I find this all very amusing... as I was growing up in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, I saw the Conservative, Right-Wing parties constantly pushing for banking de-regulation, and de-regulation of Wall St, allowing banks and Wall Street to gamble with the Public purse, with pensions, mortgages... everything really, allowing banks and Wall St to acc…
I find this all very amusing... as I was growing up in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, I saw the Conservative, Right-Wing parties constantly pushing for banking de-regulation, and de-regulation of Wall St, allowing banks and Wall Street to gamble with the Public purse, with pensions, mortgages... everything really, allowing banks and Wall St to accrue immense wealth and power, same for the Reagan/Thatcherites who constantly went to bat for Big Corp, once again, allowing and helping Big Corporate to become behemoths, to become monopolies accumulating vast amounts of wealth and power... I remember them (the Right) also being on the side of the Big Brother spying agencies, and the military, who have also grown immensely in power.
Back in those days I remember the Left fighting against all that, trying hard to regulate banks, corporate, Wall St, the rest of 'em. The Left appeared to be constantly trying to keep those elements in check so that they would not accrue too much power or influence.
Now the world is being assaulted on all sides by a Plutocracy made up of all the above-mentioned, and the Left has been corrupted to a level beyond the imagination, and over these past 4 years, it's been the Left that has been (and still are) the most zealously autocratic, the biggest water-carriers for Big Corp, the MIC, etc., while it's now the Right that is seemingly fighting the hardest against the powers that they have helped to create over the past 4 to 5 decades.
I had always considered myself to be Left-leaning since I always thought that regulations were very important in order to keep in check the various players, to prevent them from acquiring too much power and influence.
But now I find myself siding with the Right for the most part because over the past 4 years, they are the only ones who have spoken out against the authoritarian and totalitarian ideologies/rules/mandates of our collective treasonous governments who have all been acting against us and who want to act against our own interest even more so in the very near future.
It's amusing, and it would be funny, if it weren't for the fact that the monsters that the Right has created are so very close to murdering us all by global democide.
"You like potato and I like potahto. You like tomato and I like tomahto. Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let’s call the whole thing off." https://vk.com/wall-63134836_2546
The binary left/right charade seems a distraction? There are corporate entities spruiking neo-Marxist claptrap, and corporate entities locked into crony capitalism, while the technofascist entities remodel the 19th century 'company store' (fascism is a product of the Left, Giovanni Gentile, disciple of Marx, father of fascism) and the political parasites remain co-dependent on the delusion of being centre stage. What or where is 'the right'... except largely a manufactured figment of the dystopian imagination of the propaganda/indoctrinating MSM ?
The greed for power or greed for influence or greed for money.... looks the same any which way. Mankind needs to re-find its soul.
I was merely talking about the Left/Right as we understood it way back then when we were captured, when we did not appreciate that the ruling class was keeping us divided, keeping us from uniting as a working class to compete against our overlords.
But I do believe that back then, the majority of the population could very well be classified as either of Leftist ideology or Rightist ideology... there was a segment of the population that was constantly screaming for the deregulation of everything, a "let the market decide" ideology, and there was a segment of the population that constantly wanted to put restraints on various entities, as they well understood that there was peril in allowing these entities to go about their daily activities totally unfettered. So it seems that back in those days, there was nearly half the population that would identify with one of those designations (Left or Right), and nearly the other half would identify with the other. Nowadays it's a much more mixed bag.
I'd always thought that "the Right" was greedy and power hungry, but from what I've seen these past few years, I am starting to think that those who identify as "Left" are even more power-hungry control-freaks than they are greedy.
Mankind re-finding its soul, re-learning principles, morality, ethics is urgent, and it is no accident that mankind, for the most part, no longer understands nor possesses these qualities/ideologies, this absence of virtue has been achieved by our ruling class through very deliberate policies and actions.
Thank you for your considered reply. It is gratifying to observe a growing number sensing and critiquing the anti-human, 'nihilistic' trajectories the "UN" "WEF" "UNEP" et al. appear engaged in. It appears such entities are embarked upon a social, economic, moral, ethical and spiritual dead end, wittingly or otherwise. Most people eventually reject unsurvivable dead-ends?
And thank you, I was just in the process of writing you to clarify and expand on my contention that society has been purposely dumbed down and amoralized by our ruling class muppets... I was going as such:
Great point (tax exemption) ... and Elizabeth Nickson does indeed paint a dire picture. Nevertheless, at some ill-defined point, the kakistocratic parasites may find their only place of sanctuary is a retreat to their bunkers. Billions or millions with literally nothing left to lose ... now there's a sight. As for CBDCs, and all things stupidly 'digital'....surely someone has figured out that their dependence on a reliable power supply is an absurdly vulnerable achilles heel...
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear... I was specifically referring to the comment I had posted under Ms. Nickson's article, the Norman Dodd interview, and the Reese Committee.
The Nickson article on water is a whole different issue.
Then there is the Why Big Oil Conquered the World documentary that ties everything together, if you haven't seen that one yet, once you've viewed it, I expect you would agree that it is a Must-See.
Explains the whole Eugenics/depopulation obsession of the ruling class, and the whole UN, Climate Change, Conservation, Sustainable Development agendas and how they benefit by taking control of the globe's resources while further enslaving us.
As for when they clamp down on us, they will sit back in their bunkers, as you mentioned and watch us destroy ourselves in the darkness of a powerless (no electricity) world.
I can relate to what you said. I used to think the Left was the political group of compassion and caring. What we didn't foresee is how thoroughly power corrupts and how easy is it for corrupting influences like Pharma to corrupt those "regulatory" agencies. I've become very much against empire, against big government, against the EU, the UN, the WHO. Empire is the worst form of government if for no other reason that it's too easy for the oligarchs and the multinational corporations to corrupt the government agencies that rule over the empire.
It's easy for Pharma to corrupt ONE "regulatory" agency (okay, maybe 3, the FDA, CDC, and NIH). Once they've done that, they rule the empire and everyone in it. It would be much more difficult if we had true democracy at the local level, where the states gov't and federal gov't could NOT overrule decisions made at the local level. Then Pharma would be looking at trying to corrupt hundreds or even thousands of regulatory agencies.
Yes, much easier to corrupt, steal, control with centralization, that's why some, what was it, 2 or 3 decades ago, or more?, there was this mad rush everywhere for amalgamation of municipalities, counties, etc., with the excuse being used that this was necessary so as to eliminate duplication, to streamline things, to improve efficiency, blah, blah, blah, they used all the buzzwords, and even way back then I knew that was a scam, I understood back then that such centralization made it much easier for corruption to be achieved, as there were so very fewer people to compromise over the control of a much bigger Public purse.
Same with voting/elections, local paper ballots, no electronics, if you want to scam the election, you have to compromise thousands, or 10s of thousands of election officials... much more difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Once you introduce digital counting, well, I needn't say more.
These past few years as so many masks have come off and the party values have been scrambled many of us have experienced the same metamorphosis following shattered illusions. I flash back to the Obama wink and the Roberts nod in the 2010 State of the Union address concerning the Citizens United decision. I cheered the decision at the time, "damn lefty unions and enviro radicals trying to destroy capitalism!" Now I hear his cautions at the time with open ears and an open mind. Damn if that radical lefty wasn't telling us a truth. Satanic bastards do that you know, that whole revelation of method thing. We ignore their cautions at our own peril.
Did this not happen in 2020? Or 2022? Or 2018? Is this not already happening in 2024?:
”With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections. (Applause.) I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. (Applause.) They should be decided by the American people. And I’d urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems.”
EU results tell us they aren't able to spend enough money to sell us the dystopian future they have planned for us. We should be prepared to deal with them not taking "no" for an answer. Then what?
Well the whole idea of Left/Right as Dextro was saying, I never really bought into, I always thought that there needed to be a balance, we needed Capitalism (not crony), but that same Capitalism needed to be balanced with a bit of Socialism.
In the way that as a working-class person, I did not mind in any way that some of my tax money was going to be spent on "welfare cases" as self-identifying Righties would call them, I always believed that a wealthy society should look after the less fortunate, the ones who could not "make it"/survive the same as others who were more confident/skilled/educated/ruthless, whatever... a wealthy society could easily afford to provide a safety net for not only the aforementioned "unsuccessfuls", but also, that same safety net would be there for the more successful should they at some point in time find themselves in unexpected circumstances and take a big fall.
A safety net system such as was seen for decades in the Scandinavian countries afforded all the citizens, rich or poor, at least a basic quality of life for all, and produced a much better society to live in than a dog-eat-dog society that ignored the "down and out".
Were it not for the constant sabotage of our overlords, and if we as a society were able to keep the most greedy in check, those who would monetize everything, while at the same time keep in check those who would take things too far the other way 'round, were we to keep that balance, I don't think it would be very difficult to create a prosperous society where everyone would benefit. It is only once we allow one side or the other to take control and unbalance the system, it is only then that we suffer the consequences of this imbalance.
You are right that they know and expect us to be angry when they begin clamping down hard on us, and I believe that is why they are bringing in, housing, and supplying with spending money thousands and thousands of single, military-aged men who I believe will be deputized and armed when the crackdown begins, these people will be used to "keep us in line".
Then what? is a good question, one that Western society had better find an answer to and quick!
I find this all very amusing... as I was growing up in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, I saw the Conservative, Right-Wing parties constantly pushing for banking de-regulation, and de-regulation of Wall St, allowing banks and Wall Street to gamble with the Public purse, with pensions, mortgages... everything really, allowing banks and Wall St to accrue immense wealth and power, same for the Reagan/Thatcherites who constantly went to bat for Big Corp, once again, allowing and helping Big Corporate to become behemoths, to become monopolies accumulating vast amounts of wealth and power... I remember them (the Right) also being on the side of the Big Brother spying agencies, and the military, who have also grown immensely in power.
Back in those days I remember the Left fighting against all that, trying hard to regulate banks, corporate, Wall St, the rest of 'em. The Left appeared to be constantly trying to keep those elements in check so that they would not accrue too much power or influence.
Now the world is being assaulted on all sides by a Plutocracy made up of all the above-mentioned, and the Left has been corrupted to a level beyond the imagination, and over these past 4 years, it's been the Left that has been (and still are) the most zealously autocratic, the biggest water-carriers for Big Corp, the MIC, etc., while it's now the Right that is seemingly fighting the hardest against the powers that they have helped to create over the past 4 to 5 decades.
I had always considered myself to be Left-leaning since I always thought that regulations were very important in order to keep in check the various players, to prevent them from acquiring too much power and influence.
But now I find myself siding with the Right for the most part because over the past 4 years, they are the only ones who have spoken out against the authoritarian and totalitarian ideologies/rules/mandates of our collective treasonous governments who have all been acting against us and who want to act against our own interest even more so in the very near future.
It's amusing, and it would be funny, if it weren't for the fact that the monsters that the Right has created are so very close to murdering us all by global democide.
"You like potato and I like potahto. You like tomato and I like tomahto. Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let’s call the whole thing off." https://vk.com/wall-63134836_2546
The binary left/right charade seems a distraction? There are corporate entities spruiking neo-Marxist claptrap, and corporate entities locked into crony capitalism, while the technofascist entities remodel the 19th century 'company store' (fascism is a product of the Left, Giovanni Gentile, disciple of Marx, father of fascism) and the political parasites remain co-dependent on the delusion of being centre stage. What or where is 'the right'... except largely a manufactured figment of the dystopian imagination of the propaganda/indoctrinating MSM ?
The greed for power or greed for influence or greed for money.... looks the same any which way. Mankind needs to re-find its soul.
Cannot disagree with that. It's obvious now that the Left/Right is just a Divide & Conquer stratagem, as I always say:
I was merely talking about the Left/Right as we understood it way back then when we were captured, when we did not appreciate that the ruling class was keeping us divided, keeping us from uniting as a working class to compete against our overlords.
But I do believe that back then, the majority of the population could very well be classified as either of Leftist ideology or Rightist ideology... there was a segment of the population that was constantly screaming for the deregulation of everything, a "let the market decide" ideology, and there was a segment of the population that constantly wanted to put restraints on various entities, as they well understood that there was peril in allowing these entities to go about their daily activities totally unfettered. So it seems that back in those days, there was nearly half the population that would identify with one of those designations (Left or Right), and nearly the other half would identify with the other. Nowadays it's a much more mixed bag.
I'd always thought that "the Right" was greedy and power hungry, but from what I've seen these past few years, I am starting to think that those who identify as "Left" are even more power-hungry control-freaks than they are greedy.
Mankind re-finding its soul, re-learning principles, morality, ethics is urgent, and it is no accident that mankind, for the most part, no longer understands nor possesses these qualities/ideologies, this absence of virtue has been achieved by our ruling class through very deliberate policies and actions.
Thank you for your considered reply. It is gratifying to observe a growing number sensing and critiquing the anti-human, 'nihilistic' trajectories the "UN" "WEF" "UNEP" et al. appear engaged in. It appears such entities are embarked upon a social, economic, moral, ethical and spiritual dead end, wittingly or otherwise. Most people eventually reject unsurvivable dead-ends?
And thank you, I was just in the process of writing you to clarify and expand on my contention that society has been purposely dumbed down and amoralized by our ruling class muppets... I was going as such:
As I mentioned earlier the deliberately-created lack of morality, principles, etc., I was thinking of this: https://www.faithchristianmin.org/2010/07/the-education-bloc/
And beyond that, I was replying earlier today to someone to explain how we got to where we are today... one aspect of our overlords' machinations that nerver gets taken into account is this one, the role of the large tax-exempt foundations (Rockfeller, Ford, Carnegie, etc.): https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/you-will-have-a-daily-water-allowance/comment/58699870
Great point (tax exemption) ... and Elizabeth Nickson does indeed paint a dire picture. Nevertheless, at some ill-defined point, the kakistocratic parasites may find their only place of sanctuary is a retreat to their bunkers. Billions or millions with literally nothing left to lose ... now there's a sight. As for CBDCs, and all things stupidly 'digital'....surely someone has figured out that their dependence on a reliable power supply is an absurdly vulnerable achilles heel...
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear... I was specifically referring to the comment I had posted under Ms. Nickson's article, the Norman Dodd interview, and the Reese Committee.
The Nickson article on water is a whole different issue.
Then there is the Why Big Oil Conquered the World documentary that ties everything together, if you haven't seen that one yet, once you've viewed it, I expect you would agree that it is a Must-See.
Explains the whole Eugenics/depopulation obsession of the ruling class, and the whole UN, Climate Change, Conservation, Sustainable Development agendas and how they benefit by taking control of the globe's resources while further enslaving us.
As for when they clamp down on us, they will sit back in their bunkers, as you mentioned and watch us destroy ourselves in the darkness of a powerless (no electricity) world.
I can relate to what you said. I used to think the Left was the political group of compassion and caring. What we didn't foresee is how thoroughly power corrupts and how easy is it for corrupting influences like Pharma to corrupt those "regulatory" agencies. I've become very much against empire, against big government, against the EU, the UN, the WHO. Empire is the worst form of government if for no other reason that it's too easy for the oligarchs and the multinational corporations to corrupt the government agencies that rule over the empire.
It's easy for Pharma to corrupt ONE "regulatory" agency (okay, maybe 3, the FDA, CDC, and NIH). Once they've done that, they rule the empire and everyone in it. It would be much more difficult if we had true democracy at the local level, where the states gov't and federal gov't could NOT overrule decisions made at the local level. Then Pharma would be looking at trying to corrupt hundreds or even thousands of regulatory agencies.
Yes, much easier to corrupt, steal, control with centralization, that's why some, what was it, 2 or 3 decades ago, or more?, there was this mad rush everywhere for amalgamation of municipalities, counties, etc., with the excuse being used that this was necessary so as to eliminate duplication, to streamline things, to improve efficiency, blah, blah, blah, they used all the buzzwords, and even way back then I knew that was a scam, I understood back then that such centralization made it much easier for corruption to be achieved, as there were so very fewer people to compromise over the control of a much bigger Public purse.
Same with voting/elections, local paper ballots, no electronics, if you want to scam the election, you have to compromise thousands, or 10s of thousands of election officials... much more difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Once you introduce digital counting, well, I needn't say more.
These past few years as so many masks have come off and the party values have been scrambled many of us have experienced the same metamorphosis following shattered illusions. I flash back to the Obama wink and the Roberts nod in the 2010 State of the Union address concerning the Citizens United decision. I cheered the decision at the time, "damn lefty unions and enviro radicals trying to destroy capitalism!" Now I hear his cautions at the time with open ears and an open mind. Damn if that radical lefty wasn't telling us a truth. Satanic bastards do that you know, that whole revelation of method thing. We ignore their cautions at our own peril.
I wrote of it in a Stack a couple years ago:
Did this not happen in 2020? Or 2022? Or 2018? Is this not already happening in 2024?:
”With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections. (Applause.) I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. (Applause.) They should be decided by the American people. And I’d urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems.”
EU results tell us they aren't able to spend enough money to sell us the dystopian future they have planned for us. We should be prepared to deal with them not taking "no" for an answer. Then what?
Well the whole idea of Left/Right as Dextro was saying, I never really bought into, I always thought that there needed to be a balance, we needed Capitalism (not crony), but that same Capitalism needed to be balanced with a bit of Socialism.
In the way that as a working-class person, I did not mind in any way that some of my tax money was going to be spent on "welfare cases" as self-identifying Righties would call them, I always believed that a wealthy society should look after the less fortunate, the ones who could not "make it"/survive the same as others who were more confident/skilled/educated/ruthless, whatever... a wealthy society could easily afford to provide a safety net for not only the aforementioned "unsuccessfuls", but also, that same safety net would be there for the more successful should they at some point in time find themselves in unexpected circumstances and take a big fall.
A safety net system such as was seen for decades in the Scandinavian countries afforded all the citizens, rich or poor, at least a basic quality of life for all, and produced a much better society to live in than a dog-eat-dog society that ignored the "down and out".
Were it not for the constant sabotage of our overlords, and if we as a society were able to keep the most greedy in check, those who would monetize everything, while at the same time keep in check those who would take things too far the other way 'round, were we to keep that balance, I don't think it would be very difficult to create a prosperous society where everyone would benefit. It is only once we allow one side or the other to take control and unbalance the system, it is only then that we suffer the consequences of this imbalance.
You are right that they know and expect us to be angry when they begin clamping down hard on us, and I believe that is why they are bringing in, housing, and supplying with spending money thousands and thousands of single, military-aged men who I believe will be deputized and armed when the crackdown begins, these people will be used to "keep us in line".
Then what? is a good question, one that Western society had better find an answer to and quick!
"It is written ..." as the esoteric phrase goes, or 'prophesy':
"One thousand years' of Totalitarian Rule ensues ..."
Definitely looks as if that's what is about to happen ☹