They chose Israel as the world lab - Schizer's CEO said it publicly, this is not me saying!
Since December 2020, I started monitoring the data out of Israel and came to the conclusion in August 2021 that Israel was suffering from Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This experiment FAILED withing 7 months.
I had hoped that prophet Fauci was going to learn from it but he didn't. Imagine how many Americans have been killed by these transgenic injections since August 2021. The DOD quackcine mandate was decided in August and Brandon's multiple mandates in September 2021. These are organized crimes. How can you have the proof from the Israeli lab that quackcines are destroying the guinea pigs and then mandate them to everyone between 5 and 120 years old in your country?
The entire Western world continued as if nothing had happened and they keep killing their citizens as we speak. What a madness!
Cases, hospitalisations and deaths at these levels, with most people vaxxed and with milder variants means the injections have failed to vaccinate. Unless the unvaxxed dominate the stats, the injections have prima facie failed. But it's worse than that. The HSA stats show the vaxxed are 92% of recent deaths, disproportionate to their share of population. Negative vaccine efficacy.
to be honest there is literally ('literally') no other way of reading this (and other months) as a definite 'The vaccines have failed', demonstrably. QED. Yet still I laugh at those who get COVID (2x 3 x jabbed) and say, 'Thank God I got the vaccine, imagine how bad it would have been'.
..heads should roll; gaol should be a resting place for more than a few, banning from public office - for life - for others...but will anything happen? LOOK! Over there...a squirrel!
I am amazed that so many people still don't understand that they've been in a planned mass formation psychosis since March 2020.
When you hear words like "vaccine", "hesitancy", "pandemic of the unvaccinated", etc... repeated 24/7, a sane person should have understood that something else was going on.
And the plandemic is right here for all to see since 2010:
The only people that could do anything are the ones in charge and implementing the whole thing. So if you think they’re going to have a come to Jesus moment and repent of their sins you’d be sadly mistaken. I know you don’t think that.
But if anyone, politically, had the cojones to do something about it , they’d be cancelled mocked and ostracized within minutes.
This will never be fixed. There is no one in authority that will fix it and if they were they’d be run out of town on a rail the same day if they even dared to try.
When I hear Nuremberg 2.0, I just laugh. Nuremberg 1.0 was organized by the victors to destroy the criminals. Today, the victors are the criminals. Who's going to prosecute the victors? How do you prosecute the CIA and the DOD?
I can give you the names here and see if you can tell how to touch the untouchables.
Anthony Fauci - financing an patenting bioweapons. Working with the CIA and the DOD in the US and China via EcoHealth.
Ralph Baric - The Genius behind SARS-Cov-2 for 2 decades. Working with the CIA and the DOD in the US and China (Wuhan) via EcoHealth.
Also, remember that these same cabals killed a sitting US president (JFK) in 1963 and as of now, they never had to account for their crimes. After 58 years, the DOJ still sits on the "classified" documents.
As far as Covid-19 is concerned, if the FDA asked the court to give it 75 years to release the Pfizer clinical trials data (that had been published in less than 103 days!! ), you should understand that we're in a MASSIVE FRAUD sponsored by a regulatory agency of the federal government.
Ed Dowd touches on some interesting points regarding the insurance industry. Perhaps they are the ones who help expose the fraud and bring awareness to the public causing an uproar. His latest interview with RFKJr on The Defender show is informative. If you don’t like RFKJr, Ed has many other interviews on the subject. He used to work for Blackrock & Wall Street (described as a “Maverick”)
Dowd is focussing on excess deaths and says these can't be ignored forever. One would think he is right, but somehow I think they will be ignored ... at least by the MSM, which is really all that matters.
I do think more and more people are starting to notice. Even the FT comments are now aligned with us, and that was one of the last bastions of coronaphobia.
A friend's presently in the BRI hospital in Bristol, South West England. She's in there basically dying after being ignored by the NHS for the past two years. She can't eat, can't absorb nutrients, has to have her stomach removed and is presently being fed through a tube inserted in her gut which is full of benign tumours.
Anyway, she had the third injection and quickly went down hill. She had to go to A&E in the ghastly Weston General where she waited 13 hours to be seen.
In the BRI she's in a room with three dementia patients who spend all night screaming.
She caught Rona in hospital and it hasn't killed her at least. The hospitals in the region are so full of Rona Omicron BA.2 patients (allegedly Rona) they've had to occupy hotels and turn them in impromptu hospital wards.
This country is one of the.most injected in the World (allegedly, but I have heard 28 million haven't been injected, of which I am one, who recovered from Rona early March with no problems. 36 hours a bit rough, but nowhere near flu or Norovirus) and the government is now offering the fourth injection to the entire country. I have no idea what the uptake will be, but it won't be much.
Next door neighbour went blind.
Other neighbours colleague, 49, mother of two, heart attack within 20 mins of injection
Tim's mate, 41, fit and healthy butcher, heart attack within four hours, revived
Another, Pete, 28, plumber, died the day after injection
Mother got a thrombosis in her foot, couldn't walk for two weeks
Her friend, the woman I talk about above, exactly the same.
Even National Geographic's starting to call it out. This month asking why it's so hard to compensate victims of vaccines. That's the only publication I subscribe to. £2 a month. Takes away all my stress.
It's coming out. Mark Steyn on GB News (this guy has top ratings) did a piece on how dangerous these injections are a couple of days ago. He didn't mince words.
Despite the fact that Castrudeau in Canada bought the mediatic clergy with $600million, Brandon with $1billion, Bull Gates with $319million, Israel with 250million shekels to hide their crimes, it's no longer possible to hide the obvious. They can run but they cannot hide anymore . Below is situation as of January 2021 in the US:
Oops – Do not Enter. Crimes Scene!
1,100% Increase in Military Deaths Following COVID Quackcines! – Just delete the inconvenient data….
40% increase in life insurance claims!! – Fire the CEOs they shouldn’t reveal this….
57% increase in funeral homes stocks!!! – Let’s approach the SEC to fix these stocks…
All-cause mortality for millennials increased by 84% - Just fudge the statistics….
Some people believe that facts can be canceled - Insurance companies have revised their claims forecast up by 300,000 for 2022 vs 2021.
Did you see the embalmers (some creepy dudes, Addams Family'esque) and the foot long blood clots which look like they came out of a KFC family bucket? They're saying 50% of their "clients" are vaccine deaths.
You know what? I'm glad you and me dodged this bullet.
I am actually doing this since 2020. I was researching bio-weapons development and testing in February 2020 when the first case was declared in North America and I instantly knew what was going on... If you remember Obama testing bio-weapons in West Africa out of his shop in Liberia, that's the trigger that made me curious...
I clocked it around the middle of April 2020 and went down the rabbit hole.
Remembering the Malthusian Club of Rome, dug up some interviews with the author of The Limits To Growth, the eugenicist Dennis Meadows and CNN founder, Ted Turner, also Stanley Johnson and it became clear what's going on.
There's a video of the former Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad speaking at a New World Order warning conference in 2015, telling us what the plan is.
All of the number of cases data is based on testing for Covid. Who is running thousands of new tests daily? What is the accuracy of any of this number of cases data? In this country or England.
Almost all” PCR tests produce false positive results.
According to 22 eminent scientists, around 97% of PCR tests for covid produce false positive results.
The test “contains so many molecular biological design errors that it is not possible to obtain unambiguous results.”
“It is inevitable that this test will generate a tremendous number of so-called “false positives,” rendering them worthless.
“The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments.”
“Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making (it) unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection.”
I don’t believe they care whether the PCR test is suitable or accurate. Any way they can gather our DNA, including mailing - gifting (ha!) us home kits. I’ve always been suspicious of the ethnicity tests (just a gut hunch) like BlackRock owns one of the labs where they make the covid nasal swabs. Wish I could remember the name of the company, but you can do your own search. Also it’s quite risky/dangerous to keep getting tested with the nasal swab. Too close to the brain if done properly or improperly.
1. There is a carcinogenic chemical in the swab - I forgot the name but you can search it on
The purpose of the test is to harvest DNAs as you mentioned.
2. It was known since March 2020 that PCR Test had up to 97% false positives. That's the test that was used to declare the Plandemic. On another note, the developer of the PCR test said clearly that it was never designed to detect infectious diseases. It can detect nucleic acids which may just be from your own metabolic wastes or from a flu/influenza virus... Has nothing to do with SARS-Cov-2!!!
Thanks for the link. Ill check it out. I did the deep dive on the PCR tests and the inventor last year. Learned about him when I was digging into the AIDS controversy. He had quite a disdain for Fauci. I read an article about the chemicals in the swabs. I couldn’t find link to share but here’s one on the PCR.
People who believe "'Thank God I got the vaccine, imagine how bad it would have been" are idiots. Some of these believers are now among the Covid death AND excess death statistic. Unlucky for them, they are no longer around to make that stupid claim!
Serious people should visit the Ethical Skeptic twitter page. He has the data to prove it. This is no longer a hypothesis.
And, if we succeed in connecting the dots, we are labeled 'conspiracy theorists' and demonized as members of that sub-human group "anti-vaxers". I have it on no less authority than the prime minister of Canada that even asking questions confirms my identity as a "misogynist and racist".
Contrast with Norway and the rest of Scaninavia. Covid, what's that? sort of. We stopped testing over a month ago, no mandates, no lockdowns, no restrictions aside from the normal ones in hospitals and such places, and virtually no Covid.
Extrapolating by data from the blood donor system, more than 85% of the population has one or several kinds of antibodies against SARS-Cov-2 viruses (or is it virii?). And even this little item is so unimportant that no follow up has ben done with the data.
ICU-cases are so few they stopped reporting to the publicly available parts of the health care database on March 2 - when a condition drops under 5 it is no longer publicly reported due to cofientiality issues.
So anyone living where politicians and others use Covid as an excuse for overreach, tell them to look at Norway and the rest of us. Because mortality was lower even during 2021, than during any year during the 90s. So the 90s were so to speak more lethal than Covid, if I am being mildly facetious.
The flu is puttering along as normal, about 200 to 300 cases per 100 000 people, virtually all of them in the 0-4 and 65+ age cohorts. In total this year, about 30 cases needed brief hospitalisation (not ICU) due to high fever.
And the Winter Vomiting Disease (who's job is it to name this stuff and how do I get it?) is virtually wiped out due to improved sanitation standards - seems hiring from the lowest bidder and letting them use uneducated illiterate staff from Somalia and Afghanistan had adverse effects on quality... go figure, viruses don't care about woke racism.
This last item is definitiely any european living in a nation where the nursing home industry uses similar hiring practics should look into, because I can promise you your media won't. 'Cause racism, yo.
yes, very good point re the hygiene etc. Funnily enough nobody seems to have worried about the litter/plastic/water side of things: all those years of not having plastic straws and saving water etc and suddenly used masks littering everywhere I look, probably 2 or 3 billion people washing their hands several more times a day 'for 20 seconds'. bang goes decades of saving.
Also, re numbers and testing and how bad the 'plague' was: I ask anyone: imagine no reporting, no screaming headlines, in your day-to-day what have you SEEN, ignore the masks and Perspex sheeting and dots on the floor...if they weren't there what would make you think it was anything other than a normal year? Only 2 months (Mar-May) of 2020 were anything different and that because it was exacerbated by politicians.
Now of course all-cause mortality and pandemic of heart attacks is the real issue...
I think you are right. The vaccines clearly could not help prevent the hospitalizations and deaths of those vulnerable people. One could even argue that those who do not become hospitalized do not, not due to the vaccines, but because they are just plain healthy.
Scotland has just decided to no longer release C-19 deaths data. They're so overwhelmed by the pressure from that analyzes UK's data daily that they've decided to give up. DailyExpose is proving without a reasonable doubt that Scotland is suffering from VAIDS like the rest of UK... I don't know if there are elections coming in Scotland or not but somebody is panicking and trying to hide something in Glasgow!!
I just checked out active cases in a number of countries. Interestingly, only a few countries have so far experienced a second (smaller) Omicron wave. The U.S. is about done with the first Omicron wave. Will there be a second wave in the U.S.? We will find out soon...
Game Set & MATCH
It's a shame so many folks are still "playing" because they don't realize the game is over...
Every day millions of doses and boosters are still being injected. That is a shame.
They chose Israel as the world lab - Schizer's CEO said it publicly, this is not me saying!
Since December 2020, I started monitoring the data out of Israel and came to the conclusion in August 2021 that Israel was suffering from Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This experiment FAILED withing 7 months.
I had hoped that prophet Fauci was going to learn from it but he didn't. Imagine how many Americans have been killed by these transgenic injections since August 2021. The DOD quackcine mandate was decided in August and Brandon's multiple mandates in September 2021. These are organized crimes. How can you have the proof from the Israeli lab that quackcines are destroying the guinea pigs and then mandate them to everyone between 5 and 120 years old in your country?
The entire Western world continued as if nothing had happened and they keep killing their citizens as we speak. What a madness!
How about, "That is criminal". There -fixed it for you.
We could use a good Cull... and this is mainly targeting MOREONS so delays Idiocracy.
Wow. What a thing to say.
You don't think 8B people is too much?
Nope. I don't. These families of the ppl doing this have been saying that for hundreds of years. WAAAAY before there were even 1B. Think on that.
And I strongly object to even the IDEA of a "good" cull. Damn.
Cases, hospitalisations and deaths at these levels, with most people vaxxed and with milder variants means the injections have failed to vaccinate. Unless the unvaxxed dominate the stats, the injections have prima facie failed. But it's worse than that. The HSA stats show the vaxxed are 92% of recent deaths, disproportionate to their share of population. Negative vaccine efficacy.
Dear NE,
The vaccines are safe and effective
The vaccines are safe and effective
The vaccines are safe and effective
The vaccines are safe and effective
The vaccines are safe and effective
The vaccines are safe and effective
Any further questions please don’t hesitate to take the vaccine first and stop asking impertinent questions,
Yours, unfaithfully,
CEOs Schizer & Murderna
Fact Checker: We make sh$t!
Osssssss.... Osssssss.....
to be honest there is literally ('literally') no other way of reading this (and other months) as a definite 'The vaccines have failed', demonstrably. QED. Yet still I laugh at those who get COVID (2x 3 x jabbed) and say, 'Thank God I got the vaccine, imagine how bad it would have been'.
..heads should roll; gaol should be a resting place for more than a few, banning from public office - for life - for others...but will anything happen? LOOK! Over there...a squirrel!
I am amazed that so many people still don't understand that they've been in a planned mass formation psychosis since March 2020.
When you hear words like "vaccine", "hesitancy", "pandemic of the unvaccinated", etc... repeated 24/7, a sane person should have understood that something else was going on.
And the plandemic is right here for all to see since 2010:
The only people that could do anything are the ones in charge and implementing the whole thing. So if you think they’re going to have a come to Jesus moment and repent of their sins you’d be sadly mistaken. I know you don’t think that.
But if anyone, politically, had the cojones to do something about it , they’d be cancelled mocked and ostracized within minutes.
This will never be fixed. There is no one in authority that will fix it and if they were they’d be run out of town on a rail the same day if they even dared to try.
Check and mate
When I hear Nuremberg 2.0, I just laugh. Nuremberg 1.0 was organized by the victors to destroy the criminals. Today, the victors are the criminals. Who's going to prosecute the victors? How do you prosecute the CIA and the DOD?
I can give you the names here and see if you can tell how to touch the untouchables.
Anthony Fauci - financing an patenting bioweapons. Working with the CIA and the DOD in the US and China via EcoHealth.
Ralph Baric - The Genius behind SARS-Cov-2 for 2 decades. Working with the CIA and the DOD in the US and China (Wuhan) via EcoHealth.
Charles Liber – 50 patents
Working with the CIA and the DOD in the US and China - Wuhan.
For other global predators see the below lawsuit:
Mr. Alex Azar, DEFENDANT
Dr. Anthony Fauci, DEFENDANT
Dr. Peter Daszak, DEFENDANT
Dr. Ralph Baric, DEFENDANT
This is exactly right. This is like Qanon people who think that they’re getting the indictments all ready and everyone’s going to jail.
By what and whose authority? They would have to arrest themselves. The DOJ is complicit. No one will be held responsible. This is all kabuki theater.
I’m going out for some nice shrimp fajitas and a frozen margarita.
Que serra serra.
We had a good run guys!!
Also, remember that these same cabals killed a sitting US president (JFK) in 1963 and as of now, they never had to account for their crimes. After 58 years, the DOJ still sits on the "classified" documents.
As far as Covid-19 is concerned, if the FDA asked the court to give it 75 years to release the Pfizer clinical trials data (that had been published in less than 103 days!! ), you should understand that we're in a MASSIVE FRAUD sponsored by a regulatory agency of the federal government.
Extinction Imminent. It's been fun
Ed Dowd touches on some interesting points regarding the insurance industry. Perhaps they are the ones who help expose the fraud and bring awareness to the public causing an uproar. His latest interview with RFKJr on The Defender show is informative. If you don’t like RFKJr, Ed has many other interviews on the subject. He used to work for Blackrock & Wall Street (described as a “Maverick”)
Dowd is focussing on excess deaths and says these can't be ignored forever. One would think he is right, but somehow I think they will be ignored ... at least by the MSM, which is really all that matters.
I do think more and more people are starting to notice. Even the FT comments are now aligned with us, and that was one of the last bastions of coronaphobia.
A friend's presently in the BRI hospital in Bristol, South West England. She's in there basically dying after being ignored by the NHS for the past two years. She can't eat, can't absorb nutrients, has to have her stomach removed and is presently being fed through a tube inserted in her gut which is full of benign tumours.
Anyway, she had the third injection and quickly went down hill. She had to go to A&E in the ghastly Weston General where she waited 13 hours to be seen.
In the BRI she's in a room with three dementia patients who spend all night screaming.
She caught Rona in hospital and it hasn't killed her at least. The hospitals in the region are so full of Rona Omicron BA.2 patients (allegedly Rona) they've had to occupy hotels and turn them in impromptu hospital wards.
This country is one of the.most injected in the World (allegedly, but I have heard 28 million haven't been injected, of which I am one, who recovered from Rona early March with no problems. 36 hours a bit rough, but nowhere near flu or Norovirus) and the government is now offering the fourth injection to the entire country. I have no idea what the uptake will be, but it won't be much.
Next door neighbour went blind.
Other neighbours colleague, 49, mother of two, heart attack within 20 mins of injection
Tim's mate, 41, fit and healthy butcher, heart attack within four hours, revived
Another, Pete, 28, plumber, died the day after injection
Mother got a thrombosis in her foot, couldn't walk for two weeks
Her friend, the woman I talk about above, exactly the same.
I read another account of a quackcination proponent yesterday who went blind after his booster shot.
56% of the Israeli population has been boostered. Of those, millions are at their 4th shots.
It seems to me that they love human sacrifices.
Anyway, the equation is very simple here:
One mRNA, One Spike Protein, 1291 Diseases => Unlimited Ways to Die
Fact Check: U.S. Attorney: 1,100% Increase in Military Deaths Following COVID Vaccines – “This is Genocide”
I've seen the horror, the horror you've seen.
Even National Geographic's starting to call it out. This month asking why it's so hard to compensate victims of vaccines. That's the only publication I subscribe to. £2 a month. Takes away all my stress.
It's coming out. Mark Steyn on GB News (this guy has top ratings) did a piece on how dangerous these injections are a couple of days ago. He didn't mince words.
Despite the fact that Castrudeau in Canada bought the mediatic clergy with $600million, Brandon with $1billion, Bull Gates with $319million, Israel with 250million shekels to hide their crimes, it's no longer possible to hide the obvious. They can run but they cannot hide anymore . Below is situation as of January 2021 in the US:
Oops – Do not Enter. Crimes Scene!
1,100% Increase in Military Deaths Following COVID Quackcines! – Just delete the inconvenient data….
40% increase in life insurance claims!! – Fire the CEOs they shouldn’t reveal this….
57% increase in funeral homes stocks!!! – Let’s approach the SEC to fix these stocks…
All-cause mortality for millennials increased by 84% - Just fudge the statistics….
Some people believe that facts can be canceled - Insurance companies have revised their claims forecast up by 300,000 for 2022 vs 2021.
The coming months are going to be UGLY!
You've been paying attention!
Did you see the embalmers (some creepy dudes, Addams Family'esque) and the foot long blood clots which look like they came out of a KFC family bucket? They're saying 50% of their "clients" are vaccine deaths.
You know what? I'm glad you and me dodged this bullet.
I am actually doing this since 2020. I was researching bio-weapons development and testing in February 2020 when the first case was declared in North America and I instantly knew what was going on... If you remember Obama testing bio-weapons in West Africa out of his shop in Liberia, that's the trigger that made me curious...
I clocked it around the middle of April 2020 and went down the rabbit hole.
Remembering the Malthusian Club of Rome, dug up some interviews with the author of The Limits To Growth, the eugenicist Dennis Meadows and CNN founder, Ted Turner, also Stanley Johnson and it became clear what's going on.
There's a video of the former Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad speaking at a New World Order warning conference in 2015, telling us what the plan is.
When's the asteroid expected?
All of the number of cases data is based on testing for Covid. Who is running thousands of new tests daily? What is the accuracy of any of this number of cases data? In this country or England.
Almost all” PCR tests produce false positive results.
According to 22 eminent scientists, around 97% of PCR tests for covid produce false positive results.
The test “contains so many molecular biological design errors that it is not possible to obtain unambiguous results.”
“It is inevitable that this test will generate a tremendous number of so-called “false positives,” rendering them worthless.
“The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments.”
“Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making (it) unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection.”
I don’t believe they care whether the PCR test is suitable or accurate. Any way they can gather our DNA, including mailing - gifting (ha!) us home kits. I’ve always been suspicious of the ethnicity tests (just a gut hunch) like BlackRock owns one of the labs where they make the covid nasal swabs. Wish I could remember the name of the company, but you can do your own search. Also it’s quite risky/dangerous to keep getting tested with the nasal swab. Too close to the brain if done properly or improperly.
1. There is a carcinogenic chemical in the swab - I forgot the name but you can search it on
The purpose of the test is to harvest DNAs as you mentioned.
2. It was known since March 2020 that PCR Test had up to 97% false positives. That's the test that was used to declare the Plandemic. On another note, the developer of the PCR test said clearly that it was never designed to detect infectious diseases. It can detect nucleic acids which may just be from your own metabolic wastes or from a flu/influenza virus... Has nothing to do with SARS-Cov-2!!!
Thanks for the link. Ill check it out. I did the deep dive on the PCR tests and the inventor last year. Learned about him when I was digging into the AIDS controversy. He had quite a disdain for Fauci. I read an article about the chemicals in the swabs. I couldn’t find link to share but here’s one on the PCR.
it is worse than you imagined. The New Nazis Great Reset
I understand, am aware and have imagined, unfortunately……..
I appreciate this kind of breakdown... Easy to understand 👍👍
I wish the people around me would notice. They’re still full on in the game.
Same. I keep waiting for some (or even just one would do) to wake up! Wake the fuck up and see!
People who believe "'Thank God I got the vaccine, imagine how bad it would have been" are idiots. Some of these believers are now among the Covid death AND excess death statistic. Unlucky for them, they are no longer around to make that stupid claim!
Serious people should visit the Ethical Skeptic twitter page. He has the data to prove it. This is no longer a hypothesis.
"Thank goodness I wore my seatbelt while drinking and driving"-logic from those people you mention.
But then most of us suck at picking apart series of events to see cause and effect and what actually connects more than by association.
And, if we succeed in connecting the dots, we are labeled 'conspiracy theorists' and demonized as members of that sub-human group "anti-vaxers". I have it on no less authority than the prime minister of Canada that even asking questions confirms my identity as a "misogynist and racist".
They're zombies. These are people who have never been curious - they believe in prophet Fauci and the mediatic clergy.
Contrast with Norway and the rest of Scaninavia. Covid, what's that? sort of. We stopped testing over a month ago, no mandates, no lockdowns, no restrictions aside from the normal ones in hospitals and such places, and virtually no Covid.
Extrapolating by data from the blood donor system, more than 85% of the population has one or several kinds of antibodies against SARS-Cov-2 viruses (or is it virii?). And even this little item is so unimportant that no follow up has ben done with the data.
ICU-cases are so few they stopped reporting to the publicly available parts of the health care database on March 2 - when a condition drops under 5 it is no longer publicly reported due to cofientiality issues.
So anyone living where politicians and others use Covid as an excuse for overreach, tell them to look at Norway and the rest of us. Because mortality was lower even during 2021, than during any year during the 90s. So the 90s were so to speak more lethal than Covid, if I am being mildly facetious.
The flu is puttering along as normal, about 200 to 300 cases per 100 000 people, virtually all of them in the 0-4 and 65+ age cohorts. In total this year, about 30 cases needed brief hospitalisation (not ICU) due to high fever.
And the Winter Vomiting Disease (who's job is it to name this stuff and how do I get it?) is virtually wiped out due to improved sanitation standards - seems hiring from the lowest bidder and letting them use uneducated illiterate staff from Somalia and Afghanistan had adverse effects on quality... go figure, viruses don't care about woke racism.
This last item is definitiely any european living in a nation where the nursing home industry uses similar hiring practics should look into, because I can promise you your media won't. 'Cause racism, yo.
yes, very good point re the hygiene etc. Funnily enough nobody seems to have worried about the litter/plastic/water side of things: all those years of not having plastic straws and saving water etc and suddenly used masks littering everywhere I look, probably 2 or 3 billion people washing their hands several more times a day 'for 20 seconds'. bang goes decades of saving.
Also, re numbers and testing and how bad the 'plague' was: I ask anyone: imagine no reporting, no screaming headlines, in your day-to-day what have you SEEN, ignore the masks and Perspex sheeting and dots on the floor...if they weren't there what would make you think it was anything other than a normal year? Only 2 months (Mar-May) of 2020 were anything different and that because it was exacerbated by politicians.
Now of course all-cause mortality and pandemic of heart attacks is the real issue...
I'm still trying to find out how they suddenly were able to solve these problems
there are a lot of VERY pertinent paragraphs in that article, I know they are on about SARS 1 but it pretty much shows us what has really gone on.
Follow the science to vaccine failure hell hole … follow the money to vaccine shill heaven
I think you are right. The vaccines clearly could not help prevent the hospitalizations and deaths of those vulnerable people. One could even argue that those who do not become hospitalized do not, not due to the vaccines, but because they are just plain healthy.
Awesome article! Concise, logical and factual 👍🏻
Ragadast just posted a good writeup on vaccine failure. Check it out -
Scotland has just decided to no longer release C-19 deaths data. They're so overwhelmed by the pressure from that analyzes UK's data daily that they've decided to give up. DailyExpose is proving without a reasonable doubt that Scotland is suffering from VAIDS like the rest of UK... I don't know if there are elections coming in Scotland or not but somebody is panicking and trying to hide something in Glasgow!!
I just checked out active cases in a number of countries. Interestingly, only a few countries have so far experienced a second (smaller) Omicron wave. The U.S. is about done with the first Omicron wave. Will there be a second wave in the U.S.? We will find out soon...
Hong Kong and South Korea are at the stratosphere. They beat every country this week despite a quackcination rate > 88 %.
This proves that ADE and VAIDS are very likely alive in those countries.
Both Hong Kong and South Korea had very few cases until recently. So they are getting hit with 2 years worth of infections.