It sounds like a typical 'cover their arses' paper so when TSHTF and the mob are at their doors with pitchforks they can point to the paper and say: "But we did warn that this was a danger."
The UK published all its emergency authorisation papers online from early in 2020. I read them all at the time. They clearly pointed out, when it cam…
It sounds like a typical 'cover their arses' paper so when TSHTF and the mob are at their doors with pitchforks they can point to the paper and say: "But we did warn that this was a danger."
The UK published all its emergency authorisation papers online from early in 2020. I read them all at the time. They clearly pointed out, when it came to the jabs in late 2020, that they were being offered to people due to the emergency. This was in contrast to the immense media pressure that gave the impression that the jabs were mandatory. In other words, the politicians and civil servants covered their arses.
That is EXACTLY what is happening in Australia. When asked what programs were being drawn up for those with vaccine injuries the answer was:
You gave informed consent. You will have to deal with it.
They will take your health and then your wealth and most people with vax damage will go to their graves saying "It wasn't the vaccine". To admit they screwed up and trusted a completely untrustworthy authority is harder for them than dying.
It was never mandatory. They always said it loudly that vaccination is a choice. And it is your choice to refuse it or keep your job. Nothing wrong with that according to them.
It sounds like a typical 'cover their arses' paper so when TSHTF and the mob are at their doors with pitchforks they can point to the paper and say: "But we did warn that this was a danger."
The UK published all its emergency authorisation papers online from early in 2020. I read them all at the time. They clearly pointed out, when it came to the jabs in late 2020, that they were being offered to people due to the emergency. This was in contrast to the immense media pressure that gave the impression that the jabs were mandatory. In other words, the politicians and civil servants covered their arses.
Can you imagine the govt officials denying it was ever mandatory but suggested? They will place the blame on all the corporations and hospitals.
They will blame the people who got jabbed saying that it was their choice and no one forced them.
Yes, 100%. I bet Psaki has the statement written already.
"We believe in personal responsibility blah blah Nuermburg code blah blah no one forced or if they were it was Trump blah blah"
castro in canada and that morrison the nazi in australia are the best example.
Castreau, I think you will find his name is spelled ;-)
Turdeau, Poodeau. Brandeau, Castreau, Trudeșescu
That is EXACTLY what is happening in Australia. When asked what programs were being drawn up for those with vaccine injuries the answer was:
You gave informed consent. You will have to deal with it.
They will take your health and then your wealth and most people with vax damage will go to their graves saying "It wasn't the vaccine". To admit they screwed up and trusted a completely untrustworthy authority is harder for them than dying.
It was never mandatory. They always said it loudly that vaccination is a choice. And it is your choice to refuse it or keep your job. Nothing wrong with that according to them.