Will Thailand take Pfizer to court for Fraud and NoVax Djokovic gets sweet revenge in Australia
Plus other news and studies
Firstly, congratulations to Novax Djokovic who won the Australian Open today. What a difference a year makes - being deported for being unvaccinated last year to winning this year!
Will Thailand become the first country to take Pfizer to court claiming fraud and declare the contracts null and void?
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi seems to think so. He claims to have talked to officials high up in government and told them that the contracts were fraudulent. According to him, the Thais want to be the first country in the world to declare the contracts null and void. If this goes ahead and found to be true in the courts, it will mean a significant sum of damages will have to be paid by Pfizer and set off a chain of events that will likely bankrupt the company.
23 days after the Thai King’s daughter had her booster, she collapsed and is still in a coma. Officially she has a bacterial infection but many claim she is the victim of vaccine damage. If the Thais do take Pfizer to court, will this have been the reason?

In a possible escalation on the geo-political front, last night it appears that Israel conducted a number of strikes on Iranian soil. It has been reported that a number of drone manufacturing sites were hit and of course Russia has used a lot of Iranian produced drones in Ukraine in recent months. Other sites that were apparently hit include weapons factories and military bases.
These strikes coincide with the largest US/Israeli joint military exercise last week. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, is also due in Israel tomorrow. This also follows the conclusion of Davos and Boris Johnson making a surprise visit to Kiev last weekend.

A recent paper in the Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences assessed whether Covid vaccines affect male fertility. The results demonstrate a gap of nine months between the start of vaccination programmes and an abrupt decline in live births.
The paper looks at sperm concentration and motility but ultimately concludes that we still have for more questions than answers. With billions of people across the world injected with mRNA vaccines, maybe these questions should have been answered before the roll-out. But maybe I just don’t understand the Speed of Science well enough.
Senator Ron Johnson has written to the Federal Aviation Administration to ask about recent changes to how pilots are screened for specific heart conditions. He is concerned about the risk this may pose to the safety of passengers.
Within the letter some concerning statistics are revealed. A whistle-blower from the Department of Defense (DoD) provided him with data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database which showed the following numbers of disease and injuries in DoD pilots:
2016 - 265
2017 - 252
2018 - 164
2019 - 223
2020 - 2194
2021 - 2861
2022 - 4059
According to reports there are 36,000 DoD pilots, which means these numbers represent 20-25% of all military pilots injured in recent years.
A recent Letter to the Editor in Cell Research once again highlighted the issue of Original Antigenic Sin. Whilst the analysis looked at inactivated virus vaccines, the same principle applies to mRNA vaccines.
Our data suggest that repeated vaccination with inactivated virus vaccine back-boosts previous memory and dampens the immune response to a new antigenically related but distinct viral strain. Such vaccination-induced immune imprint could reflect the “original antigenic sin” doctrine described in the influenza field, whereby individuals infected with a new circulating viral strain developed a strong immune response to a priorly exposed strain.5 Thus, careful considerations in this aspect should be taken when designing future vaccination and booster strategies.
Nothing to see here, folks. It's all safe and effective.
Kudos to Thailand, take them down...!
So proud of Novak and so ashamed of Australia. If they didn’t want to go there and cheer him on then stay home. I just hate people.