Doctor Yan was convincing in her arguments that you don't leak disinformation to cover a genuine accidental release.

Therefore it was released intentionally, period, full stop.

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The timing of Event 201 and the Wuhan Games makes me think so too

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The evidence suggests that this psyop was in planning for several decades, starting with "Dark Winter" in 2001. That being the case, when you are ready to implement the plan (Event 201) are you really going to sit around waiting for a highly improbable "leak" from a BSL-4 facility?

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How the hell else did it spread so rapidly? The air, the water, the military games? Take your pick but they ARE deliberately trying to kill us all.

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A genuine accidental release would have to be addressed and dealt with very differently, for sure. Beginning with addressing biolab safety, checking all existing biolabs etc, etc. It's the overall reaction to "the deadliest pandemic of the century" where there was literally zero interest in finding out what happened and zero focus on further PREVENTION of the same happening again that was the most telling. Instead, only further threats of "future pandemics" (what's the point of all the advanced healthcare if we have MORE pandemics, not less?)

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Very well stated!

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They would be looking to "string somebody up" and making statements like they did about the person that advised Fetterman to debate OZ, "He'll never work again!."

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why does it always take 2 or 3 yrs for everyone to start stating the obvious?

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Because by then the plebs don’t care

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The "conclusion" is highly speculative and designed to remain focused on the binary choice offered through the Overton window (Zoonotic or WIV)

Three major issues with the logic. First there is now evidence that the virus was circulating as early as September 2019 in Italy, the US and Spain. Second the Chinese vaccines are real traditional vaccines so didn't actually NEED a genetic sequence to develop becuase they use the whole virus (although how they were able to isolate and purify the virus is another issue). Third, anyone familiar with BSL Labs will know that (the highest security level) BSL-4 Labs do NOT just "leak". They are designed to be "human idiot proof" and the WIV uses a French state-of-the art design (Question : If a BSL-4 Lab in China is unsafe to the point that "accidental leaks" can occur, why is Boston U allowed to develop highly pathogenic chimeric viruses in a BSL-3 Lab?)

All we know for 99% certain at this stage is that SC-2 genetic sequence was developed in a Lab. We do NOT know which Lab and we do NOT know how it was released. Until hard evidence is available, it's just as likely to have come from another Lab. Jeffrey Sachs (the consummate Establishment insider) suggests it came from a US Lab, which at this stage is just as likely.

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Actually the fervor with which the Davos bunch instituted this pandemic response virtually guarantees that their surrogates developed and released the virus. China was suckered in to help develop the pathogen just like they suckered Putin into invading Ukraine.

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IMHO, the work with WIV was initially a way around US law but later became a convenient cover for a false flag operation. The "Wuhan accidental Lab leak" is the equivalent of "Twelve Suadis with Box Cutters"

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That report neglected include other, more damming, evidence which is publicly available.

Most of that evidence implicates Collins, Fauci, Daszak, and friends. It’s interesting that it was left out....

Wonder why????

(Rhetorical question)

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It did mention EcoHealth Alliance

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Hotez is of course hot on the denials.

He must be "shitting bricks" as we say "oop north"

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One from Column A and none from Column B, thanks. And take the bat soup off the menu entirely, please.

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The New York Times is already doing damage control. Nothing to see here move on.

G.O.P. Senator’s Report on Covid Origins Suggests Lab Leak, but Offers Little New Evidence


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I like how the first bunch in the West infected by the most virulent form of Covid were the aged religious leaders of Iran in the religious city of Qom. A number of them died. Now how did Covid make its way to a group the Iranian religious leadership at the start of the plandemic. Undoubtedly the CIA was chomping at the bit wanting to do the same thing to Venezuela and Nicaragua but had to hold back because it would have been too obvious.

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Of course it was. Look into the Fauci funding from NC Chapal Hill to China. The furin chevege ( I'm sure I MS that) is what other researchers say makes it man made. But hey let's get the experiment into everyone's arm's times 5+.

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Better for them to admit to a lab leak than tell us the truth which is our government released this bio weapon on the world and then released the bio weapon vaccine after that to make sure they could infect as many people as possible.

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Red herring. No isolated virus. A DNA image in a biowar lab. There is no Covid evidence. There are lies and other illnesses like the flu, and malpractice, and malfeasance.

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That the early Indian paper in 2020 was quickly retracted along with several others that mentioned GoF and lab origin says more about where it came from. Either we released it in Wuhan and the research we gave them was the set-up or we released it in collaboration with China.

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Thank You,

A Vital Appeal to the honest, the God-fearing, - Action, legal action

2 Corinthians 6: 2 for he says:

"I have heard you in good time,

and I have helped you in the day of the salvation ».

Here it is now the favorable time; here it is now the day of salvation!



Christian exemption from vaccines and atomic bombs, even for those who have made the vaccine. - Action, legal action



MRNA vaccines: the CIA and the offensive in defense of them, otherwise they would be immediately tried. - Action, legal action



The free paralegal law - Action, legal action



Whose money is it? Professor Giacino Auriti - Action, legal action



The market economy of vaccines - Action, legal action



My story without justice, my unheard complaint against the crimes in progress - Action, legal action



COVID 19 CENSORED DOSSIER, any Help? - Action, legal action



Former Mayor Gaspare Giacalone ... friend of Vendola ... Zingaretti used 15 million euros and who is investigating? He made me lock up 4 times - Action, legal action






Censorship, deceptions, bribes here is a brief panorama of troubles. - Action, legal action



The 1918 flu epidemic was a vaccine-caused disease



Are they plotting the hyper sick man, or is it the genocide of the science of the usual ones who invest? - Action, legal action



The disappearance of infectious diseases is not due to vaccines ("WHICH CAUSE IT") - Action, legal action



We are in danger, with unnatural laws, Health treatment provided with the DSM-5, the patriot act, Oviedo note - Action, legal action



In honor of Big Pharma whistleblower Brandy Vaughan - Action, legal action



OMS, UN, Otan, nato, WEF, fda, ​​royalsociety, vaticano = the ANTICRIST - Action, legal action



Stakeholder covid, cryptocurrency in the WEF operated. Follow the money. Judge Falcone's lesson is always valid but they have corrot - Action, legal action



Rockefeller and the historic power pharmaceutical business - Action, legal action



The biochemistry of war has been going on for decades, a key battle from the World Health Organization - Action, legal action



ROCKET GAS WOOD STOVE, and Survival Videos - Action, legal action



Free portable energy = Free portable energy = Free portable energy - Action, legal action







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A lab bioweapon that requires financial incentives to murder people at hospitals and care homes, plus massive fraud to fill in death certificates.


A plandemic was needed, so the "virus" was manufactured through PCR magic, computer sequencing, and a mass media campaign of terror and brainwashing.

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It could be exacerbated or exaggerated by PCR magic but I definitely had a virus that I've never had before (brain fog which I've never had previously) which tested positive for Covid. How do you explain that if just made up?

Shedding from a vaccinated person is one explanation but other than that?

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Goat blood and pawpaw also test positive for covid. That you were ill and happened to test positive for covid does not prove anything. It's mass media programming that immediately makes you jump there.


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I didn't say it did, I said the brain fog, which I've never had before, indicated something new.

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How do you know it was a virus to begin with then?

In any case, the whole discussion about the biolab is another way to distract attention. Whether the virus is real or not, it's abundantly clear that it didn't make an impact at all. The measures did the damage. Lockdowns, and murdering protocols, and midazolam, and remdesivir, and ventilators, and the deliberate and criminal manufacturing of panic and terror with the biggest psyop over a global population the world has ever seen, completely unethical and immoral even if the threat was real.

They don't want anyone talking about that!

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Don't worry, I talk about those issues too. I still think it's important to work out 1) like you say, if there ever was a virus and 2) if there was, where it came from.

Hopefully, the more we look at all the issues, the closer we will come to some version of the truth.

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No doubt whatsoever for any thinking human being. This was Davos bunch initiating WW3, a battle of the people vs them. And they are winning.

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I came across this article that may help those afflicted with covid vax induced turboCancer https://fenbendazole.substack.com/?r=oh1g6&utm_campaign=pub&utm_medium=web

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They knew about this at the same time we did, January 2021. Next step, a lame indictment with a giant toilet flush coming soon. This November, pull the plunger on every incumbent that you can and as Sir Paul McCartney would say; "With A Little Luck" we might stand a chance to hold our government criminals accountable. With that said, they would rather turn us into a glass parking lot before going that far.

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