Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Can’t blame any wealthy person for moving to Florida - great weather 8 months a year (summer is 🥵) , no state income taxes, many nice cities and Ron DeSantis is a fantastic Governor, and he will make a great President.

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I agree. If anyone has a spare house for me in Florida then let me know!

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It’s not too different in Texas, at least in the Houston/Dallas area. No state income tax here either, although our property taxes are high. No good beaches here, really, if that’s your thing. My son goes to college in Florida, and he says the bugs are worse there, but I can’t confirm.

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I lived in Florida in the 90s and decided it was a better place to visit. I need the change of seasons. I agree the palmetto bugs are very active.

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The stifling HEAT in Florida is no joke.... But maybe it'll keep some of the woke libtards away...

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It is the humidity and mosquitos that are hellish there, but if you have no respiratory issues and lots of chi, it is great. That's what's so sad about California being destroyed on every level, such a gorgeous place, no humidity, sunshine, though they say if the Pacific Cascadia subduction zone buckles, which it is overdue to do, all the faults along the West coast could go at once theoretically.

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It is indeed such a waste that Kalifornia gets such beautiful weather... Pacific NW too.... But the worm will turn eventually and perhaps after the fires and radiation have subsided it will again be colonized by a more reasonable people.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Fuck sake. Really. "Historic Palestine" was Judaean under the Romans. Those relentless Arab settler colonialists spread mighty widely after every empire previously within reach from East to West did its best to Judenrein the actual origin place of Jews.

But certainly, round up from wherever you like. I don't otherwise laugh through any of your pieces so keep including as a source Unz Review.

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It's good to read interesting articles that you don't agree with!

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

It's good to read pieces one does not agree with. Cerrtainly though I'd hope they'd be interesting and not merely ridiculous.

I wonder how Girardi and Johnstone feel about Pakistan, and blasphemy as a capital offense, and the kidnap, rape and murder, or forced conversion and marriage of non-Western Christian girls. Sikh and Hindu girls too. It's so strange how our human-rights shriekers lose their voices after shrieking about Israel. But one must stay fashionable I guess.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The Israeli article is full of propaganda.

Even the UN recently almost halved the number of civilian dead in the Gaza war and still they don't investigate what those dead civilians died from. Many died by Hamas' weapons, many from natural causes.

And the ancient civilization that were there before the jews? Who is that? The Ottoman Empire? Is the area Turkish?

The area was swamp and wilderness in the late 1800s. The arabs laughed when the jews bought it at ridiculous prices.

And the US is trying to shit down the fighting, not aid Israel. The jews in the US ane elsewhere is shell shocked by this.

The article is something from the furthest reaches of the far left where jews are the mastermind of the world, conspiring to do evil things to us all. In reality, the west is flooded with muslims, making most countries extremely unsafe to jews. If the jews actually controlled the US, that would not happen.

One of the few jews with power in the rotten system, is George Soros who is disowned by Israel. Soros is the hero of the far left. The hero og people that write articles like this.

Finding contrary articles is a laudable endevour, but it has to contain actual facts and arguments. Not just a massive hate rant of wild unsubstanciated claims.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

You do such a great job of finding interesting and informative content Emperor - I bought you a coffee - I wish I could give more.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The Kansas lawsuit is a big thing..... unfortunately Pfizer's legal team will just tie that up in court for the next 70 years until the current murderers are all retired or deceased.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Naill Ferguson says we are modern day Soviets but IMHO it’s more like Modern day Roman’s. Bloated military spread too thin, two economies the ultra wealthy comfortable and unwilling to sacrifice vs the herd of slaves/deplorables, while the not so quiet invasion/migration slowly tips the scales.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

As usual solid consolidation of stories.

Fyi- you probably have watched but Dr Burckhardt is a legend and if you haven't consider all three. The second is my favourite but the first helped me start looking at the blood.

Cause of Death After COVID-19 Vaccination & Undeclared Components of the COVID-19 Vaccines

October 2, 2021


Prof Arne Burkhardt - PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES, 21st- 22nd January 2023

Histopathological reevaluation serious adverse events and deaths following COVID-19 vaccination


Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing The Grave Dangers Of MRNA Vaccines


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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Chris Hedges “ In the late stage of empire, the image sold to a gullible public begins to entrance the mandarins of empire. They make decisions based not on reality, but on their distorted visions of reality, one coloured by their own propaganda”. I often say to people about our current problems with war, inflation, corruption that “denial is one of the most powerful human traits, both necessary and a dangerous liability”, they always reply with a denial that it’s denial.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

A financial transaction tax, what a concept! “money making money” Our fat cat Hedge fund low tax paying London and NYC grifters who produce nothing and own everything are driving the disaster train we unknowingly are hooked to. I voted for Rob Paul and was accused of wasting my vote.

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Jun 20Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"Rich leave London in droves..."

So they've raped and pillaged and are now off to take what they want from another place run by toxic, self serving anti-humanists. Good riddance and let's get rid of all the other (illegal) parasites that have reduced our capital city to a no go zone.

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Jun 20Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

When the American “Empire” crumbles, the world may be dismayed by the return of the 19th century of completing powers and mischief on the high seas. Outsourcing will die and those countries that were one of too many steps in creating goods will slide back down to being a vassal of their former colonists or new overlords.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

beware the pandemic treaty which far from being dead in the water as so many wrongly assume is gonna be back much sooner than you think

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Populism is a used as a slur by know it alls to characterize the ignorant, gullible and inferior public who theoretically put them in charge. IMHO these know it alls are living a memory long since vanquished when the majority were illiterate and uninformed but in the 21st century the majority is literate, informed by numerous independent sources and lives a reality quite different and less beneficial than portrayed by the know it all class. They are desperately attempting to censor their way back to a time when ignorance allowed them a comfortable cushion of safety.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The music stopped and so did the link

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which link?

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The one on Japan

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Try refreshing your browser or using a different one. It works ok my end.

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