"How many more deaths can be linked to the vaccine if that time window is extended?"
Good question!
I am continually frustrated that people don't study up on mechanisms of death by vaccination before doing studies, or discussing studies that have been done. Here are a few things that should be taken into account:
"How many more deaths can be linked to the vaccine if that time window is extended?"
Good question!
I am continually frustrated that people don't study up on mechanisms of death by vaccination before doing studies, or discussing studies that have been done. Here are a few things that should be taken into account:
1. Death during sleep within 48-72 hours after vaccination: A likely cause is cytokine release heavy in cardiac depressants, leading to fatal episode of extremely low blood pressure. (Dr. Sin Hang Lee described this mechanism in relation to HPV vaccination but it could be expected to apply to any vaccination.)
2. Acute autoimmune disease, particularly attacking the central nervous system: Symptoms typically start within 2 days of vaccination and escalate. Patient will likely be hospitalized about 2 weeks after vaccination. Peak of autoimmune attack will coincide with peak of antibody production, which is usually 2.5 to 3 weeks. Patients who survive may have severe brain injury, which is a risk factor for death in itself.
3. Death associated with the "non-specific stress syndrome" described by Hans Selye and discussed by Viera Scheibner in her book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System." Death is most likely on the "critical days" of the response which are day 1, day 2-3, day 7, and day 16-17. Day 16-17 is often a turning point where the patient begins to recover, or begins to decline with death often occurring about day 21.
4. Clots in legs which can break loose and travel to heart (can cause fatal heart attack) or brain (can cause fatal stroke). When these clots are diagnosed before they cause death, they are typically diagnosed by ultrasound about 5 months after mRNA vaccination. Peak of deaths is probably 4-6 months after vaccination.
5. Aggressive cancers due to immune system damage by COVID-19 vaccination. I haven't seen statistics, but my impression is that the cancers usually appear within 3-4 months after vaccination and are fatal within about 3 months after diagnosis. If that's correct, then most deaths would occur 2 to 7 months after vaccination.
6. Right-sided heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension caused by fibrosis in lungs due to lung injury by spike proteins produced in response to COVID-19 vaccination. Peak deaths would be 2 to 3 years after vaccination. (Dr. Charles Hoffe identified this risk.)
7. Heart failure due to myocarditis or peri/myocarditis. The statistics for myocarditis in the pre-COVID era were grim; numbers varied but one often-cited statistic is that 50% of patients would die within 5 years. It seems that most cases of myocarditis due to COVID-19 spikeshots are diagnosed within a week after a vaccination. So most deaths should have occurred by about 5 years after the vaccination which triggered the myo or peri/myocarditis.
8. There's a type of heart attack set in motion by an unrecoverable autonomic imbalance i.e. a surge of sympathetic activity in the absence of enough parasympathetic reserve to bring things adequately back toward "normal." This mechanism probably explains many if not all of the heart attacks occurring within the first day or two after vaccination.
If you keep this list of mechanisms in mind as you read about unexpected deaths, you'll be able to make a reasonable guess at the mechanism of death in many cases, especially if you have some details to add to the vaccination-to-death interval.
I just added one more mechanism of death to the list. If you keep this list handy, you can give a reasonable (though speculative, of course) explanation for many unexpected deaths.
I'm not sure there will still be 50% alive after five years, when you add all the deaths from these mechanisms together. I'm afraid the depopulation-plotting globalists will be well on their way to whatever total world population they have in mind. However, they may realize too late that they've set in motion a train of events that they can't control, that is going to take them with it and leave only a handful of hearty survivors living in the most remote and inaccessible places on Earth. (Check out the Red Sky Prophecy; you can probably find Tom Brown Jr.'s account of it online. I think the red sky occurred in August 2018...)
In the meantime, I heard a rumor that Bourla said that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations will sterilize 60 to 70% of the people who receive them. And birthrates have already fallen in many vaccinated populations around the world. So whatever percentage of people are still alive after five years, there may be a good deal of sterility among them.
People who've taken the spikeshots need to hear, right along with the grim information on mechanisms of harm, that there are quite a few doctors developing treatments to counteract spikeshot harms. Some people with spikeshot injuries are getting treatment and having real improvements in health. There's even a type of treatment that its practitioners think can undo the incorporation of spikeshot mRNA into the cellular DNA.
As a first step, I suggest that people look up their vaccine lot numbers on howbad.info and then seek treatment even if their lot numbers have low numbers of adverse events so far. There's a great deal of treatment information out there, including an overview that I wrote, if people will get on a censorship-free (or at least low-censorship) search engine and do some reading. The FLCCC's I-Recover protocol for vaccine injury is a good place to start, preferably with the guidance of a good health care practitioner. I think a simple regimen of Zelenko's Z-Dtox supplement plus Ivermectin could do a good deal to prevent and treat spikeshot harms, for people who want or need something simple and relatively inexpensive.
I'm about to gently "impose" information about help on some relatives who are either true believers or too frightened to "look up." As far as I know, nobody's had significant injury so far, but some are still getting boosters for themselves and spikeshots for their kids.
I've run into people who were open to help, sometimes asking for it, on a few substacks. I've thrown lifelines to many people and almost all have thanked me for it. I hope they've shared the info with others so there's been a ripple effect . . .
"How many more deaths can be linked to the vaccine if that time window is extended?"
Good question!
I am continually frustrated that people don't study up on mechanisms of death by vaccination before doing studies, or discussing studies that have been done. Here are a few things that should be taken into account:
1. Death during sleep within 48-72 hours after vaccination: A likely cause is cytokine release heavy in cardiac depressants, leading to fatal episode of extremely low blood pressure. (Dr. Sin Hang Lee described this mechanism in relation to HPV vaccination but it could be expected to apply to any vaccination.)
2. Acute autoimmune disease, particularly attacking the central nervous system: Symptoms typically start within 2 days of vaccination and escalate. Patient will likely be hospitalized about 2 weeks after vaccination. Peak of autoimmune attack will coincide with peak of antibody production, which is usually 2.5 to 3 weeks. Patients who survive may have severe brain injury, which is a risk factor for death in itself.
3. Death associated with the "non-specific stress syndrome" described by Hans Selye and discussed by Viera Scheibner in her book "Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System." Death is most likely on the "critical days" of the response which are day 1, day 2-3, day 7, and day 16-17. Day 16-17 is often a turning point where the patient begins to recover, or begins to decline with death often occurring about day 21.
4. Clots in legs which can break loose and travel to heart (can cause fatal heart attack) or brain (can cause fatal stroke). When these clots are diagnosed before they cause death, they are typically diagnosed by ultrasound about 5 months after mRNA vaccination. Peak of deaths is probably 4-6 months after vaccination.
5. Aggressive cancers due to immune system damage by COVID-19 vaccination. I haven't seen statistics, but my impression is that the cancers usually appear within 3-4 months after vaccination and are fatal within about 3 months after diagnosis. If that's correct, then most deaths would occur 2 to 7 months after vaccination.
6. Right-sided heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension caused by fibrosis in lungs due to lung injury by spike proteins produced in response to COVID-19 vaccination. Peak deaths would be 2 to 3 years after vaccination. (Dr. Charles Hoffe identified this risk.)
7. Heart failure due to myocarditis or peri/myocarditis. The statistics for myocarditis in the pre-COVID era were grim; numbers varied but one often-cited statistic is that 50% of patients would die within 5 years. It seems that most cases of myocarditis due to COVID-19 spikeshots are diagnosed within a week after a vaccination. So most deaths should have occurred by about 5 years after the vaccination which triggered the myo or peri/myocarditis.
8. There's a type of heart attack set in motion by an unrecoverable autonomic imbalance i.e. a surge of sympathetic activity in the absence of enough parasympathetic reserve to bring things adequately back toward "normal." This mechanism probably explains many if not all of the heart attacks occurring within the first day or two after vaccination.
If you keep this list of mechanisms in mind as you read about unexpected deaths, you'll be able to make a reasonable guess at the mechanism of death in many cases, especially if you have some details to add to the vaccination-to-death interval.
Thanks for the effort, information that those who are injected won't want to read. How about the 50% still alive after five years?
I just added one more mechanism of death to the list. If you keep this list handy, you can give a reasonable (though speculative, of course) explanation for many unexpected deaths.
I'm not sure there will still be 50% alive after five years, when you add all the deaths from these mechanisms together. I'm afraid the depopulation-plotting globalists will be well on their way to whatever total world population they have in mind. However, they may realize too late that they've set in motion a train of events that they can't control, that is going to take them with it and leave only a handful of hearty survivors living in the most remote and inaccessible places on Earth. (Check out the Red Sky Prophecy; you can probably find Tom Brown Jr.'s account of it online. I think the red sky occurred in August 2018...)
In the meantime, I heard a rumor that Bourla said that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations will sterilize 60 to 70% of the people who receive them. And birthrates have already fallen in many vaccinated populations around the world. So whatever percentage of people are still alive after five years, there may be a good deal of sterility among them.
People who've taken the spikeshots need to hear, right along with the grim information on mechanisms of harm, that there are quite a few doctors developing treatments to counteract spikeshot harms. Some people with spikeshot injuries are getting treatment and having real improvements in health. There's even a type of treatment that its practitioners think can undo the incorporation of spikeshot mRNA into the cellular DNA.
As a first step, I suggest that people look up their vaccine lot numbers on howbad.info and then seek treatment even if their lot numbers have low numbers of adverse events so far. There's a great deal of treatment information out there, including an overview that I wrote, if people will get on a censorship-free (or at least low-censorship) search engine and do some reading. The FLCCC's I-Recover protocol for vaccine injury is a good place to start, preferably with the guidance of a good health care practitioner. I think a simple regimen of Zelenko's Z-Dtox supplement plus Ivermectin could do a good deal to prevent and treat spikeshot harms, for people who want or need something simple and relatively inexpensive.
I don't know of anyone who accepted the injection who is asking for help. But good to know just in case thanks.
I'm about to gently "impose" information about help on some relatives who are either true believers or too frightened to "look up." As far as I know, nobody's had significant injury so far, but some are still getting boosters for themselves and spikeshots for their kids.
I've run into people who were open to help, sometimes asking for it, on a few substacks. I've thrown lifelines to many people and almost all have thanked me for it. I hope they've shared the info with others so there's been a ripple effect . . .