Are we forgetting the NHS took a decidedly eugenic streak when all covid patients got a DNR once in hospital? There was a case where a women with dyslexia saw her chart had a DNR on it!

Classy. But then what do you expect from a socialized service? Can't speak to Canada but we don't get a private care option. it's the State or go to the states (USA) if you got the $.

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In January, 2022 a friend of mine, mid-60's, was in the hospital for covid. Got blood clots, pneumonia. They tried to get his wife to sign a DNR 3 different times. He refused the ventilator. The wife made contact with one of the Frontline Nurses as an advocate. He advised her. Another friend managed to get Ivermectin to the wife which she got to her husband and that helped dramatically.

We are in USA.

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I am going to take you down a dark path. Look at the growth in medically assisted suicide in Canada over time.

And keep in mind... They just quietly made it even easier to get "access" to medically assisted suicide in the last year or so.

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It really is amazing that the 'be kind' brigade love a bit of eugenics. Mention that children with Down's syndrome, cleft palate and club foot can be terminated up until 40 weeks, when the baby is in the birth canal) and they call you pro-life. I am pro-choice. There is an appetite for eugenics amongst the far left for sure

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And incredibly it's my body, my choice only applies to abortion. Not to other medical interventions such as "vaccines".

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Literally the topic of Tyler Fischer’s you tube video today


Is you like psychedelic ? 🔮

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Yep, I'm probably psycho psychedelic. Definitely feel that way with all of the contradictory "rules" and doubletalk going on all around me. 😃

"I want to tell you my secret now. Everywhere I look I see clueless people. They're everywhere, walking around. Sometimes they don't even know they're clueless."

From the movie The Sixth Sense 2020-2022 updated version.

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That”ll be the NPC’s, I never knew there was such a thing until the scamdemic 😳

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It still applies, I don't let their lack of truth and consequence get in the way. To hell with them and their pluralistic views.

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Because they sell the parts for profit

A bit like owing a scrap yard and having the dealer send you brand new cars for nothing to sell the bits from

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I feel I ought to look into the exact mechanics of how they enact the Californian law allowing abortion after birth, but I imagine my already deeply cynical view of American "liberals" would become worse.

Does it still involve coat hangars?

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From the USA...Hospital protocol kills


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Well, nice to know now that they utterly and completely destroyed my friend's life. Glad to observe that she wasn't really at elevated risk, after they blew up her transplanted kidney and threw her back on dialysis after 8 years of freedom. I'm so glad she's been plunged into a depression so profound she doesn't feel able to be in touch with me, her friend of 49 years. What's one person's life, anyway, in the scheme of things?

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Also, as a parent of a disabled child I have seen heartbreaking marginalisation of our children. Our community have bore the brunt of these lockdowns. Whilst I was keen for my child to go back to school and haven't let him have the jab (interestingly his paediatrician advised against it) I know parents who are still too terrified to send their children into school believing that they are more vulnerable to covid. Our kids don't necessarily thrive academically but school is so important for their socialisation and emotional wellbeing. And the impact on face masks on our children, who struggle with communication anyway, is massive

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Thanks for sharing this, and all your reporting. The UK seems to keep much better records than the USA where the messy official statistics just get massaged to say whatever is convenient it seems.

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Hiding data on purpose.

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(The USA)

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"Disclaimer - This is my interpretation of the data. Remember the ONS states that the data they presented to you doesn’t show what they presented to you."

My favorite part of the whole pandemic, and also the most frustratung, is the public health officials asking us who we're gonna believe, them or are lying eyes?

And most people choosing to believe them.

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It would be interesting/ useful to know what sort of disabilities we are talking about here. Given that early on in the pandemic there was a bloodlust to get people with learning disabilities on DNRs I wonder what exacerbated excess deaths in the disabled - their pre-existing conditions or their lack of ability to defend themselves against the eugenicist agenda.

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"It seems any statistics that show vaccines work, are 100% bullet-proof but statistics that show the vaccines haven’t worked, are actually just playing tricks with us."

Put that on your CV and you can get a top buck job with FDA's Vaccine Oversight Board.

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Lovely. Thank you. Goes into the armoury.

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"...the armoury." !!!

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Thanks for sharing this BTW

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Just wrote a post about what the future might look like with the new variants, how they will hide the data lmao ? Because by all metrics it will be kinda bad. Not a lot of dead (as far as I know) but infections will be done a dozen.

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So, caveat that I hate adjustment and don’t get hands on with it, but my guess is that the math isn’t measuring / showing efficacy of the vaxx. So even if you are correct that the vaxx didn’t work in the disabled it wouldn’t be the case that this “shows” that fact.

Instead, it shows how many are likely to be vaxxed is the same among disabled / abled (lol at “nondis-“). So for age, the disabled are older, so you adjust for that, big change in the apparent risk conferred by virtue of being disabled. For vax, they are similarly vaxxed, no change here. As opposed to if there were a change, that could show the vax working if it was the case that the disabled took less of it / more of it depending on which way the change went. Or there could be a canceling out. Would need to look at the raw numbers to know which. Which is why adjustment is so annoying.

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That's a good theory so would be good to see the numbers to prove or disprove that.

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Arguably, that isn’t the ONS’s job here. They are reporting on a different topic.

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May 10, 2022
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Not without the raw numbers.

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It's lethal injection I believe. I had my son at 30 weeks and he was a perfectly formed child. I believe in every woman's right to choose and the only exception after 24 weeks is if the foetus isn't viable. I've worked on campaigns aimed at midwives/ doctors to make sure that they are no railroaded into terminations when they don't want them. You wouldn't believe how much coercion goes on within the NHS. Women who have stated time and time again they don't want to terminate and obstetrician trying to persuade them at 39 weeks + Some have to seek out special midwives

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So what is a ‘virus’?, what is it that you get when you get ‘covid’? As far as I can tell you get dead or become maimed after these experimental gene altering injections that the state in each country wants to coerce, force every person on this planet to take. That equals eugenics.


They’ve done it many times over.


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May 10, 2022
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Pharmaceutical pushers do not want to go where Cowan, Bailey, Lanka, Kaufman et al or the PERTH-group in Australia have gone and many others that are censored since long.

This plandemic is ongoing solely because of the fake PCR-testing and that many people do not want to miss out of their funding, status, their perceived credibility or whatever or cannot comprehend that there could be another answer to Pasteurs fakery or Ender’s or Mointagnier’s or Gallo’s.

The pharmaceutical industry’s grip on the medical community is vast and tight.

Listen to what Dr Rima tells about her medical education and how she went for treating her patients without chemicals.

Her work and also the work of Dr Peter Breggin,


another psychiatrist is outstanding.


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Can’t wait for the Jews and Roma 😳

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I really appreciate your work here on substack, so please take this is constructive criticism. In the paragraphs where you discuss the hazard ratios with specific values, you omit the specific values when it comes to vaccination status. One can use what you wrote to make reasonable guesses, but most won’t extend the effort. This is a tactic that the powers that be routinely weaponize against the laypeople, ultimately contributing to the mass formation psychosis we’re resisting. Please be more transparent and don’t be like “them” - it undermines your credibility.

That said, there are two glaring issues regarding the data.

1. The way they measure mortality from vs with COVID, as well as jabbed vs not jabbed, and any overlap in those categories, is fundamentally flawed. Thus, the results showing something like 40% reduction for more disabled jabbed men compared non-disabled. Despite these flaws, it can be argued from cost-benefit that many might still benefit from not being jabbed. But it could also be that there are cohorts of people for whom the benefit outweighs the risk, even if only a few. SKirsch recently posted specific calculations in this way, and I’d like to see more along those lines.

2. I’m no statistician, but I’m bothered by what appears to be strong evidentiary support for the idea that age is the YUUUGEST factor in mortality from/with COVID, and yet, when the last chart attempts to account for all the factors, it comes out at ~1.5x? This could be due to something legit, but it seems more likely due to making the weights of the categories fit a messaging agenda. An expert should definitely tear into these data.

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I linked to the data so you can see all the hazard ratios for yourself. As I said, they were basically the same as the ones I did list.

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