The military did a similar exercise with similar results -- 'locked down' soldiers had a slightly higher rate of infection than 'normal' soldiers.
To me, it was obvious that if we couldn't keep the virus out of nursing homes and jails (where we can basically control everybody who comes in and out), we had no way of keeping it out of the general population.
There were no lock downs in nursing homes or jails as employees came & went. As for the 5 CRIMINAL GOVS who sent patients BACK to nursing homes to infect/kill, well, jus another grave injustice that they weren't prosecuted. Whitmer, Cuomo, Murphy, Newsom, Wolf all deserved prison sentences for lives on their hands
Thanks for posting - I remember reading that long ago. "Most recruits who tested positive were asymptomatic, and no infections were detected through daily symptom monitoring." Sounds like a testdemic to me.
Lockdowns do work, they were never to stop diseases.. they are to test how compliant / stupid a population can be by simply using media propaganda to control them. They work perfectly against a large ignorant percentage of the human race.
Good thing you don't live in Canada ( maybe for many reasons other than the lack of light) - we all need miner's helmets on as soon as we wake up or we'll walk into the walls ; we are too bundled up to do any happy dances...
sun, healthy food, moving around, going outside a lot, enjoy yourself - all things these people missed in this cold, dark, dreary place and without the necessary fresh air and food ! Absolutely agree Cairn.
The viral swarm can change aka keep mutating towards different more harmful or less harmful versions of it (evolutionary transformations) based on how 'weak' the immune system of its host may be. If it senses you are weaker it is evolutionary time to make more copies and jump of its host because hey its host is weak and may die.
This version makes it more parsimonious with what happened in that Base: they got in with copies of those virons which were not harmful and the immune system did not bother to eliminate as they were in their lungs. Some time after certain weeks because of deteriorating immune system the viral swarm mutated and became harmful - it produced a cold.
Wrong. HE LOST that position because he was saying from the start evertyhing that eugypus has been saying. I mean he is the man that helped RFK, jr write his book .... about Fauci
Nobody has ever found a virus. If they do point at something it is a little bit of matter amongst a cocktail of matter (shit some would say) they'd added to their petri dish and the argument before 2020 was whether it was alive or not.
It's not alive and not being alive it has no ability to mutate or evolve.
The 'no virus' people are to this pharmaceutical crisis / global power grab crisis what flat-earthers are to the moon hoax story.
There is a very large scientific body of work spanning thousands of people and many decades of back and forth, that now agrees about the existence of viruses. This is not the two decades climate crisis panel.
People are somewhat open to hear about the power grab that fueled this crisis but if you start denying all this work on a knee jerk argument there are no viruses, you are doing more harm than good as you are participating to a 'disinfo' theory.
Plus J.C. Couey is not 'my friend'. Please keep rhetorics at bay.
"Thousands of people and many decades" unfortunately do not guarantee that something is true. The no-virus theory is definitely not a knee-jerk argument, and to know if it's disinformation you'd have to take a closer look.
That you believe they're doing more harm than good has nothing to do with it being correct. I haven't personally come to a firm conclusion on this question, but I do think that the folks who are advocating it are doing so with good science and in good faith.
The power grab started with the Romans was bought to England by a Lady from the old Roman capital now called Istanbul and given to a charlatan by the name of Jenner in the West Country and was then passed on to Pasteur to grab by the rising power of France (courtesy of some guy called Napoleon ie Empire) who admitted that it was all fraudulent in his own hand telling his relatives to never release this information which made their fortune. It was then instituted in various places, Naples, Delhi, Hong Kong amongst them to rid these cities of slums that could be redeveloped (met resistance in every single one of them) and was then put on the back burner while the protests against vaccinations died out, these vaccinations were reintroduced in 1918 and the result was called "the Spanish flu" so once again the eugenicists of Empire went quiet but got their way in 1953 with various things in their favour and of course on the Polio vaccinations that came after killing many children & adults. In the 1980s the Reagan administration let them run riot with the result that there's something like 80 childhood vaccinations forced on the poor innocent children of the US as well as elsewhere (although not quite as many) and then we had the AIDs supposed epidemic and now the completely fraudulent Covid epidemic.
That's the play for power you fucking idiot. And there's still no fucking virus.
Nice that your friend found work with RFK. And I don't mind Eugyppius but we disagree on this topic. And as far as I know Eugyppius makes enough money from Substack for it to be his main focus. Agreeing with the mainstream on viruses is profitable, disagreeing with it is not.
I've come back to praise you some more because I can't stop thinking about this post.
Remember when our grandmas/great-grandmas/moms said "Don't go out with a wet head! You'll catch a cold!"?
And then for decades the Experts of Science said "that's just an old wives' tale! A wet head even in the winter can't possibly give you a cold! You've got to catch a bug!"
And then a few years ago, Experts of Science started acknowledging in their own little way that getting chilled could negatively affect your immune system and leave you more vulnerable to catching a bug.
And this post made me think, while I was making another mug of tea, that perhaps weakening the immune system by getting chilled or whatever would nudge some of those pesky little teeny weeny livestock hiding in corners of our internal landscape to wake up and rampage around. We didn't catch fresh ones. The old ones started biting again.
Another reason to a) Trust grandma! and b) fill the pantry with ginger teabags and Vitamin C.
Thank you again. Not least for validating my own approach to trying to maintain good health, which includes _not_ shuddering in terror and avoiding family if they're a little bit sneezy. Your germs and mine can have a wrestling match! Knock each other out!
edit: I mean, it didn't make me think I'd come up with a genius conclusion myself. It made me recognize all the implications of what you wrote here.
Always fantastic to have examples average folks can use to expose the absurdity of lockdown lunatics & admit compliance was buying into the psyop.. it's still stunning to me to know NYC tough attitude folded like a lawn chair and streets looked like a Hollywood set despite Princess Cruise as a perfect control group Cuomo killing spree delivered the panic in award winning performances.
They experienced dysbiosis because of lack of sunlight and not enough vitamins and micronutrients. Not enough exercise too as they were stuck inside for weeks. Their microbiome got stressed and unbalanced and that resulted in symptoms. Dysbiosis causes flu-like or cold-like symptoms. This is why the seasonal flu/respiratory illness is almost perfectly correlated with the amount of sun, and is very prominent in the Northern Hemisphere where we have high density population.
Brilliant, thank you. No surprise here. Why wouldn't viruses survive and adapt in us?
I once read a story about a dead body that was left in a completly tight glass box. Nothing could go in or out. It was completly consumed by a wide range of parasites and other little life-forms from within. It shows two things:
It is such a no brainer, and yet, people still think it is viruses and eating red meat that gives them colds and cancers. If you are healthy, you don't get sick, as my 88 year old mother demonstrates every day. It is all on us. The only way to overcome the medical and pharmaceutical bloodsuckers is to take charge of our own health. In other words, Be your own doctor......
It wuz the seals fooling around with the huskies wut done it.
Just kidding. Wonderful post. Enjoyed it very much. Not least because it provided the answer to why wooden housing continues to be used in horrible, weather-wise, places like that.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine there are External Pathogenic Factors that can invade the body and cause disease, either they are very strong and can make many sick, or they are weaker and only make those who are internally weaker sick. Interestingly, those external pathogens are climactic: Wind, Cold, Heat, Dampness and Dryness. Internal factors are stressors: excessive work, mental or physical, excessive emotions: grief, anger, fear, worry, mania. Poor/incorrect diet, sleep and exercise round out the trifecta.
Likely virus-like particles exist, we do not understand them and perhaps the assumptions we have made about them are incorrect and we need to go back to the drawing board. But that would require humility and that appears to be in very short supply in the medical sciences...
Don't they say viruses are in the upper atmosphere? Anyway it does make more sense, and I do wish Western medicine had a lot more humility...instead of claiming they know everything.
A True Gentleman, Professor Ted Steele from Australia has many papers on this topic.
Woke Asswipe Minister for Health, AHPRA and other purported scientists that went along with the 5 cross eyed nations psyopped narrative. May these cowards never rest in peace.
It seems the fact that attempts at infection of volunteers produces essentially no infections (only one “doubtful cold”) suggests this was not an infectious etiology but something else. Koch’s Postulates require the disease to cause symptoms when transferred to someone else.
Perhaps particular environmental and nutritional conditions create the similar pathologies in human cells as do viruses. After all, we live with millions of microorganisms in and on us all the time, usually without dis-ease (yes, hyphen intentional). And, most of the infectious diseases are caused by normal human flora run amock.
It certainly wouldn't work with the coronaviruses, and there are other types of viruses that are persistent. There are even bacterial strains that are very persistent; most people who contract pneumonia do not so so because of contagion, but because their own immune system became compromised enabling the small number of bacteria already present to multiply. It's why people seriously ill from influenza are given antibiotics, not to suppress the influenza virus but to forestall a pneumonia infection.
The respiratory symptoms of cold and flu arose after a particularly cold snap keeping the men inside.
The huts were heated, the air dried out, dehydrated respiratory mucosa needs to replenish itself and excess mucus results.
Dehydration is the principle at work with the onset of all dis-ease.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
The belief that mammals breathe oxygen is intentionally retarding medicine.
Oxygen is a manufactured product of air NOT a constituent of air.
What is the physical parameter that defines oxygen?
Medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water contamination.
Oxygen is a dry flammable gas.
How is oxygen manufactured?
Air is dried of moisture and compressed repeatedly to reach the desired dryness.
Plants and trees obviously do not make oxygen! They don’t have heaters and compressors.
My Substack article is titled
We breathe air not oxygen.
Let’s now compare air and oxygen with the requirements of lung physiology.
Air is measured by its moisture, its humidity.
The lung alveoli requires the air reaching it to be at 100% humidity.
Can you see the mechanism for oxygen toxicity and oxygen poisoning?
Yes, oxygen toxicity is another word for dehydration.
Oxygen is air placed into an artificial dry state. Once released oxygen gas desires to return to its natural state: moist air. When released inside the lungs, moisture is extracted from the respiratory mucosa and delicate alveoli. This causes micro-clots.
The terms: Reactive oxygen species, oxidation and oxidised in physiology are describing dehydration.
Oxygen obviously does not exist naturally.
Oxygen is made into nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to dampen flammability.
Oxygen and nitrogen are not constituents of air but products made from air.
My second article has a demonstration of this.
I have a new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The red blood cells carry salt + water. They are vessels carrying and distributing salt water.
The red light monitoring is checking for hydration not oxygen saturation!
Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.
Light RBCs are expanded and hydrated.
Monitoring the dark versus light RBCs calculates % of hydration.
The lungs rehydrate RBCs by adding salt + water to the alveoli capillary beds as they pass through, the RBCs are spongelike and soak up the salt + water, expanding and hydrating.
Just like the saline drip adds salt water to RBCs through venous exposure.
Dehydration is the vector of all dis-ease.
The salt restriction advice intentionally deployed in the 80s has caused the epidemic of chronic diseases.
Eg Dementia is the result of a chronically dehydrated brain. Plaque becomes visible when the tide goes out!
First sign of dehydration is a headache, the brain is very sensitive to hydration.
Why are women more prone to dementia? Women have additional salt requirements to maintain their reproductive mucosa and moisture.
Respiratory illness are often caused from internal illness and ingested toxins.
These people shared the same food stores, the same water, the same conditioned air. And they were are all likely vaccinated with the same vaccines before beginning their journey and stay. As we've seen with Covid vaccines, people can be seemingly healthy then drop dead at any time post vaccination. Same with other delayed side effects.
Certainly not supportive of lockdown lunacy. This conclusion drawn, however, seems unsupported:
“Viral swarms exist within each of us and eventually these will mutate to evade the host’s immune system or better adapt to the host environment. Mutations may occur in one individual or when the swarms mix when humans interact with others.”
The military did a similar exercise with similar results -- 'locked down' soldiers had a slightly higher rate of infection than 'normal' soldiers.
To me, it was obvious that if we couldn't keep the virus out of nursing homes and jails (where we can basically control everybody who comes in and out), we had no way of keeping it out of the general population.
Edit: Found the study
After reading the article, I can see why they didn't want to bring attention to it. Thanks for the link.
There were no lock downs in nursing homes or jails as employees came & went. As for the 5 CRIMINAL GOVS who sent patients BACK to nursing homes to infect/kill, well, jus another grave injustice that they weren't prosecuted. Whitmer, Cuomo, Murphy, Newsom, Wolf all deserved prison sentences for lives on their hands
ALSO-I tried to put this study up on FB, etc when it orig came out and, of course, you know what happened
Thanks for posting - I remember reading that long ago. "Most recruits who tested positive were asymptomatic, and no infections were detected through daily symptom monitoring." Sounds like a testdemic to me.
That's exactly what you'd expect when testing young and fit people.
Then we mandated they get jabbed with something that disproportionally affects young and fit people.
Lockdowns do work, they were never to stop diseases.. they are to test how compliant / stupid a population can be by simply using media propaganda to control them. They work perfectly against a large ignorant percentage of the human race.
Good point! 👌🏾
It wasn't a virus.
It was a reaction to an unhealthy lifestyle. Processed food, no fresh air, no sunshine, general gloom.
And the 'experts' told us to sit inside and watch Netflix when we should have been getting out in the sunshine getting that Vitamin D.
If I were forced at gunpoint to join a religion, I'd become a sun worshipper. Life would really suck without it!
Edit: Also, when I do my sun dance and the sun rises, I can take credit!
Good thing you don't live in Canada ( maybe for many reasons other than the lack of light) - we all need miner's helmets on as soon as we wake up or we'll walk into the walls ; we are too bundled up to do any happy dances...
Great skiing!
Calgary in the summer is quite nice, though!
... just don't blink .
sun, healthy food, moving around, going outside a lot, enjoy yourself - all things these people missed in this cold, dark, dreary place and without the necessary fresh air and food ! Absolutely agree Cairn.
Thank you all for liking my comment, but I actually think that I was set up to say this as it's so obvious.
I'm uncomfortable getting so many likes.
Makes me feel like a tool.
oh yes it was a virus.
Most people think of virus as being ONE mutation for every copy you have.
In reality and especially with RNA virus every viron copy is a bad copy creating a soup of close relatives. This is called the 'viral swarm'.
( )
The viral swarm can change aka keep mutating towards different more harmful or less harmful versions of it (evolutionary transformations) based on how 'weak' the immune system of its host may be. If it senses you are weaker it is evolutionary time to make more copies and jump of its host because hey its host is weak and may die.
This version makes it more parsimonious with what happened in that Base: they got in with copies of those virons which were not harmful and the immune system did not bother to eliminate as they were in their lungs. Some time after certain weeks because of deteriorating immune system the viral swarm mutated and became harmful - it produced a cold.
(Kudos to for teaching us all about this)
Of course he's corrupted - "University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine"
Wrong. HE LOST that position because he was saying from the start evertyhing that eugypus has been saying. I mean he is the man that helped RFK, jr write his book .... about Fauci
Nobody has ever found a virus. If they do point at something it is a little bit of matter amongst a cocktail of matter (shit some would say) they'd added to their petri dish and the argument before 2020 was whether it was alive or not.
It's not alive and not being alive it has no ability to mutate or evolve.
The 'no virus' people are to this pharmaceutical crisis / global power grab crisis what flat-earthers are to the moon hoax story.
There is a very large scientific body of work spanning thousands of people and many decades of back and forth, that now agrees about the existence of viruses. This is not the two decades climate crisis panel.
People are somewhat open to hear about the power grab that fueled this crisis but if you start denying all this work on a knee jerk argument there are no viruses, you are doing more harm than good as you are participating to a 'disinfo' theory.
Plus J.C. Couey is not 'my friend'. Please keep rhetorics at bay.
"Thousands of people and many decades" unfortunately do not guarantee that something is true. The no-virus theory is definitely not a knee-jerk argument, and to know if it's disinformation you'd have to take a closer look.
That you believe they're doing more harm than good has nothing to do with it being correct. I haven't personally come to a firm conclusion on this question, but I do think that the folks who are advocating it are doing so with good science and in good faith.
The power grab started with the Romans was bought to England by a Lady from the old Roman capital now called Istanbul and given to a charlatan by the name of Jenner in the West Country and was then passed on to Pasteur to grab by the rising power of France (courtesy of some guy called Napoleon ie Empire) who admitted that it was all fraudulent in his own hand telling his relatives to never release this information which made their fortune. It was then instituted in various places, Naples, Delhi, Hong Kong amongst them to rid these cities of slums that could be redeveloped (met resistance in every single one of them) and was then put on the back burner while the protests against vaccinations died out, these vaccinations were reintroduced in 1918 and the result was called "the Spanish flu" so once again the eugenicists of Empire went quiet but got their way in 1953 with various things in their favour and of course on the Polio vaccinations that came after killing many children & adults. In the 1980s the Reagan administration let them run riot with the result that there's something like 80 childhood vaccinations forced on the poor innocent children of the US as well as elsewhere (although not quite as many) and then we had the AIDs supposed epidemic and now the completely fraudulent Covid epidemic.
That's the play for power you fucking idiot. And there's still no fucking virus.
Nice that your friend found work with RFK. And I don't mind Eugyppius but we disagree on this topic. And as far as I know Eugyppius makes enough money from Substack for it to be his main focus. Agreeing with the mainstream on viruses is profitable, disagreeing with it is not.
I've come back to praise you some more because I can't stop thinking about this post.
Remember when our grandmas/great-grandmas/moms said "Don't go out with a wet head! You'll catch a cold!"?
And then for decades the Experts of Science said "that's just an old wives' tale! A wet head even in the winter can't possibly give you a cold! You've got to catch a bug!"
And then a few years ago, Experts of Science started acknowledging in their own little way that getting chilled could negatively affect your immune system and leave you more vulnerable to catching a bug.
And this post made me think, while I was making another mug of tea, that perhaps weakening the immune system by getting chilled or whatever would nudge some of those pesky little teeny weeny livestock hiding in corners of our internal landscape to wake up and rampage around. We didn't catch fresh ones. The old ones started biting again.
Another reason to a) Trust grandma! and b) fill the pantry with ginger teabags and Vitamin C.
Thank you again. Not least for validating my own approach to trying to maintain good health, which includes _not_ shuddering in terror and avoiding family if they're a little bit sneezy. Your germs and mine can have a wrestling match! Knock each other out!
edit: I mean, it didn't make me think I'd come up with a genius conclusion myself. It made me recognize all the implications of what you wrote here.
Always fantastic to have examples average folks can use to expose the absurdity of lockdown lunatics & admit compliance was buying into the psyop.. it's still stunning to me to know NYC tough attitude folded like a lawn chair and streets looked like a Hollywood set despite Princess Cruise as a perfect control group Cuomo killing spree delivered the panic in award winning performances.
They experienced dysbiosis because of lack of sunlight and not enough vitamins and micronutrients. Not enough exercise too as they were stuck inside for weeks. Their microbiome got stressed and unbalanced and that resulted in symptoms. Dysbiosis causes flu-like or cold-like symptoms. This is why the seasonal flu/respiratory illness is almost perfectly correlated with the amount of sun, and is very prominent in the Northern Hemisphere where we have high density population.
Brilliant, thank you. No surprise here. Why wouldn't viruses survive and adapt in us?
I once read a story about a dead body that was left in a completly tight glass box. Nothing could go in or out. It was completly consumed by a wide range of parasites and other little life-forms from within. It shows two things:
1. Our body is a host of thousands of life forms.
2. The immune system keeps them all in check.
As I concluded in my article "Is there a silent genocide happening in Australia",, those vaccines weaken the immune system and all hell breaks loose.
It is such a no brainer, and yet, people still think it is viruses and eating red meat that gives them colds and cancers. If you are healthy, you don't get sick, as my 88 year old mother demonstrates every day. It is all on us. The only way to overcome the medical and pharmaceutical bloodsuckers is to take charge of our own health. In other words, Be your own doctor......
It wuz the seals fooling around with the huskies wut done it.
Just kidding. Wonderful post. Enjoyed it very much. Not least because it provided the answer to why wooden housing continues to be used in horrible, weather-wise, places like that.
THAT, is the most interesting and useful bit of knowledge to date in this entire covid thing.
Thank you Emperor. A masterclass in those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it (or are
deliberately misleading the entire world.) Rockefellers all the way down.
Makes the most sense of anything is BOTH. Virus and terrain. I knew it!!!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine there are External Pathogenic Factors that can invade the body and cause disease, either they are very strong and can make many sick, or they are weaker and only make those who are internally weaker sick. Interestingly, those external pathogens are climactic: Wind, Cold, Heat, Dampness and Dryness. Internal factors are stressors: excessive work, mental or physical, excessive emotions: grief, anger, fear, worry, mania. Poor/incorrect diet, sleep and exercise round out the trifecta.
Likely virus-like particles exist, we do not understand them and perhaps the assumptions we have made about them are incorrect and we need to go back to the drawing board. But that would require humility and that appears to be in very short supply in the medical sciences...
Don't they say viruses are in the upper atmosphere? Anyway it does make more sense, and I do wish Western medicine had a lot more humility...instead of claiming they know everything.
Docs generally suffer from an excess of ego...
The other issue is Vitamin C and oxidative stress. Human beings do not make
vitamin c unlike all other mammals with the exception of guinea pigs and a few other primates. Tinned food is not a good enough source.
Thank you for not paywalling this excellent article, NE!
Then, again, viruses are known to travel on dust particles in the atmosphere. (They're everywhere, everywhere!) I wonder what the typical seasonal jet stream travel patterns are for the Antarctic.
A True Gentleman, Professor Ted Steele from Australia has many papers on this topic.
Woke Asswipe Minister for Health, AHPRA and other purported scientists that went along with the 5 cross eyed nations psyopped narrative. May these cowards never rest in peace.
It seems the fact that attempts at infection of volunteers produces essentially no infections (only one “doubtful cold”) suggests this was not an infectious etiology but something else. Koch’s Postulates require the disease to cause symptoms when transferred to someone else.
Perhaps particular environmental and nutritional conditions create the similar pathologies in human cells as do viruses. After all, we live with millions of microorganisms in and on us all the time, usually without dis-ease (yes, hyphen intentional). And, most of the infectious diseases are caused by normal human flora run amock.
To me, it seems like the virus vs. terrain argument is null and void. It is both.
We have thousands and millions of viruses in us, that come out when we are too
xomething or other to keep them at bay. Maybe they are not viruses, but exosomes or whatever,
There is something we carry inside us that comes out when conditions are ripe (Terrain).
But if one didn't have the cold, and got if from the mucas, whatever it is could be transmissible under the right conditions.
OUR HUMAN BRAINS cannot grasp the concept of always has to be black/white on/off, etc etc. etc.
We've got a problem with our brains...they can only function as either or.
We need to fix this.
So maybe since we know and can see bacteria, there is something else we are missing.
maybe it is a so called virus, exosome whatever...but it is part of us, is probably GOOD for us in usual times, but acts up when the terrain is ripe.
And here's another thought..the cold or dis-ease keeps us safe...
we have NO IDEA how the human body/immune system/brain works.
We are like children despite our technology and so called knowledge.
And we should be learning, not thinking we know it all.
It certainly wouldn't work with the coronaviruses, and there are other types of viruses that are persistent. There are even bacterial strains that are very persistent; most people who contract pneumonia do not so so because of contagion, but because their own immune system became compromised enabling the small number of bacteria already present to multiply. It's why people seriously ill from influenza are given antibiotics, not to suppress the influenza virus but to forestall a pneumonia infection.
The respiratory symptoms of cold and flu arose after a particularly cold snap keeping the men inside.
The huts were heated, the air dried out, dehydrated respiratory mucosa needs to replenish itself and excess mucus results.
Dehydration is the principle at work with the onset of all dis-ease.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
The belief that mammals breathe oxygen is intentionally retarding medicine.
Oxygen is a manufactured product of air NOT a constituent of air.
What is the physical parameter that defines oxygen?
Medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water contamination.
Oxygen is a dry flammable gas.
How is oxygen manufactured?
Air is dried of moisture and compressed repeatedly to reach the desired dryness.
Plants and trees obviously do not make oxygen! They don’t have heaters and compressors.
My Substack article is titled
We breathe air not oxygen.
Let’s now compare air and oxygen with the requirements of lung physiology.
Air is measured by its moisture, its humidity.
The lung alveoli requires the air reaching it to be at 100% humidity.
Can you see the mechanism for oxygen toxicity and oxygen poisoning?
Yes, oxygen toxicity is another word for dehydration.
Oxygen is air placed into an artificial dry state. Once released oxygen gas desires to return to its natural state: moist air. When released inside the lungs, moisture is extracted from the respiratory mucosa and delicate alveoli. This causes micro-clots.
The terms: Reactive oxygen species, oxidation and oxidised in physiology are describing dehydration.
Oxygen obviously does not exist naturally.
Oxygen is made into nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to dampen flammability.
Oxygen and nitrogen are not constituents of air but products made from air.
My second article has a demonstration of this.
I have a new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The red blood cells carry salt + water. They are vessels carrying and distributing salt water.
The red light monitoring is checking for hydration not oxygen saturation!
Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.
Light RBCs are expanded and hydrated.
Monitoring the dark versus light RBCs calculates % of hydration.
The lungs rehydrate RBCs by adding salt + water to the alveoli capillary beds as they pass through, the RBCs are spongelike and soak up the salt + water, expanding and hydrating.
Just like the saline drip adds salt water to RBCs through venous exposure.
Dehydration is the vector of all dis-ease.
The salt restriction advice intentionally deployed in the 80s has caused the epidemic of chronic diseases.
Eg Dementia is the result of a chronically dehydrated brain. Plaque becomes visible when the tide goes out!
First sign of dehydration is a headache, the brain is very sensitive to hydration.
Why are women more prone to dementia? Women have additional salt requirements to maintain their reproductive mucosa and moisture.
Nice campfire story.
Respiratory illness are often caused from internal illness and ingested toxins.
These people shared the same food stores, the same water, the same conditioned air. And they were are all likely vaccinated with the same vaccines before beginning their journey and stay. As we've seen with Covid vaccines, people can be seemingly healthy then drop dead at any time post vaccination. Same with other delayed side effects.
Fascinating tale and paper.
Certainly not supportive of lockdown lunacy. This conclusion drawn, however, seems unsupported:
“Viral swarms exist within each of us and eventually these will mutate to evade the host’s immune system or better adapt to the host environment. Mutations may occur in one individual or when the swarms mix when humans interact with others.”
I agree.