This ain’t Pleasantville. Best news summary I know of anywhere.

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Re: increased traffic accidents in Australia, Robert Malone did hypothesise that these injections could lead to more traffic accidents and such, as the longer-living, LNP delievered spike protein in the injections can cross the blood-brain barrier, causing "brain fog" etc.

Just another wild conspiracy theory.

(Australia, of course, has been mass injected up to its eyeballs and "boosted" into orbit.)

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In the last year we had multiple public transport driver collapse and causing accident. I am old enough and I can't recall a single case previously reported.

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The video of Event 201 is good evidence to the skeptics that the planned scamdemic was a set up to place the WHO as central "trusted" authority to the world, as is now being negotiated by reps of the world's countries.

They tell us what they're up to, we just need to listen and believe them when they tell us who they are.

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“Why is Australia’s road toll higher than ever?” Cos you are jabbed mate, it’s like when Toxoplasmosis takes over the host and makes it less risk averse. I definitely find people are just waaay dumber now 🧬😷

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Once again, exemplary stuff!!

LOL...G7 thinking of total bans on exports to Russia!!

Uh, Russia is highly self-sufficient, so there's that!

Sidenote: Canada is holding a National Citizen's Inquiry whereby Commissioners are going to each province to take statements, testimony and evidence based proof of all things covid.

If you can, please support this effort by watching, liking, commenting and/or contributing stories or donations. Past inquiries can be seen on their channels and they are mind blowing. Next week they are in Red Deer, Alberta.

Channels are:

On NCI’s Twitter account – https://twitter.com/Inquiry_Canada

On NCI’s Rumble account – https://rumble.com/user/NationalCitizensInquiryCA

On NCI’s Youtube account – https://www.youtube.com/@citizensinquiry

On NCI’s Facebook account – https://www.facebook.com/NationalCitizensInquiry

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FYI.... In case you were in any doubt – no “vaccine” authorized or licensed by the FDA needs to demonstrate prevention of infection or transmission


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Don't they understand that the Ukraine was the playing field for assholes? NATO is Nazis Are Us. Sad to say the Pentagon is too now. That brings me to everything is in a state of flux right now. In 2021 (I was waiting until the 28th, but it's been years the time limit has run out).

Many Politicians and government appointees jobs at risk for not signing Oath of Office to protect the Constitution:

On Friday, a bunch of politicians and appointees had been NOTIFIED that their documentation and certification for taking the Oath of Office … (which is REQUIRED … for all office holders, whether they are elected or appointed)…. Was NOT on filed.

They had been FOIA-ed and could not produce those documents.

There might be a ceremonial taking of the Oath when a person takes office, but it MUST be followed up with a signed and notarized written Oath that is FILED correctly.

The penalty for violating the Oath of Office is perjury.

FACT: Signing these documents is MANDATORY.

FACT: They must certify their oath BEFORE they begin the duties of their office.

And the signed document must be Witnessed…. By the Notary who puts their seal on it… and filed correctly

People like the head of the CDC, and Secretary of the Army, etc. need that signed Oath.

The breaking news also said that Vice President Kamala Harris did not certify and file her Oath of Office.

She was put on NOTICE in the last 48 hours…. That she has 10 days to get that done, she is out of office.

I have been going over this with other people in the legal arena.

The reality is… anything these uncertified people have done up until that documentation is filed correctly…is NOT LEGAL.

Mon. 17 April Ann Vandersteel: Do we have Public servants in office right now acting as ‘elected officials’ without swearing allegiance to the Constitution? Immediately terminate positions for those who cannot produce an affidavit swearing allegiance to the Constitution: https://twitter.com/annvandersteel/status/1646654916532789248

For those individuals who have failed or refused to produce an affidavit as required by 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332, demand that those persons provide the U.S. Attorney and this Court with the compulsory affidavit within ten (10) days. For those individuals who do not produce the 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332 affidavit within ten (10) days as described above; as well as, those who have admitted they do not possess the requested affidavit and those who have produced defective affidavits:

a. Immediately terminate their appointments or positions;

b. Render all official acts, bills, laws, regulations, or any official actions whatsoever, including the appointment of any subordinates void ab initio and;

c. Replace and restore all proper, former office holders until competent replacements can be lawfully appointed.

A Writ of Quo Warranto [Document shown – Case Number 2023] to the U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia…Petitioner-In Re: LISA MCGEE…stating that ‘Numerous Oaths of Office CANNOT be found on file for many of our federal officials including:

1. U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris

2. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin III

3. Director of Center of Disease Control and of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Rocheli Walensky

4. U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen

5. U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm

6. FDA’s Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock

7. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beuerra

8. U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg

9. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

10. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Maynrkas

11. Secretary of Commerce, Gina M. Raimondo

12. Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland

13. Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration, Robert M. Califf M.D.

14. Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh

15. Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julie Su

A few newsletters have already printed this, so look it up if you like. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts they can't find a signed oath from Brandon.

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So now the murder of John Lennon is a Manchurian candidate experience?

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That Event 201 video is hilarious (in a bad way). Between minute-mark 2:00 and 3:00, someone playing a Social Media Expert makes the bold-faced claim that the Arab Spring was due to bad actors on social media -- rather than being due to the fact that food insecurity became so high due to Great Recession stimulus packages causing 41% food inflation (even after adjusting for general price inflation), that people could no longer afford to feed their families.

It's unclear if WEF is poking its finger in our eyes (because they know the truth, but don't care), or if the writers of the "Event 201, Segment 4" are just ignorant of facts.

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The Arab Spring was due to Obama and Clinton supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and getting a bunch of Americans killed.

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“Arab spring” was a political coup ran by the deep state via social media

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Alright, but are you saying that the food insecurity did not ramp up to terrible levels in 2010 and 2011 (are you saying the news reports lied), or that the increase in starvation wasn't a predominant motivator -- but more of a coincidence which just so happened to be occuring at the same time as the "social media coup"?

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News lies, yes. Social media if you mean facebook interfered with the selection in 2021. In 2010-14 I was in Afghanistan so I'm no help.

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I'm not sure if you are the same person with just a different account, but I'll answer as if you are.

At issue was whether the Arab Spring in Tunisia and beyond was artificial/contrived or organic. I argue that at least the ultimate cause of violent revolutions there was organic (bad laws, bad policies, bad production levels, starving people).

This would be true even if a proximal cause had been someone posting a Facebook post posted by a nameless, faceless operative.

To repeat my point, my claim is that social media didn't "cause" revolution in the Arab Spring, and that, to say so, is akin to saying that guns cause crime (or that bullets do, or that nerve firings in finger flexor muscles do, etc).

I'd call that a failure to separate proximal and ultimate causes of things. If you play hop-scotch on the highway, and get run over by a car, why did you die? One answer is that a car killed you, but there is a better answer to why you died that day.

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