I'm not concerned by their predictions in the slightest. The "experts" have lied from day one, and everything the experts have said has been, not just wrong, but spectacularly wrong.
I have not and will not be injected with their Glorious Goo, nor have I, or will computer with their mandates.
I'm not concerned by their predictions in the slightest. The "experts" have lied from day one, and everything the experts have said has been, not just wrong, but spectacularly wrong.
I have not and will not be injected with their Glorious Goo, nor have I, or will computer with their mandates.
I'm not concerned by their predictions in the slightest. The "experts" have lied from day one, and everything the experts have said has been, not just wrong, but spectacularly wrong.
I have not and will not be injected with their Glorious Goo, nor have I, or will computer with their mandates.
I am concerned about William Henry III's predictions