I own several. But I guess I’ll just have to go buy them all!!

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::independent comment box:: my apologies.

Thank you for putting this list together. Ahhh censorship....

(you've got a couple repeats)

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The list they produced had repeats

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Suzanne Humphries just published a 10-year anniversary updated copy of 'Dissolving Illusions'. Maybe that's why there is a repeat on that one.

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Curious, makes sense.

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Oh, okay.

Maybe doubly censored!

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Why are the two most talked about books in recent years not on the list (unless I missed them)?

The Real Anthony Fauci and Turtles all the Way Down.

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The list is from 2021

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Not sure they tried to ban Real Anthony Fauci as it was too well known. I was able to purchase a copy when it came out. News media, however, most certainly did not promote it or offer any reviews. Turtles may have come out after the list was put together. Both important books.

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All about the money… 💰 … vaccines bring these companies lots of money . They would rather maim and kill and poison people and animals , to continue the flow of money into their pockets.

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It's amazing isn't it. The same people quoting studies allowed through the censorship industrial complex are the same people say "where are all the bodies"

Meanwhile the worst excess death since WW 2.

ALL counter views heavily censored and then careers punished

Depressing if you actually thought about how f ing stupid people are. We need them though, wake them up or lose

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Book burning isn’t the only way. Tyrants always find a way 🤐

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Hahahahaha oh god I love this!!

Too true, they pushed waaaaay to hard with censorship and it really did push people (myself included) to start asking serious questions. Truely the silver lining to all the madness.

Excellent list of books, and I story I had not heard about. Thank you!

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Just a note about Dissolving Illusions: you really should add credit to Roman Bystrianyk. His contribution as a co-author is enormous and often overlooked. Ask Dr. Humphries, she’ll say the same thing.

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The list came from Amazon by way of the House committee that demanded it, I think. Jenna McCarthy also had a Substack post about it with the same list.

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Absolutely agree that the governments and the institutions have all scored an own goal in assisting many more of the populations to wake up due to their twisted and destructive pandemic responses, books were not needed, I had not read one on the list but I am now very wide awake to the corruption, lies and deceit. And if old gullible me can wake up then anyone can.

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Well, at least they didnt burn the books, like the USA government

burned some 6 tonnes of research publications and books by Dr Wilhelm Reich...

That's Progress - i guess !

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I dumped amazon 10 years ago

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I never buy from Octopus, Incorporated. I sometimes have to use AWS for work, but I don't enjoy it. I would never put my own work in their walled garden.

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Even the Alfred Wallace pamphlet!

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You state that; "Whatever your views on vaccines, no book should be banned or censored unless it is inciting violence." I'm disappointed you would be for censoring / banning books that "incite violence." True freedom, is allowing people you don't like to say things that you don't agree with, anything less is just censorship by the oppressing party, period. Freedom of speech is paramount to a functioning democracy this includes speech that incites violence. I've been a subscriber for years and find it surprising that you would take such a position to subjectively ban speech.

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It's an interesting debate that instinctively I want to agree with you on but logically I don't want nutcases having access to manuals on how to kill people. Open to changing my mind if you can persuade me.

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everyone will have a different opinion/ definition on what speech incites violence and to allow an institution or individuals to subjectively censor speech they don't like is by definition a violation of my first amendment.

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That is the problem but what about something like Manual on How to Kill *insert subject here*

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enforce the law that bans murder and killing people

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also, there are separate rules and laws that deal with violence and physically harming individuals or property. enforce those laws that address violence and don't water down the first amendment. wrong speech is fought with right speech not censorship or banning

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Yes, you have a point, I should have chosen my words more carefully.

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This is of great and noble service here. Not to get all flowery and sentimental, or nuthin.'

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Great list!!

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Every book on the list seems to be written by people who are against all vaccines, not just the covid vaccine. I am no expert. but I trust the covid focused experts more. I have no issue with establish vaccines. I've never had the smallest problem.

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Still shouldn't ban them. If the information in them is nonsense, people can figure that out for themselves.

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You really should read at least one of the books in the list. I am pretty certain you wouldn't, then, be so confident in the other vaccines, either. Aren't you at least a little curious?

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Read Dissolving Illusions or The Real Anthony Fauci and see what you think.

I too used to think that the covid jabs were uniquely problematic. I used to think that I nor my family had experienced harm from the childhood or other adult vaccines.

Now, well, now I believe that our child's gut sensitivities and learning disability are most likely vaccine caused. They had "only" the standard childhood vaccines. Never a covid jab. Probably my own allergies over the decades were vax-induced. And it's likely that my spouse's more severe medical issues are related to the neurotoxicity and inflammation of the adjuvants in the routine vaxes.

True, you may be utterly unaffected. Many of us are not. Like the covid jabs, childhood vax injuries are many and varied and thus harder to obviously pin down as caused by the vaxes. Unless one is looking.

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The Nazis burned deviant sex books first.

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