I've no substantial comment to add on the horror show that is COVID-vaxx AE's. Kudos to those tracking them, but I can't even begin to keep up ... I will, however, post a wee link to an obscure-ish SubStack for those looking for a deep dive as to the WHY behind the AE's: Walter Chesnut Research.


Highly technical, and VERY thorough. It is through this SubStack that I truly began to comprehend how bad this vaxx thing really is. (Evidently per one of the top comments on his most recent article, Chesnut was previously working with Luc Montagneir in some capacity ... The guy that the Borg offed, as I recall. So.)

Also: when did Grave's Disease get renamed? And why? Does anybody know?

I just had to look up "Basedow's Disease" as I'd never heard of it. Turns out it's autoimmune thyroiditis (VERY common in cats, as an aside), which I learned as Grave's Disease in Humans. Why the name change?

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That's strange

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Renaming Grave's Disease, you mean?

I agree, I don't get it. I can only assume that Doctor Graves was cancelled, or possibly that he was too white.

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If the 'Borg (Wikipedia -- Pravda Encyclopedia itself) can be trusted, the difference in naming is fairly benign in origin. Doctors Graves and Basedow both described the same disease. Dr. Graves was Irish; Dr. Basedow was German. Graves described it first, but Basedow was more thorough.

Now, evidently -- again, per the dubious source that is Wiki -- the very first description of the disease goes to:

"12th century Persian physician Sayyid Ismail al-Jurjani."

Given my Anglo-American pronunciation difficulties with the above Persian name, I think I'll be sticking to the one I learned first, which is "Grave's Disease." (Besides -- if anyone is familiar with Marty Feldman, who I believe is likely the most famous sufferer, that's the name that is associated with his condition. So, if you need to remember it -- Marty Feldman had Grave's Disease, which is toxic hyperthyroidism.)

FWIW, feline patients do not present with the exophthalmos (bulging eyes) that is seen in Human patients. This has to do with the autoimmune response that causes the disease. It is postulated that the muscles of the eyes share a common embryonic origin to the thyroid.

Now I'm going to get into pure conjecture here, so if you're still reading this, please note that I'm making stuff up. I am, however, trained in making stuff up when it comes to medical issues, so this is not entirely without merit. (It just may not be at all true, ha!)

The interesting thing about embryonic development is that it basically holds true for all species. (This part is not made up.) That is to say -- the embryonic precursors to adult tissues in a frog are basically the same as the embryonic precursors to those same adult tissues in a Human. Cats and Humans are, we assume, even closer genetically speaking. (NB: Cats are aliens -- I learned that in veterinary school -- so this *may* not be true). Therefore, it is to be assumed that Feline and Human embryonic development is quite similar, as both are mammals.

My hypothesis for the reason that toxic hyperthyroidism in Cats (which is NOT referred to as Grave's Disease; in veterinary medicine, it is technically very incorrect to refer to any disease of Animal patients by their Human disease name, because it cannot be assumed that the diseases are identical) does not result in exophthalmos:

Cats' eyes are much more fixed in their skulls than are Humans' eyes, which dart about continuously. While Cats' eyes are much more mobile than those of raptorial birds -- whose eyes are essentially completely fixed in their skulls, and who therefore must move their heads slightly in order to adjust ANY angle of vision -- think of an owl -- they do not dart about as do Humans' eyes, or even those of Dogs. Therefore (made-up part ahead), I hypothesize that the same autoimmune reaction does indeed attack the tissues of the eye muscles of Cats -- it simply results in swelling that is not noticeable to the owner or clinician, as the affected Cats' eyes are much larger in relation to the muscles that control eye movement. Because there is less muscle tissue relative to eye size, this means that there is less swelling behind the orbit to begin with, and the larger eye remains more fixed in the skull. In other words: If Cats had smaller, more mobile eyes, you might see some Feline Marty Feldmans.

To repeat my disclaimer: I just made all of the above stuff up. It MAY be wrong. (But -- it may be correct! It may even be proven. I haven't done a literature search. Think that's a complete disclaimer for you. ;) )

One more note: I capitalize species names. This is a personal choice. (Just in case you were wondering.)

Also, I occasionally capitalize certain words for emphasis. THAT is an *artistic* personal choice. I generally try to keep that out of my scientific discourse unless appropriate based on context (eg, ranting about COVID/vaxx nonsense, which crosses the boundaries between medical and Biblical).

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Jun 16, 2023
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Thank you! :) I'm currently more behind-the-scenes in that regard rather than on the frontlines. I do believe that's my saving grace however ... The AVMA is INCREDIBLY 'Borg. The entire industry -- publications purporting to be scientific journals are basically just glorified shiny booklets of pharma ads.

I'm not in private practice ... So I'm able to be very objective.

I'll also be able to perhaps ... Quietly disseminate info.

They're plotting some crap with the chickens next. (GRRRRRR ...)

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5 million AEs between launch and June 22, not 1.6m

the 1.6m is based on reporting interval (Dec 21 to Jun 22)

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Thanks, updated

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Safe and effective.

For depopulation and new pharma business.

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And just last week the White House told unvaxxed college athletes that they’d have to social distance and wear masks during their visit. ‘Flat Earthers’ are running the country, you know.

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I wouldn't bother going a fox lives there.

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As a former avid excel user, I know the pain you speak of. It was thrilling when the complicated calculations worked out, but the wounds from head butting the desk when they didn't was all to real! I remember (mostly). Lol.

Thank you for this breakdown my friend.

At any ONE adverse reaction happening per day, this injectable free-floating all organ hitting disaster of a "vaccine" should have been stopped after max 5 days. And yet they are still pushing it and the boosters - close to 1000 days later. And all ages.

Is there enough Justice in the world to compensate for this and the unnecessary, needless suffering of so many who succumbed?

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"Is there enough Justice in the world to compensate for this and the unnecessary, needless suffering of so many who succumbed?"


Gotta find a new world. Perhaps one that is BUILT upon Justice.

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The word "Nope" is indeed correct.

Even Time and Love are going to have an uphill battle on this one.

No amount of monetary compensation can replace what has been lost, on every level there is.

God says He IS Justice. He tells us Vengeance is HIS. If we take on the role of revenge we:

1. Take on God's role.

2. Get filled with anger and hatred rather than love and forgiveness., which does no one any good .

3. Harden our hearts, which does a massive disservice to our own selves.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." (To forgive >forward give to God<) is for YOU, not [them]!

However, after having said that, I have NO problem placing all these shysters into one local area on some deserted 'tropical' island to await the Lord's decision on them where they can dine on bugs, drink tap water, read the Bible for solace, and be allowed one visiting day per year from The People. IF we can find the time from making the new world on the land and seas God gave us to dwell upon. The earth could be a beautiful place if there were no evil destroying it.


Much Love

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I agree with all of this.

Perhaps on occasion we could fly a drone over the island to check on them. Though I'm not volunteering to view the footage. (Eep!)

BTW -- LOVE your summation here:

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." (To forgive >forward give to God<) is for YOU, not [them]!

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Maybe I’m fallen, but God’s wrath needs to be meted out by the survivors of this. There is no torture, no heinous death too cruel for those that have perpetrated these atrocities.

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You are not fallen my friend.

You are carrying righteous anger. We ALL are or have. When everyone truly realizes what has been done, there will be a LOT of it.

The survivors of this NEED to focus on going forward, carrying on for other survivors, and re-building their lives. This focus will help to not only survive, but thrive, as attention will be given to creation, not destruction.

It WILL be a long healing time, of that I have NO doubt. Some may choose to never let it go. Each of us have to make the decision of how we want to go into the future. I choose the loving way, as it is more beneficial to the healing and helping of others.

The BEST victory is to not only overcome, but to be the most successful in ALL ways.

I get your anger. I do.

Been there, done that. Several times. The only one hurt by doing this, was me. To nurse that anger only means they win again. It can be all-consuming, if you let it.

As a wise person once said, you can let the bird land on your head, but don't let it make a nest there. (Jacob's Troubles)

God Himself will dole out God's Wrath.

WE should be the shoulder on which people can lean on. The strength in the storm. The one our friends, family, neighbors and community can rely on to hold them up when they fall apart.

I sincerely hope you choose to be The Oaktree my friend, for YOUR well being, as well as the help others will need.

Much Love

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Great find!

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Thank you 🙏- so many amazing people out there putting in so many hours to break it down for us to understand

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Question: why are we only seeing the Pfizer document? What about Moderna, AstraZenica, Janssen?

Why only Pfizer?

What is the provenance of these documents? Who released them and Why? Why now?

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Some Moderna ones are coming apparently

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How generous of them

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A big heartfelt thank you!

This must be spread.

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Another nightmare result of our genius bureaucrats who still haven’t accepted responsibility for their risky gene editing and their coverup which created an even larger disaster causing untold additional deaths of which they also seem unconcerned about. Maybe I missed it but death seems to be omitted and I consider it the biggest adverse event.

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NE: The more of this stuff you read and expend effort to explain to us, the more of it they will ask ChatGPT to produce. I have an idea. Shove their stuff up ChatGPT's output aperture and tell it to explain it in layman's terms. That should fry some circuits.

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I try but ChatGPT likes to provide you with the current narrative

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You mean that Artificial Intelligence isn't Artificial at all? Isn't even Intelligent?

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Covid-19 +295%

Wow, 3 times more effective than natural immunity!! Suck it antivaxxers!! (Sarcasm alert)

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Thank you, especially for struggling with Excel.😊

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Please post your Excel file. Thx. You will get a free subscription to my Substack, Experimental Gene Therapy.

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For another disturbing analysis with VAERS comparisons see Jessica Rose's commentary today.:


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Ripping pdfs, nightmare stuff !

How were these data collected, separately from VAERS etc ?

What I'm thinking of is Kirsch mentioned many times about the URF, this would be huge for a pharma sourced data-set?

Or was there actually some rigour here?

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