It is high time to stop SWIFT and the central banks from establishing digital currencies! This is one more step towards global control!!

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“Biologists Says the Sun May be Conscious”

Frank Herbert’s novels “Whipping Star” and “The Dosadi Experiment” depict stars as sentient beings (or the manifestation in our dimension of such beings).

Of course if, as quoted above, “consciousness is, essentially, almost everywhere,” then this scientist isn’t actually asserting anything much about the sun.

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Thanks. I'd sure like to hear what Dr McCullough, Dr Maholtra, Dr Mobeen, and/or Dr McMillan have to say about Dr Bruce Patterson et al's recent preprint study.

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I recall your request to identify, specifically, those articles in your list of synopses which are "likable".

Your request is no longer convenient to fulfill -- I could point out the few which of somewhat less interest, but that likely wouldn't be helpful.

Please keep up with those video clips and the pictures invariably worth more than a thousand words.

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"Shock Discovery: Huge Carbon Credit Project in Australia Turns Out to Be a Sham" Isn't the whole thing a scam??

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They're working it out one step at a time

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So Informed Consent is dead. Our government has granted itself the power to experiment on us without our knowledge or consent.

So the horrors described in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment backlash and the Nuremberg Trials weren't enough to dissuade the aspiring Doctors Mengele and Vonderlehr in our government agencies from gearing it all up again. You know, "doing bad in the name of good".

We're being governed by unelected psychopaths.

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