Jun 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's almost as if there's some single new factor that was introduced at some point between 2019 and 2022, and one which virtually all men were exposed to.

Must be climate change, right?

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Most definitely, climate change! 🤡

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Jun 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

These people are paid to be dumb.

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Intelligence or critical thinking will get them fired

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Or killed by suspicious means

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That especially

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Jun 7Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

They've been targeting fertility for many years. Now it is just being discovered with the acceleration through covid v's. As Cathy Obrien stated, what's new is not that they've been destroying societies forever, what's new is that we are now becoming fully aware of it all.

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The best part of RFK jr.'s fauci book is that he also says that reducing population is good.

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Jun 7Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

They need to complete the study by looking at the quality and quantity of women's eggs. What are they going to ask the women to do if their eggs have declined in quality and quantity since the pandemic?

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Other studies have already demonstrated that the jabbed spike protein MmRNA distributes to the ovaries where and presumably gets taken up by the eggs, the whole complement of which were present at birth of the girl who will not make any more. Decreased fertility (conceptions), increased pregnancy loss (miscarriages, stillbirths), prematurity, medical pregnancy complications , birth defects have already been documented worldwide in countries with high jab uptake, attributable to both jabs before and during pregnancy.

No need to do those studies.

What is needed is to build the scaffolding or the guillotine, or the rack or the gas chamber to execute Fauci and co-conspirators; after their impartial trial for crimes against humanity.

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Excellent summary, Roger Kimber MD.

It is not just an attack on us, right now.

It is an attack on our species. On the future of our species.

A global democide of unprecedented scale.

And the perpetrators are not only still free, we are paying for their protection.

I fear if we start seeking justice nothing will be left, because we will realise that every Organ everywhere is horribly guilty and/or compromised.

But that is okay.

The era in which we needed a government is over.

The fact every one of our governments is directly serving Evil makes the choice simple.


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See Joseph Samson’s stack today for how to prevent this from happening again.

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Jun 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Sinking swimmers gonna get us sunk? Take yer vitamins, kids. Wake up them wigglers again.

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Jun 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

But gosh, we just can't figure out why. Nothing happened in 2020 besides the gene therapy jab, and EVERYONE knows it can't be THAT!!

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If the poison poke can kill a grown man, it's not unreasonable to assume it can immobilize a single cell.

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Jun 7Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter


It’s happening

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Jun 7Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Surprise! Well, maybe not.

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Or is the study reflective of the sperm quality of men who donate to sperm banks? Personally, I find it a weird thing to do but maybe like donating blood in some places you get paid

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It's not just a weird thing to do, it's entirely unnatural.

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Interesting question!

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All part of the depopulation agenda.😡

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It’s almost amusing how these people can blame everything on covid but not just extend that thought one teeny tiny more step to include the vaccine. Are they doing mental gymnastics or are are they just dumb?

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GELDING is an appropriate term used for Endotoxin reduction of Testosterone production by Testes, both by direct inhibition of Leydig cell steroidogenic pathways and indirectly by reducing Pituitary Luteinizing Hormone drive, leading to a decline in Sperm production.


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"Toxic" masculinity is very inconvenient to the Davos psychopaths. Reducing testosterone is almost certainly part of their agenda, though there could be environmental factors they did not plan.

It is impossible to overestimate the depth of the evil we are up against. We are less than cattle to the scumlords.

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Pfizer reported cases Spermatozoa abnormal (4), Sperm count decreased (9) to 16 April 2022. A refereed publication, behind a paywall, reports Pfizer jab damage 3 months after jabbing in a formal prospective study of 37 sperm donors,


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Handmaid’s Tale incoming.

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