And they told us The Great Reset was a nutty conspiracy theory. It's just amazing how many people are so gullible and stupid as to vote for their toadies. We'll see in the upcoming EU parliament elections, some possibility of a big shakeup coming with a whole new crop of non-establishment MEPs.
No voting still works, Britain managed Brexit and the Tony Blair establishment most hated pariah, George Galloway, managed to win a seat in parliament, defeating the big 3 parties by a landslide. It's still doable. So far.
As long as they transport arms across the globe, drop missiles and bombs, park super/nuclear carrier ships in fiery places, I cannot take the EU CC seriously. Worse than Gerry Springer, otherwise good nations go feral. And a few make a lot of money. The hypocrisy is beyond shocking.
Slightly off topic, but today an agreement was finalised for the new Dutch coalition government.
What a turn for the books.
No to further immigration.
No to moving illegal immigrants all over the country.
No to illegal immigrants being able to bring their families and if they do get permission to stay it will be with less funding and for a limited period only.
Yes to farmers, laying waste to the nitrogen rules.
Yes to fishermen.
Yes to fewer civil servants.
So will they be able to deliver?
Not if they have to abide by EU rules…
The forthcoming EU elections will be really interesting…
The video is worth watching to appreciate how easily they lie with a straight face and without a sliver of shame. They, ECB, most definitely fail in their mandate of price stability, especially with their outlandish and utopian and Un-human agendas.
Anyone else remember when "business" was dependent on "customers"?
Bit like when government used to work FOR the "people"?😐🤔🤔🤨
I'm wondering (not really😉), since WE are customers AND the people, and WE are still here, who exactly are these policies for- oh wait, she told us, "nature". 😐😐🤔🤨🤨
Really?, "nature" doesn't give a fig about about humanity's "climate policies", she will do what she do, when she do it. And she certainly doesn't buy mortgages, set up savings accounts, or invest in the finance sector.😐
"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad" is quoted as a "heathen proverb" in Daniel, a Model for Young Men (1854) by the Reverend William Anderson Scott (1813-1885). Brigham Young quoted the phrase in a discourse delivered on March 16, 1856, attributing it as an "ancient proverb".
Exactly; they don't believe in climate change because they're not eating insects or walking instead of driving. They're living on the coasts while trying to scare everyone with the idea that the oceans are going to swallow up the coasts. I'll consider it when the rules apply to them . . . which will be never.
We will not be able to say they didn't warn us! Event 201, Nordstream, Great Reset, etc....Vaccine Legarde, Klaus/Siegfried, Trudeau, Bill Gates the boy genius now a maniacal old man, they are all evil cartoon stooges out to prove they are better, smarter and will crush anyone who dares to disagree with their wisdom. Even the name proves it's not a threat any more today than it ever was and the answer is Yes Climate Changes, so what.
The 'pandemic' didn't quite deliver what they waned, so now they'll haul out the biggest baddest gun of all: Climate Change. I used to believe in it. Plenty still do. This is a fight to the bitter end. But we will triumph! People like her will pay a price and I hope that I live long enough to witness it. Almost makes old age worthwhile...
A scapegoat for what is inevitable (US is running up a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days now...)...
Let's go Big Picture... I will now explain in detail... why EVs.... which are not in any way shape or form 'Green'.... exist.
Why the Ministry of Truth runs endless hype campaigns on cnnbbc....and why governments subsidize them to the tune of hundreds of billions...
Consider this statement: We are steaming oil out of sand, drilling miles beneath oceans for oil, drilling hundreds of thousands of holes in the ground, dropping in bombs - then sucking up the dregs.
Surely -- given we are completely reliant on fossil fuel energy to power our civilization --- we should be concerned that these methods of oil extraction ... appear to be ... shall we say ... desperate.
Surely any objective observer would look at this and think.... hmmm.... if there is so much of the easy stuff remaining ... why are we doing these things
So how do EVs fit into this equation ... and renewable energy... and how about climate change????
These are what I refer to as The Three Pillars of Bullshit.
It goes like this... the Men Who Run the World need their barnyard animals to remain productive... positive... happy. If the animals were to get wind of the desperate situation with respect to energy ... they would get spooked... in fact they would panic.
And panicked barnyard animals are NOT productive. If they conclude that the cheap and easy energy are on the downslope ... they fall into despair. They begin to believer there is no future... why breed - why study - why invest -- etc... alcoholism and drug abuse would explode higher ... etc...
Barnyard animals MUST believe the future is awesome --- they must believe their progeny will have the same opportunities to pillage and buy lots of stuff just like they did.
The Men Who Run the World - and their minions ... are very much aware of this.
They need to cover up the desperation situation with some fancy PR.
One bright thing in the Ministry of Truth -- which was tasked with the coverup ... suggested inventing this thing call Global Warming (they changed it to Climate Change cuz some places were cooling .. no problem the barnyard animals will believe whatever cnnbbc tells them).
Notice how fossil fuels are The Enemy? How we Must wean off them? No mention of the fact that they are in deep depletion... that's a no-no. Instead they are evil -- we must ditch them...
Doesn't matter. The Ministry of Truth overcomes this by pounding the barnyard animals with messaging (and catch phrases)... convincing them that we are on the path to a green wonderful future -- where everyone gets to buy loads of stuff - HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!!
Let's insert EVs here... ICE vehicles are EVIL. We must transition to EV's ... Zero Emissions. Well ya they are charged and manufactured with fossil fuels ... But..BUT (hat tip to Jeff Green) ... eventually we will phase out fossil fuels and go totally green.
Governments know this ... the bosses of governments (The Men Who Run the World) know this ... of course they do -- they are not stupid.
But they also know that they MUST ensure that the barnyard animals remain hopeful ... positive... productive...
They cannot be allowed to understand that we are f789ed.
The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel
And they told us The Great Reset was a nutty conspiracy theory. It's just amazing how many people are so gullible and stupid as to vote for their toadies. We'll see in the upcoming EU parliament elections, some possibility of a big shakeup coming with a whole new crop of non-establishment MEPs.
Voting is an illusion at this point.
No voting still works, Britain managed Brexit and the Tony Blair establishment most hated pariah, George Galloway, managed to win a seat in parliament, defeating the big 3 parties by a landslide. It's still doable. So far.
This woman is inept & a bought, paid WEF, UN, WHO tool.
As long as they transport arms across the globe, drop missiles and bombs, park super/nuclear carrier ships in fiery places, I cannot take the EU CC seriously. Worse than Gerry Springer, otherwise good nations go feral. And a few make a lot of money. The hypocrisy is beyond shocking.
Slightly off topic, but today an agreement was finalised for the new Dutch coalition government.
What a turn for the books.
No to further immigration.
No to moving illegal immigrants all over the country.
No to illegal immigrants being able to bring their families and if they do get permission to stay it will be with less funding and for a limited period only.
Yes to farmers, laying waste to the nitrogen rules.
Yes to fishermen.
Yes to fewer civil servants.
So will they be able to deliver?
Not if they have to abide by EU rules…
The forthcoming EU elections will be really interesting…
What else could we pin on climate change? Let's pick one that will, for once, benefit us: I can't pay my taxes because of climate change!
I might give that a go!
What a scoundrel. Now they are claiming we need to get rid of paper money because it's bad for climate change. Got to be the lamest excuse ever.
Alright, let's go back to gold.
I think the Globalists already own it all, Ken
The non-existent "climate change", mantra will be continued to be parroted by bureaucrats as cover for their absolute ineptness.
I would question whether Christine "forever tanned" Lagarde knows anything about CO2...
The video is worth watching to appreciate how easily they lie with a straight face and without a sliver of shame. They, ECB, most definitely fail in their mandate of price stability, especially with their outlandish and utopian and Un-human agendas.
Anyone else remember when "business" was dependent on "customers"?
Bit like when government used to work FOR the "people"?😐🤔🤔🤨
I'm wondering (not really😉), since WE are customers AND the people, and WE are still here, who exactly are these policies for- oh wait, she told us, "nature". 😐😐🤔🤨🤨
Really?, "nature" doesn't give a fig about about humanity's "climate policies", she will do what she do, when she do it. And she certainly doesn't buy mortgages, set up savings accounts, or invest in the finance sector.😐
#dontbuytheBS #remember #yourpower #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad" is quoted as a "heathen proverb" in Daniel, a Model for Young Men (1854) by the Reverend William Anderson Scott (1813-1885). Brigham Young quoted the phrase in a discourse delivered on March 16, 1856, attributing it as an "ancient proverb".
And what brand of private jet does she own? Is she living in a tiny house? I'm sure she's ready to sacrifice for the good of all.
Exactly; they don't believe in climate change because they're not eating insects or walking instead of driving. They're living on the coasts while trying to scare everyone with the idea that the oceans are going to swallow up the coasts. I'll consider it when the rules apply to them . . . which will be never.
We knew it was coming ..
"We knew it was coming .." - very few at first (2020) with 80% compliance, four years later the criminal cartel are revealed to those who think (critically) -20% - can never get away from Pareto -
Lagarde is quite the grifter. They're everywhere nowadays.
We will not be able to say they didn't warn us! Event 201, Nordstream, Great Reset, etc....Vaccine Legarde, Klaus/Siegfried, Trudeau, Bill Gates the boy genius now a maniacal old man, they are all evil cartoon stooges out to prove they are better, smarter and will crush anyone who dares to disagree with their wisdom. Even the name proves it's not a threat any more today than it ever was and the answer is Yes Climate Changes, so what.
The 'pandemic' didn't quite deliver what they waned, so now they'll haul out the biggest baddest gun of all: Climate Change. I used to believe in it. Plenty still do. This is a fight to the bitter end. But we will triumph! People like her will pay a price and I hope that I live long enough to witness it. Almost makes old age worthwhile...
Hahahahahahaha … what a joker
A scapegoat for what is inevitable (US is running up a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days now...)...
Let's go Big Picture... I will now explain in detail... why EVs.... which are not in any way shape or form 'Green'.... exist.
Why the Ministry of Truth runs endless hype campaigns on cnnbbc....and why governments subsidize them to the tune of hundreds of billions...
Consider this statement: We are steaming oil out of sand, drilling miles beneath oceans for oil, drilling hundreds of thousands of holes in the ground, dropping in bombs - then sucking up the dregs.
Surely -- given we are completely reliant on fossil fuel energy to power our civilization --- we should be concerned that these methods of oil extraction ... appear to be ... shall we say ... desperate.
Surely any objective observer would look at this and think.... hmmm.... if there is so much of the easy stuff remaining ... why are we doing these things
The thing is ... we are desperate... see
So how do EVs fit into this equation ... and renewable energy... and how about climate change????
These are what I refer to as The Three Pillars of Bullshit.
It goes like this... the Men Who Run the World need their barnyard animals to remain productive... positive... happy. If the animals were to get wind of the desperate situation with respect to energy ... they would get spooked... in fact they would panic.
And panicked barnyard animals are NOT productive. If they conclude that the cheap and easy energy are on the downslope ... they fall into despair. They begin to believer there is no future... why breed - why study - why invest -- etc... alcoholism and drug abuse would explode higher ... etc...
Barnyard animals MUST believe the future is awesome --- they must believe their progeny will have the same opportunities to pillage and buy lots of stuff just like they did.
The Men Who Run the World - and their minions ... are very much aware of this.
They need to cover up the desperation situation with some fancy PR.
One bright thing in the Ministry of Truth -- which was tasked with the coverup ... suggested inventing this thing call Global Warming (they changed it to Climate Change cuz some places were cooling .. no problem the barnyard animals will believe whatever cnnbbc tells them).
Notice how fossil fuels are The Enemy? How we Must wean off them? No mention of the fact that they are in deep depletion... that's a no-no. Instead they are evil -- we must ditch them...
Enter renewable energy --- transitioning to renewables is IMPOSSIBLE
Doesn't matter. The Ministry of Truth overcomes this by pounding the barnyard animals with messaging (and catch phrases)... convincing them that we are on the path to a green wonderful future -- where everyone gets to buy loads of stuff - HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!!
Let's insert EVs here... ICE vehicles are EVIL. We must transition to EV's ... Zero Emissions. Well ya they are charged and manufactured with fossil fuels ... But..BUT (hat tip to Jeff Green) ... eventually we will phase out fossil fuels and go totally green.
Unfortunately... this is impossible
Governments know this ... the bosses of governments (The Men Who Run the World) know this ... of course they do -- they are not stupid.
But they also know that they MUST ensure that the barnyard animals remain hopeful ... positive... productive...
They cannot be allowed to understand that we are f789ed.
The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel