" Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. Anne Applebaum in The Atlantic says the former president has brought dehumanizing language into American presidential politics."
Worth noting the wench is a lying NeoCon, warmongering propagandist.
The most recent person that used the term vermin in politics was the now Deputy PM Angela Raynet,but it has a long history of use by Labour going back to WW2.
I suppose Ms Applebaum chose to ignore that. Strange,as she knows Britain well.
In regard to recycling plastic... I stopped doing it many years ago (~2014) after a visit to a recycling processing plant!
It's an enormous scam. Only a very small % of the plastic is processed (aka the PROFITABLE one, another CAPITALISM wonder!) all the rest goes to a land field or is simply burned.
Eh - ADD/ADHD exists, which I can confirm after having lived with my brain with 63+ years. I was on Adderall from age 42 to 62. I've always been STEM+M oriented (STEM plus music), so sitting down to focus on what I liked was always easy - I looked into getting tested & then getting a prescription as a way to assist me in a career which required that I write up reports and PowerPoints after I completed all the fun parts of the job. (I remember describing the new prescription as "eyeglasses for the brain".)
A small side benefit was that I started to get better quality sleep, as long as I took the prescription early enough in the day. (I should note that sleep quality massively improved for me when I started using weighted blankets - something that works prescription-free.) Two notable negatives were: weight gain (I was less fidgety so could sit and focus more on boring but required work) and dry mouth (leading to more dental work until I figured out how to manage the dry mouth side effect).
However, it is correct to point out all the negatives of the prescriptions. A prescription should be used only as part of a plan to develop better time management and focusing skills. In hindsight, since I successfully managed to get into into college & grad school, the youngest I age I would have wanted to take any ADD/ADHD prescription would have been at age mid-twenties, and also with additional oversight of time management skills, with a plan to taper off of the prescription much, much sooner (maybe around 3 to 5 years max).
"The 1961 AHA advice to limit saturated fat is arguably the single-most influential nutrition policy ever published, as it came to be adopted first by the U.S. government, as official policy for all Americans, in 1980, and then by governments around the world as well as the World Health Organization," the article reads.
"However, they were paid off to distribute this information. The AHA accepted $20 million (in today's dollars) in funding from Procter & Gamble, a corporation that conveniently makes and sells Crisco Oil. The AHA recommended that everyone replace butter with "heart healthy" alternatives like vegetable oil or Crisco Oil."
" Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. Anne Applebaum in The Atlantic says the former president has brought dehumanizing language into American presidential politics."
Worth noting the wench is a lying NeoCon, warmongering propagandist.
The most recent person that used the term vermin in politics was the now Deputy PM Angela Raynet,but it has a long history of use by Labour going back to WW2.
I suppose Ms Applebaum chose to ignore that. Strange,as she knows Britain well.
Matt Orfala did a fun vermin segment for Taibbi's Racket news.. lots more references than one would guess from corp media.
In regard to recycling plastic... I stopped doing it many years ago (~2014) after a visit to a recycling processing plant!
It's an enormous scam. Only a very small % of the plastic is processed (aka the PROFITABLE one, another CAPITALISM wonder!) all the rest goes to a land field or is simply burned.
Eh - ADD/ADHD exists, which I can confirm after having lived with my brain with 63+ years. I was on Adderall from age 42 to 62. I've always been STEM+M oriented (STEM plus music), so sitting down to focus on what I liked was always easy - I looked into getting tested & then getting a prescription as a way to assist me in a career which required that I write up reports and PowerPoints after I completed all the fun parts of the job. (I remember describing the new prescription as "eyeglasses for the brain".)
A small side benefit was that I started to get better quality sleep, as long as I took the prescription early enough in the day. (I should note that sleep quality massively improved for me when I started using weighted blankets - something that works prescription-free.) Two notable negatives were: weight gain (I was less fidgety so could sit and focus more on boring but required work) and dry mouth (leading to more dental work until I figured out how to manage the dry mouth side effect).
However, it is correct to point out all the negatives of the prescriptions. A prescription should be used only as part of a plan to develop better time management and focusing skills. In hindsight, since I successfully managed to get into into college & grad school, the youngest I age I would have wanted to take any ADD/ADHD prescription would have been at age mid-twenties, and also with additional oversight of time management skills, with a plan to taper off of the prescription much, much sooner (maybe around 3 to 5 years max).
Plastic recycling exposed... "Carbon footprint" is a more efficient scam: up to $41 billion in World Bank climate finace unaccounted for according to Oxfam https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/41-billion-world-bank-climate-finance-unaccounted-oxfam-finds
Just posting that now!
"The 1961 AHA advice to limit saturated fat is arguably the single-most influential nutrition policy ever published, as it came to be adopted first by the U.S. government, as official policy for all Americans, in 1980, and then by governments around the world as well as the World Health Organization," the article reads.
"However, they were paid off to distribute this information. The AHA accepted $20 million (in today's dollars) in funding from Procter & Gamble, a corporation that conveniently makes and sells Crisco Oil. The AHA recommended that everyone replace butter with "heart healthy" alternatives like vegetable oil or Crisco Oil."
This is why I have been using butter since 1984. A chef told me. His restaurant only used saturated fats. No one died of a heart attack at dinner, while the Scampi and Steak were sautéed, as well as the side veggies. "Everthing taste better with butter."