May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Conspiracy theorist! Next you’ll tell me that the president of Tanzania was poisoned! Lol

I wonder who intelligence plans to put in power? They’ve been busy

Wait! Who’s running Ukraine?!?

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The same people run ukraine as before. There's no current named puppet...

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Yeah. I was being sarcastic

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May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Seems to me that the Deep State is a global issue. Pax

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May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Give the USUK propaganda machine another week or so and they'll be blaming Putin for it.

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They did that within hours of it happening.

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How depressingly predictable. I guess the president of Iran being assassinated is Putin too.

Our media here have been strangely reluctant to cover either more than mention it, briefly.

Then again, they do have more important stuff to cover.

Like people reacting negatively over state TV propaganda for converting to islam, and ordinary people being upset over the daily shootouts and weekly, almost daily, bombings.

That's the focus: people being upset. Not the shootings and bombings.

It's like media wants people to cry for a Leader to swing the axe.

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May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

A few more dots to connect: 2 Boeing whistleblowers, one with "MRSA" possibly Staphlococcus Endotoxin B bioweaponized. And future candidates abound as we approach Nov. '24.

RFK hopefully has security he can trust, because he sure isn't gonna get any from DHS. Millei??? he'd better get in line.

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May 22Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

People are still finding additional bullet paths in Kennedy’s head. Sounds like maybe four hit him, throat, shoulder, right temple, and a lower path from the front that travels up from the chin towards the back of the skull (that got blown into the air). I guess two shots from the overpass, both a little low due to subsonic ammo, one probably 221 Fireball shot from behind the fence on the knoll, maybe not even suppressed, and one from a window of a building next to the book depository into the shoulder, also subsonic. Everyone else missed and hit other things, like the curb, the pavement, John Connelly, etc. Must have been close to a dozen, it’s a wonder they didn’t shoot each other by accident. Lee was in the lunch room for colored folks while this was going on.

The Blob is intolerant of alternative views and independent thoughts, and it is orders of magnitude bigger than it was in 1963. It has also just committed the largest mass murder in human history by bioweapon. If that is not canceled, I am not sure what would qualify. We are dead to The Blob. Literally. The Blob is ghosting us.

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May 22Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The hidden hand has many resources at its disposal. Don’t forget to add to the list the several CIA agents arrested in the Congo a few days ago during an attempted coup.

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May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Could this be another psyop? 5 bullets would turn his body into a collander but I didn't see any blood.

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does anyone know the size of the gun, i rather doubt it was a .454 casull,

a pretty powerful hand gun.

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Yes he also did an impressive body roll following the shooting, he should have dropped down where he stood instead he travelled onto a bench near him and then fell over.

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May 22Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Yes, you can tell the truth by identifying what the MSM and our group-thinking leaders say is a lie.

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May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

All these people are in opposition of the WHO IHR? ... Is this the theme?

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And the dollar as world currency

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Of course, BRICS!

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May 22Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Damn! Those spooks are having a busy month.

Perhaps they're trying to move all of their foreign regime change projects along to free up assets for the biggest regime change of all, this fall.

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May 22Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They appear to have taken their Hollywood action film consulting and applied it to the audience. They would like you to believe they are the good guys with the p shooter glock up against terrorists with AK47, AR15, etc and never misses their target while the bad guys can’t hit the side of a barn. We are so easily led to their objective.

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May 22Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

You missed the recent attempted coup/assassination of Zelensky in Ukraine a short while ago... (although very few details been reported - just that a couple senior military leaders arrested)

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Quelle [insert pungent French cheese of your choice].

I appreciate your continuing pursuit of this story but don't get too distracted by all the different fumes here. King Salman has been sick for a very long time which is why the Crown Prince has been gleefully behaving like Dad is dead already.

And Raisi--lotsa lotsa people/groups/interests/geopolitical factions with an interest in seeing that vile monster dead and they may all despise one another too. We may all certainly hope he is presently getting a finishing crust in God's Big Tandoor in the Sky.

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Dear Lloyd,

Are you aware of Richard Poe, Matt Ehret, and Jay Dyer? They all discuss issues that could have been included in the a-albionic research newsletters.

Poe's work, specifically his new book, HOW THE BRITISH INVENTED COMMUNISM (AND BLAMED IT ON THE JEWS) just came out a little while ago, and I could only think of when I first came across a-albionic research ages ago, and the concept of the Court Js. I'll include links to interviews with him, and the page that summarizes his book.

CanadianPatriot.org, author, Matt Ehret, and his wife, Cynthia Chung, are also lacing together a lot of history that feels as if they have done considerable reading in old a-albionic research newsletters, specifically how both Russia and China are being used as distractions to pull eyes away from the Atlanticist Establishment and NATO Clique and their actions, and how both Russia and China are being portrayed as twin dire "threats to democracy, etc."

I learned of Matt Ehret when Jay Dyer interviewed him in regards to the UFO deception, which is very much in line the work of the Collins Brothers.

Are you familiar with the works of Matt Ehret, his wife Cynthia Chung, and Jay Dyer? Can you please comment?

Richard Poe


Matthew Ehret


Ehret brings in angles on the Venetians that I may have overlooked or not seen before.




Jay Dyer


Dyer has an Eight-Part series on Quigley's T&H, too, as well as a few sections on Qugley's THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT.

With Ehret


With Collins Brothers


Regarding C I A influence in Vatican and Eastern Orthodox and Ecumenism plans


History of Israel/Palestinian conflict


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"...had previously taken part in anti-government protests." How, then, is he a lone wolf?

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Trump is supposed to die of a "stroke" prior to the selections.... Still got time for that.

If they kick over the whole rotten apple cart on purpose in the USA, a real 'strongman' should emerge as savior and likely the antichrist.

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