"Officially she has a bacterial infection but many claim she is the victim of vaccine damage."
Just to note that the bacterial infection might also be "vaccine" related. if the immune system is so damaged that it is unable to amount an effective immune response to any pathogen, not just SC-2 variants or other CoVs. This, and other similar cases, suggest that the worst possible "vaccine" consequences might be starting to be visible.
Exactly . And , where experimental medical products trial participants were not informed that that immune suppression , particularly in the weeks following injection , is a known consequence and presents real and substantial risk to participants the administration of these injections are liable and failed to provide a process of consent .
And in an authoritative 3 sets too! It was all about Novak beating Straya's ridiculous/ cringeworthy behavior last year. Poor Tsitisipas never had a chance!
Indeed with Authority ! I thought would go to 4 or 5 sets, unless Tsitispas's game - esp Serve- level dropped or Novak just had him !
I haven't watched Tennis in last year that much - and decided not to watch Australian Open now on. watched Women's final highlights and will watch Men's finals Highlights.
Novak had 3 unforced errors to Tsitsipas' 24 at one point in the 3rd. Dude was playing with a vengeance! * can hardly blame him-Straya ( and her people) went full cray against those unvaxxed- was ugly and hard to take. ( Yank living in Straya for 21 years- heading back soon- place is a wreck)
That's great to hear about Sucharit Bhakdi possibly helping Thailand. I think we're all waiting for one big domino to fall like that as far as public consciousness of the covid vaccines is concerned.
I also compared some social media responses to Djokovic -- the covidian haters in 2022 versus the critical thinkers in 2023. You can see how frenzied the hate was against him from all the ridiculous posts and opinion pieces putting him down. It's such a sweet victory in light of that: https://infogame.substack.com/p/a-year-ago-they-called-djokovic-scum
THAILAND - The article states: 23 days after the Thai King’s daughter had her booster, she collapsed and is still in a coma. Officially she has a bacterial infection but many claim she is the victim of vaccine damage.
Prof BHAKDI dismissed that 'bacterial infection' diagnosis as ridiculous nonsense. The Princess has been long time without oxygen to her brain after she collapsed, so even if she ever wakes up she will be brain-dead. But this cannot be said in Thailand, where the public is still fed the story of her eventual recovery. It's now 6-7 weeks that she is in a coma.
As previous partners might have said of me - brain dead would make me the perfect wife - probably get wives "that way" after vaccines anyway, soon enough: Get an Android iPhone switch it to Bluetooth (searching for other iPhones around it) and it will come up with a 10 digit number really close to you, which it cannot connect to. (it only works with Android, it does not work with Apple phones)
That number is your bodies new nanotechnology digital code, installed with the vaccines and it is transmitting that number by 5G I am here, I am here, I am here - orders, orders, orders constantly - so, theoretically, your body is now controlled by a computer somewhere and your soul or spirit is in temporary residence until a computer somewhere decides to take over and kill off your soul or spirit for good - probably by an electric shock - so that it can take over the running of your body for its own nefarious use , or if it is playing musical chairs with a whole heap of other similar coded non humans, you can guess what happens to one or two of you when the music stops and you don't have a chair to sit on.
Even if Pfizer get sued they won’t go bust because they employ a strategy of multiple front companies that are sequentially numbered so they can dump the bankrupt company and start up again with a new one. What did you expect from these grifting scum?🤑
Since October 2022 there are no restrictions whatsoever to enter Thailand. Beginning of January there was a blooper by the Thai Health Minister calling for vax-certificates for anybody entering, but that was quickly rescinded within 3 days as it would have had disastrous consequences for Thailand's tourist industry which is only now slowly recovering from the blow it got due to draconian entry requirements.
So currently NO vax-passports or vax-certs needed, and no testing or negative test certs required.
It is obvious that "the left hand is not in agreement with the right hand." The regulatory bodies in all countries are completely co-opted and stacked with cronies as this part was well planned out in advance. The lower/other levels of govt are not stacked with cronies and the "follow the science" part of the scam (meaning the scam science) has now fallen apart. Everyone knows this is a scam. This left hand right hand dissonance is going to be everywhere now as more and more complaints are going to make it impossible to continue the farce.
"But maybe I just don’t understand the Speed of Science well enough."
No doubt the formula to verify the Speed of Science is Classified as NatSec matter or talking point media would quote it from a sufficiently credentialed, anonymous source verrrry close to the matter!
So many parallels to 1930s and 1940s Germany, with the critical difference that now it’s the entire globe.
There were 24 attempts at Hitler’s life between 1932 and 1944, many foiled before the actual attempt. In the most famous and last one in July 1944 at Wolf ‘s Lair, Hitler famously rose from his chair and took 2 steps right before the bomb under the table went off. That saved his life. Was this just luck?
My real point is that Thailand is not likely to be the agent that takes this evil down, not at this time. It wasn’t until April 1945 that Hitler’s inner circle abandoned him, some, like him, taking their own life rather than face a world without the Third Reich. Now we face the Fourth Reich, and in spite of apparent setbacks in this new warfare they still have all the raw power. We hear much about Nuremberg 2.0. The first Nuremberg happened only because the Germans had been utterly defeated. A 2nd Nuremberg will require no less. Stay in the fight
Yes, agree. The scam will completely (and is) unravelling. But holding those who perpetrated the crime "accountable" is quite a different matter. My guess is that it might be possible to get 2 or 3 individuals who constitute say, "the PR side of things" , to serve as poster boys for bad behaviour. However, I do not think the point is to worry about such things. No one is beyond God's Judgment. What I will say is this - it was never about "them" , it was always about "us". They are simply being used as levers to reveal the drift away from God on the part of the general public and the lack spine and critical thinking associated with the herd mentality. It all boils down to "5 Psychological Experiments that Explain the World" - https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/03/5-psychological-experiments-that-explain-the-modern-world/ Actually, these experiments explain the Ancient World too, not just the modern one.
I have the following little book near my bed - "A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System" by John Martineau. It charts the planetary trajectories of all the planets in our Solar System. These trajectories are highly geometric and exact. God is Great.
America was well on the way to becoming the fully fledged Master Race Nation well before WW2 or WW1 for that matter. What stopped it was General Sherman who invaded the South. Tara on Substack said 600 000 servicemen died in the American Civil War. The North waged the War because the South wanted to expand the slave trade westward and separate from the North because the North wanted to disallow slavery. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address of 1863 says it all in the last line - "that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ... and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." This ethos would allow the emancipation of black people and give them the right to vote (as well as women by extension). The American Civil Rights Movement expanded Civil Rights for all Americans and Canadians (America is a great influence up here - Jackie Kennedy made her first foreign visit to Canada and we are all very grateful for her kind words about Canada). Operation Paperclip brought over a thousand Nazis to America after WW2. We have been fighting "Nazis" well before the term was even invented. What we are fighting is evil. And lets not forget why the first Pilgrims / The Separatists came to America in the early 1600's with The King James Bible as often the only book in the household - in order to flee the English monarchy because they were too much in favour of the Reformation i.e. no need for priests to "interpret" the Bible for them as William Tyndale had translated it (along with others after him) into English. Tyndale was burnt at the stake by the Inquisition in 1536. They could read the Bible for FOR THEMSELVES.
Well India held Bill Gates responsible for the death of one of its people, care of Moderna, I seem to recall and he was charged with murder and if he had gone to India to defend himself, he probably would not have returned to America in the manner in which he left - and look what happened there - nothing.
Bill is OK to go where he likes as long as his aircraft is not diverted to India for some obscure reason, with him on it = dreams, dreams, dreams
Have to say that in my opinion, Bill has not aged well, he has a face only a mother could love and Camilla is not far behind and Anne, are they shooting another episode of "Planet Of The Apes" any time soon in England?
That was an Indian Law NGO, I believe, not the government. It was like a public interest litigation. I am not sure how much impact that has in real life. The Western MIC (medical indutsrial complex) has a lot of leverage to influence, even bully India- they can restrict/ban Indian pharma exports to the West on some made up (to get around WTO obligations) "quality" or "corruption" charges or some other regulatory means. The Indian Govenment by itself will stay out of this or even suppress this, because it figures that this mRNA vaccine debacle is not its problem, India used their own homegrown non-mRNA vaccines, that are a lot safer (as far as I can tell) with a lot of success (again, so far as far as I can tell).
At the time, I downloaded the legal document which was imposed on Bill Gates and it was an impressive legal document and it covered all of the bases extremely well, in my opinion. I think I read that Bill gates has a legal representative in India working through the legalities of the matter which seemed to be a payment to the family of the child who lost its life, due to Bill Gates vaccines - but I can't see how a cash payment is ever going to bring back the life of the child lost and by being paid blood money, does not make it right, in my book.
My comment was not in any way to support Bill Gates. I think he is at the least very misguided due to his autistic (lack of empathy) personality and extremely tech oriented life and Worldview and in the worst case perhaps a high functioning sociopath or even a psychopath.
My comment was to let people know the nature of those "litigations" coming out of India. So as to not get carried away by toothless legal manuevers in far away places of little consequence.
Hi Nick - I am in agreement with you fully, I never intended to suggest that Bill Gates be allowed to get away with anything, or that your blurb indicated that. What you say is 100% bang on the money re: So as to not get carried away by toothless legal maneuvers in far away places of little consequence. - worst luck
I do hope this is the beginning of the end for all of the frauds in big pharma, bankrupting all of them and in turn collapsing the tyrants and deep staters globally - ushering in our new GOLDEN AGE.
The US Federal Gov./Empire is the greatest threat to humanity at this point.
If you are an American (like me), it is a hard black pill to swallow, but there it is. The Feds and mostly US based corporations and media and social media are responsible for the mRNA vaccines that has been administered along with a heavy dose of propaganda to 2 billion people Worldwide. Then there is the Ukraine war (whose negative economic effects are global), War on fossil fuels creating a global energy crisis. The Fed Money printing feeding global inflation leading to the collapse of many poorer countries like Sri Lanka. Then there is this insidious climate change propaganda that can further impoverish the already impoverished Worldwide, is also coming out mainly from the US-West.
Another reason (or the main reaosn), we need to defeat this evil.
Well summed it. I feel the same...it is a hard black pill to swallow, but we all have to swallow it. I have. Kicking myself for being so oblivious for so long.
I am not oblivious now...I see everything that has been done to get us to the point where this country is ready to be taken down...and they are almost there.
Naomi Wolf wrote a book called "The End of America" in 2012 outlining the 10 steps to take down a democracy. In an interview with Dr. Trozzi (for which you need authentication to hear) she said the Covid "lockdowns" were step 10 - martial law. However, like I have said in another post on this thread, God is 100 % in control. Many of us have not done anything. The point, I think, was to draw out the slave mentality of the herd. My guess is that the exposure of all of this will continue but "accountability" will probably be a joke.
Thanks for reminding me God is in control. His will be done, and it might not be mine. I did know about Naomi's book...she must HATE it that she is right on this one!! I just finished reading about her dog and shoulder accident...horrible and scary.
I don’t think the Thai King will be able to get involved with this. The royal family own Siam Bioscience, which produced the AstraZeneca vaccine in Thailand.
Nothing to see here, folks. It's all safe and effective.
Kudos to Thailand, take them down...!
So proud of Novak and so ashamed of Australia. If they didn’t want to go there and cheer him on then stay home. I just hate people.
Of course it feels bad to be the loser.
Its like Jesse owens at the 1936 berlin olympics
"Officially she has a bacterial infection but many claim she is the victim of vaccine damage."
Just to note that the bacterial infection might also be "vaccine" related. if the immune system is so damaged that it is unable to amount an effective immune response to any pathogen, not just SC-2 variants or other CoVs. This, and other similar cases, suggest that the worst possible "vaccine" consequences might be starting to be visible.
Hiv is a retro virus. Reverse transcribes rna to dna. Same as covid shots. Fauci also helped test hiv. Aka aids
Exactly . And , where experimental medical products trial participants were not informed that that immune suppression , particularly in the weeks following injection , is a known consequence and presents real and substantial risk to participants the administration of these injections are liable and failed to provide a process of consent .
Usa surrendered to 4th reich shortly after ww2
Congrats to Novak !
On his jacket, he should have slogan like
"23 if not Cheated in 2022"
to slap them back
And in an authoritative 3 sets too! It was all about Novak beating Straya's ridiculous/ cringeworthy behavior last year. Poor Tsitisipas never had a chance!
Indeed with Authority ! I thought would go to 4 or 5 sets, unless Tsitispas's game - esp Serve- level dropped or Novak just had him !
I haven't watched Tennis in last year that much - and decided not to watch Australian Open now on. watched Women's final highlights and will watch Men's finals Highlights.
Novak had 3 unforced errors to Tsitsipas' 24 at one point in the 3rd. Dude was playing with a vengeance! * can hardly blame him-Straya ( and her people) went full cray against those unvaxxed- was ugly and hard to take. ( Yank living in Straya for 21 years- heading back soon- place is a wreck)
Quite a roundup.
That's great to hear about Sucharit Bhakdi possibly helping Thailand. I think we're all waiting for one big domino to fall like that as far as public consciousness of the covid vaccines is concerned.
I also compared some social media responses to Djokovic -- the covidian haters in 2022 versus the critical thinkers in 2023. You can see how frenzied the hate was against him from all the ridiculous posts and opinion pieces putting him down. It's such a sweet victory in light of that: https://infogame.substack.com/p/a-year-ago-they-called-djokovic-scum
THAILAND - The article states: 23 days after the Thai King’s daughter had her booster, she collapsed and is still in a coma. Officially she has a bacterial infection but many claim she is the victim of vaccine damage.
Prof BHAKDI dismissed that 'bacterial infection' diagnosis as ridiculous nonsense. The Princess has been long time without oxygen to her brain after she collapsed, so even if she ever wakes up she will be brain-dead. But this cannot be said in Thailand, where the public is still fed the story of her eventual recovery. It's now 6-7 weeks that she is in a coma.
As previous partners might have said of me - brain dead would make me the perfect wife - probably get wives "that way" after vaccines anyway, soon enough: Get an Android iPhone switch it to Bluetooth (searching for other iPhones around it) and it will come up with a 10 digit number really close to you, which it cannot connect to. (it only works with Android, it does not work with Apple phones)
That number is your bodies new nanotechnology digital code, installed with the vaccines and it is transmitting that number by 5G I am here, I am here, I am here - orders, orders, orders constantly - so, theoretically, your body is now controlled by a computer somewhere and your soul or spirit is in temporary residence until a computer somewhere decides to take over and kill off your soul or spirit for good - probably by an electric shock - so that it can take over the running of your body for its own nefarious use , or if it is playing musical chairs with a whole heap of other similar coded non humans, you can guess what happens to one or two of you when the music stops and you don't have a chair to sit on.
Solution js apotheosis deus ex
Even if Pfizer get sued they won’t go bust because they employ a strategy of multiple front companies that are sequentially numbered so they can dump the bankrupt company and start up again with a new one. What did you expect from these grifting scum?🤑
Thailand still requires a vax pass for entry (or PCR test) - seems strange to still have that if they are planning on taking pfizer to court...?
Since October 2022 there are no restrictions whatsoever to enter Thailand. Beginning of January there was a blooper by the Thai Health Minister calling for vax-certificates for anybody entering, but that was quickly rescinded within 3 days as it would have had disastrous consequences for Thailand's tourist industry which is only now slowly recovering from the blow it got due to draconian entry requirements.
So currently NO vax-passports or vax-certs needed, and no testing or negative test certs required.
Good to know, I must have come across an old website
Wef has a lost of unwaxed pilots
It is obvious that "the left hand is not in agreement with the right hand." The regulatory bodies in all countries are completely co-opted and stacked with cronies as this part was well planned out in advance. The lower/other levels of govt are not stacked with cronies and the "follow the science" part of the scam (meaning the scam science) has now fallen apart. Everyone knows this is a scam. This left hand right hand dissonance is going to be everywhere now as more and more complaints are going to make it impossible to continue the farce.
Qabal hydra
"But maybe I just don’t understand the Speed of Science well enough."
No doubt the formula to verify the Speed of Science is Classified as NatSec matter or talking point media would quote it from a sufficiently credentialed, anonymous source verrrry close to the matter!
WWIII here we come
I kinda think that drone strike did it.
So many parallels to 1930s and 1940s Germany, with the critical difference that now it’s the entire globe.
There were 24 attempts at Hitler’s life between 1932 and 1944, many foiled before the actual attempt. In the most famous and last one in July 1944 at Wolf ‘s Lair, Hitler famously rose from his chair and took 2 steps right before the bomb under the table went off. That saved his life. Was this just luck?
My real point is that Thailand is not likely to be the agent that takes this evil down, not at this time. It wasn’t until April 1945 that Hitler’s inner circle abandoned him, some, like him, taking their own life rather than face a world without the Third Reich. Now we face the Fourth Reich, and in spite of apparent setbacks in this new warfare they still have all the raw power. We hear much about Nuremberg 2.0. The first Nuremberg happened only because the Germans had been utterly defeated. A 2nd Nuremberg will require no less. Stay in the fight
Yes, agree. The scam will completely (and is) unravelling. But holding those who perpetrated the crime "accountable" is quite a different matter. My guess is that it might be possible to get 2 or 3 individuals who constitute say, "the PR side of things" , to serve as poster boys for bad behaviour. However, I do not think the point is to worry about such things. No one is beyond God's Judgment. What I will say is this - it was never about "them" , it was always about "us". They are simply being used as levers to reveal the drift away from God on the part of the general public and the lack spine and critical thinking associated with the herd mentality. It all boils down to "5 Psychological Experiments that Explain the World" - https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/03/5-psychological-experiments-that-explain-the-modern-world/ Actually, these experiments explain the Ancient World too, not just the modern one.
Yes the dark hydra is used as a grinding stone to temper the blades of god source
Yes, God is 100 % in control. I remind myself of this often also. Best Wishes !
I have the following little book near my bed - "A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System" by John Martineau. It charts the planetary trajectories of all the planets in our Solar System. These trajectories are highly geometric and exact. God is Great.
Usa surrenderdd to 4th reich soon after ww2 ended.
America was well on the way to becoming the fully fledged Master Race Nation well before WW2 or WW1 for that matter. What stopped it was General Sherman who invaded the South. Tara on Substack said 600 000 servicemen died in the American Civil War. The North waged the War because the South wanted to expand the slave trade westward and separate from the North because the North wanted to disallow slavery. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address of 1863 says it all in the last line - "that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ... and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." This ethos would allow the emancipation of black people and give them the right to vote (as well as women by extension). The American Civil Rights Movement expanded Civil Rights for all Americans and Canadians (America is a great influence up here - Jackie Kennedy made her first foreign visit to Canada and we are all very grateful for her kind words about Canada). Operation Paperclip brought over a thousand Nazis to America after WW2. We have been fighting "Nazis" well before the term was even invented. What we are fighting is evil. And lets not forget why the first Pilgrims / The Separatists came to America in the early 1600's with The King James Bible as often the only book in the household - in order to flee the English monarchy because they were too much in favour of the Reformation i.e. no need for priests to "interpret" the Bible for them as William Tyndale had translated it (along with others after him) into English. Tyndale was burnt at the stake by the Inquisition in 1536. They could read the Bible for FOR THEMSELVES.
Well India held Bill Gates responsible for the death of one of its people, care of Moderna, I seem to recall and he was charged with murder and if he had gone to India to defend himself, he probably would not have returned to America in the manner in which he left - and look what happened there - nothing.
Bill is OK to go where he likes as long as his aircraft is not diverted to India for some obscure reason, with him on it = dreams, dreams, dreams
Have to say that in my opinion, Bill has not aged well, he has a face only a mother could love and Camilla is not far behind and Anne, are they shooting another episode of "Planet Of The Apes" any time soon in England?
That was an Indian Law NGO, I believe, not the government. It was like a public interest litigation. I am not sure how much impact that has in real life. The Western MIC (medical indutsrial complex) has a lot of leverage to influence, even bully India- they can restrict/ban Indian pharma exports to the West on some made up (to get around WTO obligations) "quality" or "corruption" charges or some other regulatory means. The Indian Govenment by itself will stay out of this or even suppress this, because it figures that this mRNA vaccine debacle is not its problem, India used their own homegrown non-mRNA vaccines, that are a lot safer (as far as I can tell) with a lot of success (again, so far as far as I can tell).
At the time, I downloaded the legal document which was imposed on Bill Gates and it was an impressive legal document and it covered all of the bases extremely well, in my opinion. I think I read that Bill gates has a legal representative in India working through the legalities of the matter which seemed to be a payment to the family of the child who lost its life, due to Bill Gates vaccines - but I can't see how a cash payment is ever going to bring back the life of the child lost and by being paid blood money, does not make it right, in my book.
My comment was not in any way to support Bill Gates. I think he is at the least very misguided due to his autistic (lack of empathy) personality and extremely tech oriented life and Worldview and in the worst case perhaps a high functioning sociopath or even a psychopath.
My comment was to let people know the nature of those "litigations" coming out of India. So as to not get carried away by toothless legal manuevers in far away places of little consequence.
Hi Nick - I am in agreement with you fully, I never intended to suggest that Bill Gates be allowed to get away with anything, or that your blurb indicated that. What you say is 100% bang on the money re: So as to not get carried away by toothless legal maneuvers in far away places of little consequence. - worst luck
I do hope this is the beginning of the end for all of the frauds in big pharma, bankrupting all of them and in turn collapsing the tyrants and deep staters globally - ushering in our new GOLDEN AGE.
All big pharma is fraud 😷🤒
The US Federal Gov./Empire is the greatest threat to humanity at this point.
If you are an American (like me), it is a hard black pill to swallow, but there it is. The Feds and mostly US based corporations and media and social media are responsible for the mRNA vaccines that has been administered along with a heavy dose of propaganda to 2 billion people Worldwide. Then there is the Ukraine war (whose negative economic effects are global), War on fossil fuels creating a global energy crisis. The Fed Money printing feeding global inflation leading to the collapse of many poorer countries like Sri Lanka. Then there is this insidious climate change propaganda that can further impoverish the already impoverished Worldwide, is also coming out mainly from the US-West.
Another reason (or the main reaosn), we need to defeat this evil.
Well summed it. I feel the same...it is a hard black pill to swallow, but we all have to swallow it. I have. Kicking myself for being so oblivious for so long.
I am not oblivious now...I see everything that has been done to get us to the point where this country is ready to be taken down...and they are almost there.
Naomi Wolf wrote a book called "The End of America" in 2012 outlining the 10 steps to take down a democracy. In an interview with Dr. Trozzi (for which you need authentication to hear) she said the Covid "lockdowns" were step 10 - martial law. However, like I have said in another post on this thread, God is 100 % in control. Many of us have not done anything. The point, I think, was to draw out the slave mentality of the herd. My guess is that the exposure of all of this will continue but "accountability" will probably be a joke.
Thanks for reminding me God is in control. His will be done, and it might not be mine. I did know about Naomi's book...she must HATE it that she is right on this one!! I just finished reading about her dog and shoulder accident...horrible and scary.
Where is General Sherman when we need him ?
Correction. There are some excellent drugs out there which we need. The "vaccine program was special".
No one will ever take another "vaccine" again unless they are complete morons. The stock prices of Big Pharma is tumbling.
I don’t think the Thai King will be able to get involved with this. The royal family own Siam Bioscience, which produced the AstraZeneca vaccine in Thailand.