I wonder if you would like this? He struggles with his writing a bit but I loved what he had to say and noticed another post that might speak to this piece about struggling against.
"The primary trigger is and always has been ‘be morally pure as possible’. Being morally virtuous in order to receive God’s blessings is conditional love. It renders God as transactional in nature: If I do this, God will do that."
I seem to be surrounded by people who are religious, including an Amish community.
I ask people about their beliefs very forthright.
But what I find, in these very bright beautiful people is arrogance, a kind of certainty.
It disturbs me and has been of a cost to me.
Although I seem to be very resilient which endlessly surprises me.
I also wonder that many who hold religious beliefs assume that another who might use different words or have a different background is not worthy of inclusion.
I don't read a lot or dive down every hole.
But I have come across some very disturbing pieces recently.
Very hard to hold.
I am happy for the sun just now, it anchors me. And writing brings me back up.
I wonder if you would like this? He struggles with his writing a bit but I loved what he had to say and noticed another post that might speak to this piece about struggling against.
"The primary trigger is and always has been ‘be morally pure as possible’. Being morally virtuous in order to receive God’s blessings is conditional love. It renders God as transactional in nature: If I do this, God will do that."
I seem to be surrounded by people who are religious, including an Amish community.
I ask people about their beliefs very forthright.
But what I find, in these very bright beautiful people is arrogance, a kind of certainty.
It disturbs me and has been of a cost to me.
Although I seem to be very resilient which endlessly surprises me.
Thank you for reading Peter's piece!
I don't want to have a debate with about religion on this feed. You can reach out to me on my page if you like, you are welcome.
I feel the way this love must be shown is in love to each other. In great depth of understanding, forgiveness and giving and union.
The word debate was poorly chosen. I wanted to understand your words.
My feeling is religion often divides us, separates us. Using words to create misunderstanding.
I was looking for understanding.
What you spoke to sounded like conditional love to me. Separation.
I was trying to understand.
I know what it is I feel. Putting words to it puts it in a box with a label, possibly making it something that it is not.
I also wonder that many who hold religious beliefs assume that another who might use different words or have a different background is not worthy of inclusion.
Yes, my heart says so. My experience tells me otherwise.
I wonder about it being a part of the psychological warfare operation too.
Little ants we are, scurrying around.