One of the first things I wrote about on Substack, in December 2021, was Original Antigenic Sin (OAS). The article titled “The New Normal - Pandemics of the Vaccinated? Are we beginning to see further evidence of ADE or OAS occurring in the UK data?” did exactly what is says on the tin, explored whether OAS was being seen in the UK data. I can’t remember how long I had been talking about it before then but it was at least six months.
Now, almost two years since I first started reading about the phenomenon, it seems the concept is acceptable enough to enter mainstream consciousness. The Overton window of discourse has shifted.
Allysia Finley at the Wall Street Journal has written another interesting and critical article, this time including OAS. She doesn’t call it OAS, she calls it immune priming, but it’s OAS.
The article called “The Deceptive Campaign for Bivalent Covid Boosters”, looks at the misleading claims that you could get worse Covid symptoms unless you get your bivalent booster. These arguments are interesting enough but the scattering of OAS information throughout the piece is what caught my eye.
When I was at school I was told to put any bad news in the middle of a letter, sandwiching it between more positive information to distract from the negative. Allysia was clearly taught the same thing as OAS is mentioned in between two not-quite-as-bad facts.
But three scientific problems have arisen. First, the virus is evolving much faster than the vaccines can be updated. Second, vaccines have hard-wired our immune systems to respond to the original Wuhan strain, so we churn out fewer antibodies that neutralize variants targeted by updated vaccines. Third, antibodies rapidly wane after a few months.
In fact it is worse than Allysia points out. Not only have vaccinated people hard-wired their immune systems to respond to the original Wuhan strain, they have hard-wired them to a small portion of that strain - the spike protein. Whilst immune priming also happens when you get infected naturally, the hard-wiring is to all parts of the virus. When priming is only to the spike protein, all the virus needs to do is mutate the spike and suddenly you have no defences but you still produce defences to the original spike.
The authors [in studies in the New England Journal of Medicine] posit that immune imprinting “may pose a greater challenge than is currently appreciated for inducing robust immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants.”
The original Covid vaccines and boosters trained our memory B-cells to produce antibodies against the Wuhan variant. As the University of Pennsylvania’s Paul Offit explains in a New England Journal of Medicine article, previously vaccinated people who received the bivalent booster were “primed” to respond to the Wuhan strain and mounted an inferior antibody response to other variants.
Allysia goes on to show how these finding contradict the pharmaceutical press releases because “the vaccine makers designed their studies to get the results they wanted”.
And to any new readers who are thinking “but the FDA must have spotted that deception, right?”. Wrong. Ms. Finley gives you the answer, they “didn’t raise an eyebrow, but why would they? They have a vested interest in promoting the bivalents.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the bivalents for all adults without any evidence that they were effective or needed.
The article points out that a CDC study showed the bivalents were only 22% to 43% effective during their peak efficacy. “As antibodies waned and new variants took over later in the fall, their protection against infection probably dropped to zero.”
In reality, it is worse than that, as seen in the recent Cleveland Study
The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.
A few more years and we’ll be reading in the MSM how they’ve noticed a switch to IgG4 after booster 17.
Today’s reader-suggested book from the Ultimate Red Pill Reading List
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Dude, you were just lucky.
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
This isn't good. This looks like the start of the narrative flip I have been dreading.
This is what I (now, thanks to someone on Substack who gave the theory a name) call the "Vaccine Rug Pull Theory". They slowly walk back the lies about vaxx safety and enrage the public who have been harmed. In the worst case scenario, the public lose their minds and go on the rampage.