Jun 9Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Our problems are multi generational and decades in the making. The orgins of the deep state were in the Greatest Generation. And Generation X has been a leading participant in society for the last 25 years. To blame one generation is ridiculous and I am surprised to find such statements, fostering resentment towards old people, in your writing. We have a human problem. The ease with which we blame "other" groups as opposed to holding individuals responsible is part of our human problem.

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Jun 9Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The crucial point about the Russian radar stations has been missed. The equipment that has been attacked faces south and gives cover to Russia’s ally, Iran. How can a ‘false flag’ operation, therefore, make any sense?

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Maybe the Zionists and to NUKE Iran!

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Jun 9Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

That's it!! The final line was crossed for me- Hot damn! When did Raymond Briggs, "Fungus The Bogeyman" get voted off the island??!! I freaking loved thatt book as a kid!!

#onetoofar #notfungusno #itsaclassic #keepyourhumour #nomatterwhat

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Jun 9Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The War on Illicit Drugs has fallen off the radar. But it is still news. ‘Tranq’ Turns More Illicit Drug Users Into Amputees

The rise of xylazine in the illicit drug supply is creating a generation of permanently disabled amputees. Hospitals in Philadelphia, a hot spot for xylazine contamination, are overwhelmed with patients who require costly and complicated care. Three-quarters of residents at Beacon House, an emergency shelter in the city’s Kensington neighborhood, have crippling wounds or amputations resulting from xylazine wounds that doctors don’t fully understand.

Their disfigurement is an extreme manifestation of the suffering illicit drugs are visiting on chronic users. For more of them, recovering from addiction means living with permanent disabilities. The worst cases are the growing number of people with maimed or amputated limbs.

Xylazine is spreading as dealers purchase it from China and Puerto Rico to mix into fentanyl and other drugs. Xylazine was detected in about 40% of urine samples from Pennsylvania that contained fentanyl in the year through April, according to drug-testing company Millennium Health. In New England, Xylazine’s presence doubled to 28% of samples in April from six months earlier.

Beacon House is housing dozens of people disabled by xylazine among its 69 residents. The building keeps 15 walkers for people too compromised to navigate the building on their own.

“Xylazine in a short amount of time is changing the scope of the opioid crisis,” said Dale Tippett, director of homeless services for Prevention Point, the nonprofit that operates Beacon House. “It is eliminating people’s ability to stand up again.”


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They will need lifetime medical support,

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Jun 9Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Time will tell - but ‘false flag’ it ain’t!

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Again with the "slaughter of Palestinians" during the season in which we commemorate, don't we, our brave military fallen heroes and returned vets who won the war by their slaughter of Germans and Japanese?

That's what wars are. People shouldn't start them. Finishing them is messy.

[edited for failures of grammar]

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"... Crimea Peninsula currently occupied by the Russian military..." always FUN to read the Western Terrorists PROPAGANDA!

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"If we had only understood better what a greenhouse is, maybe it wouldn’t have been so easy to con us all."

My fellow modern moron slaves... think of CO2 as SALT. After a few spoons of SALT in a gallon of water it STOPS dissolving! Doesn't matter if you pour 1 pound or 10...

That's what also happens with gases.

Just go PAY THE CO2 TAX and slave accordingly!

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