. We are in the throes of a very long game and we are merely pawns.
I suggest you learn history yourself.
They are at the bottom of the bell curve when it comes to humility. Some of us at least try to be on the other side.
If you want to argue that they're the product of a sick system with backward incentives, I won't disagree.
What shall we term this cadre of grasping midwits? idiocracy is too kind. It fails to capture the blatant self interest.
Saw a meme the other day, along the lines of: There are those that feed the soil, and those who just steal the fruit.
"Us." Every extended family has people like that in it.
Yes but "they" ARE the self proclaimed elites and "we" keep voting for their puppets and lauding their alleged selfless service and philanthropy. If you have not already I recommend checking out an academic research work titled Rockerfeller: controlling the game, this will offer insight into these elites, what they want and how they go about manipulation of "we the people" to get it. and they are close now...
I've heard them referred to as the "connected class" which maybe makes more sense.
Everyone middle-class and above is the "connected class."
We failed to use our power during this our Plague Era and that is on us. These are miserable shabby people with lousy taste who spend their lives going to conferences and creating more bureaucratic jobs for their children and their children's friends.
If we are too lazy to stop buying what they want us to buy and if we are incapable of forming the alliances we need to provide legal services and emergency fund for the people they go after, we deserve to keep losing.
I call them predator class, def not elites.
Agreed, although using the term elites clarifies whom we’re discussing. I would be happy with ‘elite’s’ in quotes so we know it’s a self-given title. It identifies the group but also says we know the title is BS.