Jun 26Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I believe it is lost. When, I cannot say, but they are too powerful, well-funded, and are using military grade psy-ops that is as powerful as could be. And they control the food, the water, electricity, money/financial, Nat'l debt (which is unrecoverable), etc. And they control the military, Police, nat'l guard, drone oversite, monitor every digital correspondence (10 years increased since "Citizen 4"), etc. And the list of the depths to which they will lower themselves and humanity in attempts at this control are mind-blowing. It's about power and control, not money. They have spent decades re-writing laws and executive orders and policies such that they can now kill citizens legally, or can create an edict that there is a national emergency and then have all sorts of additional, uncontested power. Add to that what is happening and preparing on mainland US (CCP activities and prep, illegal invasion, food security, FBI activities, CIA via 5-I's, massive censorship which just kicked up yesterday after POTUS - I and many others were culled from Twitter) and the complete division of the American people based on constructed themes . . . how can we possibly recover? And add to this, a majority of the populace, I believe, DOESN'T KNOW IT'S HAPPENING. I just cannot see a real, long-term and final way to put them down. Eventually, we lose. Yet, I continue to fight. And must. [BTW: NakedEmperor - your emails started dropping into spam folder recently. FYI.]

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Very well analysed and well said. Thank you.

If the best we can do is resist and not comply then that is good enough for one individual's life.


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I feel about as hopeless because of the willful ignorance and stupidity of the masses (at least, that's what I'm seeing), I would hope to be proven wrong, but it seems that the majority would rather not know anything, and just as many are lapping up any and all hopeium the alphatbet-soup agencies throw at them.

But as you end with, it is doubly important to NEVER give up, and always keep trying/fighting, and to never stop trying to warn and make understand as many as possible. They are always trying to make everyone feel hopeless and/or powerless, we must never succumb to this, else we make them happy and seal our fates.

If we lose anyway, too bad, but at least we will have given it our best effort. That is important.

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'hopeium'. Love that.

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Not mine though, borrowed from James Corbett (corbettreport.com) who I believe could have possibly been the one to first coin the term. At least, that's where I first heard the term used.

If you're not familiar with Corbett, might I suggest: https://www.corbettreport.com/why-big-oil-conquered-the-world-video/

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Jun 26Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Patrick Wood brilliantly explains hpw as far back as the early 1990s, the bio-Pharma crap was already well in the planning, leading eventually to this technocratic resource-based economy they hope to implement, via the use of bio-security, as the emperor has stated.

Start from 19:19 min., and to 27:50 for the crux of the Agenda 21/2030 info (only 8 mins listen if played back at 1.5x speed), then listen to the whole thing later if you want more context.: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Patrick-Wood-session-79-en:c

And if you found that interesting, this is also excellent: https://youtu.be/1FRZ3Igh7jU

Brzezinski, Rockefeller, Kissinger, etc. went to China in the '70s in order to help setup a system there that they hoped to one day bring back home to the West. The Chinese model, as many will notice, is slowly making its way here.

A sampling of Brzezinski's thinking back in the '60s... keep in mind that Brzezinski has been a consistent advisor to presidents from the '60s to the 2000s, maybe up to the 2010s, I forget.

See here, very interesting reading: http://www.takeoverworld.info/grandchessboard.html

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Jun 26Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com


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Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply? ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Before any vaccine technology is used on humans, it is usually tried in the veterinary market first due to the incredibly lax regulations. Our food animals had been receiving mRNA injections for years before the Covid vaccine rollout.


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And it all depends on the 5g (6g) global spy network - which

requires the passive assistance of every one of us !

Please Get Rid Of Your Cell Phones, Now !


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We need to rescind the 'human rights' legally conferred upon corporations.

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Burn baby burn.

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Communities over corporations. If we don’t buy it, they can’t sell it. Farmers markets, you are what you eat. Feed your immune system not treat your immune system. You can’t patent a plant, that’s why we have petroleum based synthetic “reasonable facsimiles” that only treat symptoms.



the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e., with drugs having opposite effects to the symptoms.

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There will be no Great Reset... don't waste your money https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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