I keep getting recommendations for books to read, so along with my article and website recommendations, I thought I would share this information with you too.
If any of you have read these books or read them after these recommendations, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on them and discuss with others in the comments below.
You can buy any of the books by clicking on the links below (NB I am an Amazon affiliate but I really don’t mind if you do or don’t buy the books, I am more interested in the discussion around it).
Also, if you have any recommendations, I would be interested in hearing them.
Virus Mania
The first book I am going to recommend reading is Virus Mania - How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense.
This is a book updated in 2021 and written by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Kohnlein, Samantha Bailey and Stefano Scogilo.
Somebody recommended this book to me and I then read a response from the author, to a British Medical Journal article about “Interpreting a covid-19 test result”, which piqued my interest.
I’ve also watched a lot of Sam Bailey’s videos on YouTube over the last few years and she always makes a lot of sense.
The authors of the book, put forward an interesting theory, that viruses have never been proven to exist. Instead, the deadly effects we witness are produced by our cells themselves, under certain conditions (e.g. stress, pollution, drugs, pesticides, heavy metals).
They claim that cells, under certain stresses, produce particles that antibodies react to and PCR tests pick up. The results of any tests are then used to show the existence of an external virus when, in fact, it was produced by the body itself.
It is a controversial concept but they use it to look at COVID-19 as well as other viruses such as AIDS and bird flu. They show how by giving disease a single cause, we ignore the complexities of the human body and so end up treating the wrong thing.
The book details the huge amount of corruption and conflicts of interest that occur within big pharma and government and how huge amounts are spent on ‘advertising’ products to doctors and politicians. The same people who then advise us, the consumer, that we should buy these things for our own interest.
As with any new idea, especially one that will lose the pharmaceutical industry a lot of money, this will inevitably be ridiculed. However, the concepts are feasible and should be considered. Science is all about radical new ideas that either become disproved or part of the mainstream thought process. This is one of those radical ideas.
You can buy Virus Mania here.
Have you read this book? What did you think? If you decide to read it in the future, come back and let us know your thoughts.
That's why "are you an anti-vaxxer?" has been used as a weapon against anyone with the slightest question about vaccines at large. They fend off preemptively and aggressively. And all that don't agree with the mRNA jabs must profess that "I am not against the vaccines, I am not against the vaccines, I am not against the vaccines!" before moving on to the subject. HOW UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! ALL VACCINES (save 2-3) SHOULD BE BANNED! Look what they've done to the kids (most adult now) since 1984. DR DEATH FAUCI!
I do think viruses are real, overwhelming evidence including 1,300,000 peer-reviewed papers in PubMed. Anyone who has another theory has lots of data to explain, including the Gompertz curve of illness for seasonal viruses.
At the same time, they have a lot of stuff correct. The strength of one's immune system determines how dangerous a particular virus is to you. 100 people exposed to the same level of virus can have very different responses, from no observable effect to extreme sickness and death. Failing to factor in our individual immune response, and help strengthen them, is a MAJOR failing of public health.