May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I first would like to see Rishi Sunak Keir Starmer in an Army uniform on the front lines of Ukraine War fighting for the UK with David Cameron David Lammas Lbc Liz Truss Angela Rayner No cola Sturgeon This is their war not the British citizens War they are also responsible for allowing the WEF Globalist’s and the USA to release a biological warfare virus and deadly experimental vaccines on our populations for their own financial gain in the name of Climate Change depopulation of humanity and cows

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Well said Sues, I received an email from Sunak asking about national service I replied “after you and your family”

The email bounced back unsurprisingly.

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Every war is only serving the benefit of the elites. As a debt ridden peasant you have nothing to lose.

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Except for your life!

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Actually I thinked I worded incorrectly. It should be : 'as a debt ridden peasant you have nothing to win [in a war]'

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Aah, Yes, 100% agree! It is not our war, never has been. They just manipulate how we view it to convince people to fight, dying in muddy trenches, while they sit in their comfy, very expensive chairs being served expensive Brandy.

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Agreed except there was no biological warfare virus, that is just a psy op. The war has always been chemical via vaccines and pharmaceuticals of all sorts.



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May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This is akin to your abuser punching you in the face over and over and over again, then telling you to be thankful it wasn't worse.

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Or telling you how you should appreciate that they rearranged your face for you.

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'If only you had not hit my fist so hard with your face, much of your pain and injury could have been avoided. Oh well...next time, eh?'

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May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Govt: we gave you back some of your own money during furlough, can you risk your life going and fighting Johnny foreigner.

Us: no fuck off you lying cheating psychopathic scumbags, The fake pandemic showed us everything we needed to know about you

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May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes, gaslighting the population has worked well for them in the past and especially during covid. The media like well trained seals lower themselves to the occasion by parroting the government in support of National Service, so predictable, out will come the name calling, bullying and shaming of anyone who resists. Once you see the manipulation you then cannot unsee it.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Do not comply. Fill the jails up to overcapacity in Britain with its youth and see what happens? The alternative is serving on the Eastern Front dodging drone attacks, robodogs, tanks, misses, bullets, rockets, mines, gassing, and eating MREs. Jail sounds like a vacation.

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

And the Youngsters need to reply:

Why don't you all f-f-fade away??? (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

And don't try to g-g-gaslight us one more d-d-day???” (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

In case you need a clear translation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

We’re just tryin' to save our g-g-generation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

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Good job Mz!!

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May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

How stupid standing in the rain to give a press announcement. What a moron.

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May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

In regard to young Mr. Sunak, my Uncle Percy, rest 'is soul, would have opined, "ee's starkers. ee's fookin' mad ee is"

And in so far as Mr. Sunak's proposal to reintroduce “voluntary” national service, Uncle Percy's comment would undoubtedly have been somewhat LESS complimentary.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

So why do the Conservatives want to lose the general election?

Not British and my exposure to UK politics doesn't help me to answer this question... Unless the answer is: we are serving our overlords and the labour gov will get the job done easier, too much (vocal) resistance from some MPs and we need to get rid of them.

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Hannah Labour are being installed to make it more palatable for the public to swallow.

Even as bad as the Tory part of the uni party is some of the stuff heard our way would have people questioning and scratching their heads at if the Tories did it because it would be out of place and character.

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Thanks, Lizzy.

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We can organize so much better against these corrupt systems with new high trust systems using human swarm intelligence to solve problems in groups. These systems have completely lost the trust of the people

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May 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

They’re all crazy! Smart phones have ruined society. They’re the reason no one will mind their own business in our day.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

That was my reading - they obviously want to lose the election. I even briefly flirted with the idea of voting for them just out of spite. The question is what do they know is coming that we don't know? Why do we see so many running away with 121 MPs standing down and counting? Is it war with Russia or what?

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Accountability? ...for the past 4 years, perhaps they feel if they aren't in office, they can avoid being held responsible??

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That had definitely crossed my mind and certainly could be the case. I can't help but wonder about all this war talk though.

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Stepping down wouldn't save them from missiles. Perhaps they are trying to avoid complying with what the higher ups are pressuring them to do?

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We just don't know - maybe we panic if they all start moving to the Shetland Islands or somewhere remote. I think most of the MPs are stepping down to avoid defeat at the next election or to be forgotten. Maybe they do know how harmful the COVID repsonse and the vaccines really were but are too scraed to admit it so they hope to fade into obscurity. I think accountability is a long way off, if ever. Andrew Bridgen was told, when he tried to highlight vaccines harms, - ' you are taking on the most powerful vested interests in the world with all the risks that entails' How long did it take with the poisoned blood or thalidomide.? Back to war I see that the UK, Sweden, France and Poland have given Zelenksy the green light to target sites in Russia. If you listen to Colonel Douglas MacGreggor or Scott Ritter they both say NATO will not win against Russia. I don't know if that is correct or not.

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NATO does not stand a chance, that’s why everyone should send the message to our governments that we will fight no elite and bankers wars.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Oversized lectern 😆

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Undersized lecturer.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Good luck getting the yoof of Bradford down to the muster station.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Anyone still actually reading The Telegraph is already a lost cause...

Consent has to be withdrawn. It matters not what these evil scumbags say or do.... "No".... And be willing to kill and die for your convictions.

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I read comments on several articles about national service and so many people are actually supporting it and seem to have no clue that this is because we are at war with Russia and they haven’t bothered to tell us yet. Unbelievable how clueless people are.

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May 29Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Unbelievable!! Today has had much crazy news . . . crazier than usual

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