I hit “like” but there’s not much to like. : (

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Just in time for the most important election of all, the U.S. The psychos are running the insane asylum. The global piggery couldn't share in anything could they? They have to have it all.

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like. Very accurate summation. Love of power, operating through greed and through personal ambition, was the cause of all these evils.


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Lindsey Graham told us the answer. Follow the minerals-leads to the money-ends in power. It’s just that simple!

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You mean Lindsey "Chicken Hawk" Graham. He should volunteer to go to the Russian front instead of saying: "We're going to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian".

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He was the one who promised to start an offensive on Russia back in 2017 or so. Russia reacted.

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Yeah, that yahooo! We have 4 more years with him, right? Ugh!

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WW3 erupts in Ukraine/Russia and or Israel/Iran. Just in time for the CCP to take Taiwan while America to descends into terrorist chaos. Who needs another election in America anyway.

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And of course some bird flu / monkey pox or what not. The closer "they" are to losing power, the higher the chances of Armageddon so they will drag everyone with them.

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F’ing insane and for nothing more than a delusion for their right to eternal power without considering the possibility of any unintended consequences. They are blood thirsty know it alls who have F’d up everything they have touched during my life time. Killing is evil and they don’t care how many weather it’s aborted babies, Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqi’s,Ukrainians, or their own disobedient citizens/indentured servants.

“ No reason to get excited

The thief, he kindly spoke

There are many here among us

Who feel that life is but a joke

But, uh, but you and I, we've been through that

And this is not our fate

So let us stop talkin' falsely now

The hour's getting late,”

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Col. Black: NATO Is Preparing For a Nuclear Strike on Russia, And Russia Knows It:


"...Russia's nuclear doctrine is exclusively defensive, and it provides for scenarios under which nuclear weapons can be used. One, of course, is if Russia is simply attacked by nuclear missiles. Another one is if the Russian state is threatened by superior weapons, conventional or otherwise, which is actually an existential threat to the cohesion of the Russian nation. The most important, however, is that under their doctrine, they would be able to use nuclear weapons if they believe that nuclear missiles are being launched against it. In other words, if an attack is aimed at crippling its nuclear forces, if they believe there are missiles being launched which is aimed at crippling its nuclear forces. They can respond. Now, if you look at where we are right now with the three drone attacks directed at their eyes and ears against nuclear attacks, this clearly would trigger the nuclear doctrine of the of Russian state..."

Why So Little Media Interest In Ralph Baric? - Peak Prosperity, Dr. Chris Martenson:


"“Their” Covid narrative is falling apart, and we’re helping of course. Far too little attention has been paid to Ralph Baric by the media and given his expertise in the area, it’s particularly odd that they did not ask him once about coronavirus infections and cardiomyopathy. Oh, … and the next acts of war against Russia were unleashed this week."

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President Vucic speaks common sense but his words will not be heard or broadcast by Western main stream media. Nor will Western politicians address this existential threat to humanity.

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They are just a front, in my opinion. Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.

Benjamin Disraeli

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Milley’s legacy is two lost wars and trans in the military. The worst head of the armed forces ever in US history.

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My country needs to go to the peace table. No excuse. I wish we could have a march 9n dc

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To be sure I am no supporter of this war and think everyone involved is an idiot.

But Russia has previously not been shaped as it is today. I don't think Finland was happy about surrendering Karelia and the Finns living in Karelia were probably not very happy to have become Soviet subjects at the time. And Russia as it remains today is full of lots of little "autonomous republics" full of not-Slavs.

Of course I'm not quite sure why the US includes territories like Guam and the Northern Marianas. But that's the way global conquests go. Big countries and plenty of littler ones have taken over places their own native populations have nothing in common with. Maybe lots of shrinkage is long overdue.

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Except their plan is not "shrinkage" in Russia. It is divide-and-conquer. When Russia is broken up into a dozen weak states, they will soon be absorbed into the Bankster Blob as just more Vassal States, taking their orders from Geneva. And with Russia out of the way they can choke China off of energy & resources, making it capitulate. World Dictatorship here we come.

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That's all of world history. Are we immune to that or something?

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No, the World has always been multi-polar or as it is now called multi-nodal. The big exception would be circa 1991-2006, while Russia, India & China were still weak. And the USA/EU/NATO was at peak strength.

Since then Russia, India & China have drastically strengthened, the USA is near becoming a failed state or a broken down banana republic, the EU is breaking up and NATO is weak. Which is making the Bankster Club even more dangerous, seeing their century old dream slipping from between their fingers. They are such psychos I could see them pushing us into WW3, just in the hope they can climb out of the radioactive rubble pile as the winners.

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I think it is now called Polar fluid.

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We now live in a Non Binary World.

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like. Agreed, the Globalists are going for broke, this is their last chance and they are desperate.

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Whatever you say.

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No country was shaped as it is today. Most big countries are also multi-ethnic. People have learned to co-exist over centuries, and splitting them apart would be a major disaster. Breaking up USSR was a disaster for millions of people, breaking up Russia will be an even greater disaster, economic as well. It's typical divide and conquer for insatiable greed, while consolidating and usurping power on "their" side (all of the west now acts as one totalitarian entity)

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People of different ethnicities have never learned to coexist except in the American experiment which worked pretty well during the melting pot years and is now multi-fracturing.

Of course, outside urban centers, American states tend to have distinctive demographics and culture everywhere, worldwide, is micro-local despite imposed national identities.

Creating the USSR was a disaster for millions of people in the first place.

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The US has become demonic/dementiac. Trump will end the war in one week. Which is why the war machine doesn’t want him.

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I hope this drags on until Trump returns. But I'm not optimistic.

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About trump returning? From my perspective 2020 was a Color Revolution. Orwell describes the consequences: One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. George Orwell We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

George Orwell

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One thing he (or Western plans) got wrong is that Russia has been weakened. In the last 2 years it’s military has grown, and become battle hardened; arms production ramped up; the population are behind the regime; strong links forged with China etc.

Russia is an unstoppable force, NATO so far an immovable object. Unless there is talk in the West of peace soon, a Big Bang looks likely.

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Lyndsey Graham’s statement is a lie to pull on heart strings to continue funding the Ukraine war. In reality corrupt politicians would allow China access to resources in Ukraine anyways. China has mines, manufacturing facilities, businesses, in lots of countries.

The USA left Afghanistan (lithium) to allow China to move in making deals with the taliban. China owns mining companies everywhere!!!! This is why corrupt governments are obsessed with the Ukraine war…. We are fighting to get China in there!!

Bonus points if they oust Putin and get a WEF puppet leader in. Then the globalists can shut down Russia oil to drive the price up. Then the world will be begging for China EVs.

They will stop at nothing to continue this Ukraine farce and that’s why governments are going hard to shut down different narratives. We are fighting a war to benefit China!!!!!

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I admire Vucic: He speaks with level seriousness, is concerned about the well-being of Serbia’s people, and on their behalf bears the immense political and economic pressure of the West.

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Thanks for sharing

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