Clearly a ridiculous study. When I looked at ALL CAUSE deaths in UK (where there’s no subjective fiddling around with trying to determine cause of death) it was clear beyond belief that getting a shot put all age groups at a higher chance of dying after a few months. Period.

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I came that conclusion at this point -> “I say it is biased because it uses phrases such as “despite their demonstrated safety and efficacy” and constantly reiterates how rare vaccines deaths are.”

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The data says what they won't say. Also remember recovery in healthy people is 99.8%

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Exactly - unlike the high "recovery" rate from covid - the prospects of "recovery" from death are quite low - statistically speaking that is.

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I think recovery should be and could be 100%, knowing what we know about protective vitamin D blood levels, the deleterious effect of annual flu shots on innate immunity, and how Tylenol shuts down interferon alpha production. And recovery even in UN-healthy people could be nearly 100% if those cheap, safe, available medicines were given at the first sign of SARS2 infection.

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How many more deaths can be linked to the vaccine if that time window is extended? That is the right question.

I'd rather live and die naturally.

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"How many more deaths can be linked to the vaccine if that time window is extended?"

Good question!

I am continually frustrated that people don't study up on mechanisms of death by vaccination before doing studies, or discussing studies that have been done. Here are a few things that should be taken into account:

1. Death during sleep within 48-72 hours after vaccination: A likely cause is cytokine release heavy in cardiac depressants, leading to fatal episode of extremely low blood pressure. (Dr. Sin Hang Lee described this mechanism in relation to HPV vaccination but it could be expected to apply to any vaccination.)

2. Acute autoimmune disease, particularly attacking the central nervous system: Symptoms typically start within 2 days of vaccination and escalate. Patient will likely be hospitalized about 2 weeks after vaccination. Peak of autoimmune attack will coincide with peak of antibody production, which is usually 2.5 to 3 weeks. Patients who survive may have severe brain injury, which is a risk factor for death in itself.

3. Death associated with the "non-specific stress syndrome" described by Hans Selye and discussed by Viera Scheibner in her book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System." Death is most likely on the "critical days" of the response which are day 1, day 2-3, day 7, and day 16-17. Day 16-17 is often a turning point where the patient begins to recover, or begins to decline with death often occurring about day 21.

4. Clots in legs which can break loose and travel to heart (can cause fatal heart attack) or brain (can cause fatal stroke). When these clots are diagnosed before they cause death, they are typically diagnosed by ultrasound about 5 months after mRNA vaccination. Peak of deaths is probably 4-6 months after vaccination.

5. Aggressive cancers due to immune system damage by COVID-19 vaccination. I haven't seen statistics, but my impression is that the cancers usually appear within 3-4 months after vaccination and are fatal within about 3 months after diagnosis. If that's correct, then most deaths would occur 2 to 7 months after vaccination.

6. Right-sided heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension caused by fibrosis in lungs due to lung injury by spike proteins produced in response to COVID-19 vaccination. Peak deaths would be 2 to 3 years after vaccination. (Dr. Charles Hoffe identified this risk.)

7. Heart failure due to myocarditis or peri/myocarditis. The statistics for myocarditis in the pre-COVID era were grim; numbers varied but one often-cited statistic is that 50% of patients would die within 5 years. It seems that most cases of myocarditis due to COVID-19 spikeshots are diagnosed within a week after a vaccination. So most deaths should have occurred by about 5 years after the vaccination which triggered the myo or peri/myocarditis.

8. There's a type of heart attack set in motion by an unrecoverable autonomic imbalance i.e. a surge of sympathetic activity in the absence of enough parasympathetic reserve to bring things adequately back toward "normal." This mechanism probably explains many if not all of the heart attacks occurring within the first day or two after vaccination.

If you keep this list of mechanisms in mind as you read about unexpected deaths, you'll be able to make a reasonable guess at the mechanism of death in many cases, especially if you have some details to add to the vaccination-to-death interval.

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Thanks for the effort, information that those who are injected won't want to read. How about the 50% still alive after five years?

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I just added one more mechanism of death to the list. If you keep this list handy, you can give a reasonable (though speculative, of course) explanation for many unexpected deaths.

I'm not sure there will still be 50% alive after five years, when you add all the deaths from these mechanisms together. I'm afraid the depopulation-plotting globalists will be well on their way to whatever total world population they have in mind. However, they may realize too late that they've set in motion a train of events that they can't control, that is going to take them with it and leave only a handful of hearty survivors living in the most remote and inaccessible places on Earth. (Check out the Red Sky Prophecy; you can probably find Tom Brown Jr.'s account of it online. I think the red sky occurred in August 2018...)

In the meantime, I heard a rumor that Bourla said that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations will sterilize 60 to 70% of the people who receive them. And birthrates have already fallen in many vaccinated populations around the world. So whatever percentage of people are still alive after five years, there may be a good deal of sterility among them.

People who've taken the spikeshots need to hear, right along with the grim information on mechanisms of harm, that there are quite a few doctors developing treatments to counteract spikeshot harms. Some people with spikeshot injuries are getting treatment and having real improvements in health. There's even a type of treatment that its practitioners think can undo the incorporation of spikeshot mRNA into the cellular DNA.

As a first step, I suggest that people look up their vaccine lot numbers on howbad.info and then seek treatment even if their lot numbers have low numbers of adverse events so far. There's a great deal of treatment information out there, including an overview that I wrote, if people will get on a censorship-free (or at least low-censorship) search engine and do some reading. The FLCCC's I-Recover protocol for vaccine injury is a good place to start, preferably with the guidance of a good health care practitioner. I think a simple regimen of Zelenko's Z-Dtox supplement plus Ivermectin could do a good deal to prevent and treat spikeshot harms, for people who want or need something simple and relatively inexpensive.

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I don't know of anyone who accepted the injection who is asking for help. But good to know just in case thanks.

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I'm about to gently "impose" information about help on some relatives who are either true believers or too frightened to "look up." As far as I know, nobody's had significant injury so far, but some are still getting boosters for themselves and spikeshots for their kids.

I've run into people who were open to help, sometimes asking for it, on a few substacks. I've thrown lifelines to many people and almost all have thanked me for it. I hope they've shared the info with others so there's been a ripple effect . . .

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- A lot of countries have used the mRNA vaccines.

- They can both be attributed to the US

- They don't work and kill people.

I find weird that US enemies are not shouting that the US is attacking, for example, Qatar.

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Could Qatar also be on board with the WEF and the new one world order?? Every country who would try to defend these killer shots has to have a reason. Just how many leaders are in on this mass genocide??.?

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Of course, you don't get a Soccer World Cup if you don't behave!

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A country that's wealth is built on oil being in line with the WEF who want us to live in our 15 minute prisons? Doesn't seem too likely.

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A "country", the political leaders do not care for the country nor the people that live there.

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I too had the thought that vaccinating americans were our sales pitch for mrnas injections.

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And in Canada last year, the "Health" Minister was suggesting that boosters would be needed every 90 days! It's not like it was a "one-time and your done" type of risk.

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Any “study” that claims the result as obvious up front (“safe and effective”) is disingenuous to say the least.

Failing to extend the window of possible harm beyond 30 days is an obvious flaw. Failing to recognize harm within the 14/20 whatever day window is absurd. Any anaphylactic death will be ignored?? Sorry, I’m not understanding the purpose of this study.

Lastly, it is not possible to exclude “obvious non vaccine-related” deaths like car accidents and suicides ... these ought to be viewed with suspicion. Certainly any increase in death rates from auto accidents among vaccinated drivers should be counted. Suicides are tricky but there is plenty of literature connecting injection and mental illness. Scrutinizing all-cause mortality is still probably the most appropriate data analysis at this juncture.

It boggles the mind how thoroughly “science” has been captured and how vulnerable our societies are to official narrative. I feel lucky to have not felt compelled at any point to join in this utter madness.

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I am continually frustrated that people don't study up on mechanisms of death by vaccination before doing studies, or discussing studies that have been done. Here are a few things that should be taken into account:

1. Death during sleep within 48-72 hours after vaccination: A likely cause is cytokine release heavy in cardiac depressants, leading to fatal episode of extremely low blood pressure. (Dr. Sin Hang Lee described this mechanism in relation to HPV vaccination but it could be expected to apply to any vaccination.)

2. Acute autoimmune disease, particularly attacking the central nervous system: Symptoms typically start within 2 days of vaccination and escalate. Patient will likely be hospitalized about 2 weeks after vaccination. Peak of autoimmune attack will coincide with peak of antibody production, which is usually 2.5 to 3 weeks. Patients who survive may have severe brain injury, which is a risk factor for death in itself.

3. Death associated with the "non-specific stress syndrome" described by Hans Selye and discussed by Viera Scheibner in her book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System." Death is most likely on the "critical days" of the response which are day 1, day 2-3, day 7, and day 16-17. Day 16-17 is often a turning point where the patient begins to recover, or begins to decline with death often occurring about day 21.

4. Clots in legs which can break loose and travel to heart (can cause fatal heart attack) or brain (can cause fatal stroke). When these clots are diagnosed before they cause death, they are typically diagnosed by ultrasound about 5 months after mRNA vaccination. Peak of deaths is probably 4-6 months after vaccination.

5. Aggressive cancers due to immune system damage by COVID-19 vaccination. I haven't seen statistics, but my impression is that the cancers usually appear within 3-4 months after vaccination and are fatal within about 3 months after diagnosis. If that's correct, most deaths would occur 2 to 7 months after vaccination.

6. Right-sided heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension caused by fibrosis in lungs due to lung injury by spike proteins produced in response to COVID-19 vaccination. Peak deaths would be 2 to 3 years after vaccination. (Dr. Charles Hoffe identified this risk.)

7. Heart failure due to myocarditis or peri/myocarditis. The statistics for myocarditis in the pre-COVID era were grim; numbers varied but one often-cited statistic is that 50% of patients would die within 5 years. It seems that most cases of myocarditis due to COVID-19 spikeshots are diagnosed within a week after a vaccination. So most deaths should have occurred by about 5 years after the vaccination which triggered the myo or peri/myocarditis.

8. There's a type of heart attack set in motion by an unrecoverable autonomic imbalance i.e. a surge of sympathetic activity in the absence of enough parasympathetic reserve to bring things adequately back toward "normal." This mechanism probably explains many if not all of the heart attacks occurring within the first day or two after vaccination.

If you keep this list of mechanisms in mind as you read about unexpected deaths, you'll be able to make a reasonable guess at the mechanism of death in many cases, especially if you have some details to add to the vaccination-to-death interval.

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Ridiculous and embarrassing study to cover-up real excess death.

In Western worlds excess death is about 16%, normal death is about 0.86%.

So excess death is 0.1376% (0.16 x 0.86) which equals to vaccination population worldwide of 6.5 billion times 0.001376 = 8,944,000 which is about 9 million real people excess death per year.

This equals 1 death in every 722 vaccinated. This is not all because millions get injured, or seriously ill.

They also prevented healthy childbirth of about 12% of all babies globally which equals to

143 million * 0.12 = 17.2 million annually. So 2021 minus 26 million, 2022 minus 28 million.

Total of 54 million excess death and lost pregnancies to miscarriages, infertility and still birth.

These are rough estimates. Excess death UK December 2022: Percentage change compared to 5-year average (2016 to 2019 and 2021) which is 20.7%.

So I could be easily off by 5% which is millions more.

I suspect immune deficiency will surprise millions more who will suddenly die of the flu or other illness which were not life threatening before vaccination.

Mess with your natural immune response, win very saddening prizes.

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Following a peak of 26.5 % in November 2021, excess mortality in the EU increased slightly in October 2022 compared with the previous month and stood at 10.0 %.

In October 2022, excess mortality continued to vary across the EU. Bulgaria and Romania recorded little or no excess deaths, while the most affected country, Germany, recorded an excess mortality rate of 23.0 %.

Between March 2020 and October 2022, the EU recorded four distinct waves of excess mortality, with peaks in April 2020 (25.2 %), November 2020 (40.0 %, the highest), April 2021 (20.9 %) and November 2021 (26.5 %).


These European numbers show excess death is far more serious then claimed. Their tactics are averaging these numbers down using 12 month periods. This is almost like using old models for future birth and death while ignoring reality. November 2020 might be a Covid-19 number

but November 2021 is a high vaccinated mRNA number.

If Covid deaths are 3.0%, which the UK gov. org. claim, then what is responsible for the other 17 to 20% excess death?

1 in 6 tot 1 in 5 deaths. Lets stay baffled and research none.

I must add that 90% of Covid deaths are also vaccinated.

So excess death with 90% of Covid deaths might be 22.7%.

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For me at the end doesn't matter what they calculated as risk:


-there is a risk from dying of the quakcine proven by this study

-so if there's a chance you cannot force this "treatment" on people. People must be able to refuse.

And this is where it all comes down to me:The coercion and mandate.

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Authors should have clarified - when they said 'safe', they meant for shareholders of stock, not for, you know, actual humans who are guinea pigging the injections!

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When public health officials say a vaccine is "safe", what they are really saying is "The expected/demonstrated rates of injury rate and death from this vaccine are acceptable to us public health officials."

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I agree with this statement below that you made quite strongly. My aunt was found dead in her apartment less than 48 hours after the Moderna booster. Heart attack. She was 76 and she did have serious health problems, but she was doing relatively well prior to the vaccination. I have no doubt the vaccine did her in. Maybe if she was younger and healthier she would have survived the booster, but I think it was too much for her given her condition.

"Also, having a co-morbidity probably makes it more likely that you will react badly to a vaccine, so perhaps they shouldn’t be included in the low category. Just because you have a heart problem and you die from a heart problem following vaccination doesn’t mean the original heart problem caused your death. The vaccine could still have caused it by exacerbating your initial heart problem, which wouldn’t have killed you anyway."

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Using a close study of the UK statistics I suspect that excess deaths for 2022 are being covered-up.

Let me explain: For comparison excess death is calculated using data of the previous five years.

For comparison of 2021 data the data of 2020 is skipped because this year would influence the averages to much. This is fair because 2020 is an anomaly with almost 80.000 excess death.

So excess death in 2021 is calculated using a 5 year average of 2015-2019.

But for excess death of 2022 they are using recent death from the year 2021.

So excess death is calculated using a 5 year average of the following years: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021. In 2021, there were 586,334 deaths registered in England and Wales; this was a decrease of 3.6% compared with 2020 (607,922 deaths).

In 2020 there were about 80.000 excess death, so normal death in 2020 was 608,000 - 80,000 = 528,000 death. So 2021 had about 586,000 - 528,000 = 58,000 excess death.

For a five year average 58,000 divided by 5 is still 11,600 to much death.

Then the obfuscation of excess death by subtracting Covid-19 death.

By presenting the excess data as excess death not from Covid-19 they trick you twice.

Covid death is about 3%. Excess death is all death above expected death including covid-19 death.

Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending23december2022


This weekly release provides a breakdown of the number of deaths involving coronavirus. This includes deaths where COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19 was mentioned anywhere on the death certificate, including in combination with other health conditions.

If a death certificate mentions COVID-19, it will not always be the main cause of death but may be a contributory factor.

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Silly study basically saying everything's fine, it's all fine, there's nothing to see and everything's fine. Very scientific (not). Take an experimental jab for a cold which won't kill you and then pretend you didn't die. Isn't science wonderful?

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Laughing (bitterly) at your comment.

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As the mRNA-injection does not prevent the spread of the virus (since it's neither sterilising nor immunising), the question whether injections saved lives is moot, unless looked at by taking comorbidity relevant to risk of Covid infection/consequence thereof into account.

Say someone undergoing treatment for hairy cell cancer - their immune system is weak and unresponsive, so they'd be at great risk both at becoming infected and suffering severe infection.

So any protection from the injection might be a net gain for that patient/group of patients.

While for a fat diabetic with a known history of blood clots, it might be the opposite.

Then again, I have no medical training nor am I a professional researcher so maybe I'm missing something obvious, but shouldn't the least and most vulnerable groups be the ones most interesting to look at?

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If effective early treatment is made readily available instead of being blocked, virtually any risk from vaccination is unnecessary and too much. The death rate among high risk patients who get skillful early treatment is extremely low, and this was true even with the Wuhan and Delta strains. I think Zelenko, and Tyson and Fareed, lost less than one patient per thousand. And this doesn't take prophylaxis using HCQ+zinc or IVM into account.

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I wonder if Quatari adults are also getting annual flu shots at close to 90% compliance. There is considerable suspicion (in my mind anyway) that annual flu shots make people much more likely to get infected, have severe cases, and die from Covid. But I am going to guess that it would be impossible to separate the pre-gene-jab Covid deaths into 2 categories: no flu shot and yes flu shot. And separate post-rollout deaths into 3 categories: no flu shot/no gene jabs; flu shot+gene jabs; just gene jabs.

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I think all previous childhood and flu injections make one more susceptible. At one cv superspreader event prior to cv shots: only two people on a charter busload of young people did not get cv. These two people had not had the childhood vxs. If vxxed as children we probably have some immune dysfunction as a result. I think they have been experimenting on us for a long time

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I wonder, though, with any study looking at a specific population, how useful it can be generally.

Qatar is a rich country of extremely sedentary people who eat lots of sugar, and even relatively young people are often extremely out of shape and overweight, and it's quite common for people to suffer from kidney problems and diabetes, perhaps, in younger people, undiagnosed for a time.

And even though it's a hot sunny place, most people will be living indoors with AC most of the time, and those who exercise likely do so in indoor facilities, or in the evening/nighttime. Their Vitamin D levels might not be what one would assume.

Their risk factors may not be what the study delineates.

All questions needing to be answered, I'd think.

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