It is of course accurate to describe the Janssen and Az-Ox gene therapies as "Viral vectors". But it's equally accurate to refer to them as "DNA gene therapies" which I always do. The manufacturers and Authorities prefer the former term because a) nobody really understands what a viral vector actually is and b) it sounds more "friendly" and much less threatening that a "DNA vaccine".

the other thing that most do not understand is that once inside the cell (via a different delivery vehicle) the viral DNA is transcribed into mRNA and from that point on, the actual mechanism of action is identical to the mRNA therapies. The differenc is only one of delivery.

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It is never accurate to describe these bioweapons as any kind of "therapy", because by definition therapy is something that delivers healing, and these do the exact opposite.

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I'd say that Astrazeneca agreed to be the "fall guy" for viral vector vaccines in order to promote mRNA tech to the front of the line. I bet a dollar future FOIA disclosures will prove this.

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The Astra Zeneca shots are from an adenovirus isolated from chimpanzee poop ... which doesn't make me eager to inject it in my veins ... it's also worth noting that chimpanzees may carry monkeypox.



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I have always found it very sttrange that, especially in Europe, people go out of their way to avoid GMO foods. But when it comes to injecting into themselves a GMO with the potential risk that they themself could become a GMO : No problem, shoot me up!!

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Any and all coincidence with a roll out of quackzines made from monkey adenovirus and later monkeypox outbreaks are just that. Trust the Science TM.

I shall now go back to harvesting contaminated rhesus monkey livers for my new and improved polio quackzine...

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Not sure about anyone else, but after deep diving, researching, listening, reading and connecting dots...there is no possible way on God's green earth that ANY "vaccine" will ever be trusted again.

Since the first jab which was to fight polio, AFTER polio had already subsided, was injected with monkey DNA (WHY?? JUST WHY???), the "medical" preventions of something the body could take care of have gotten even worse than the 'virus' and far more sinister to boot.

THIS human, will NEVER trust another injection again, and a continual kick to my rear end by me continues as I remember getting the children injected "for their safety." Back to the basics we go.

HOW did humanity possibly survive 5500 years before the Rothschilds intervened in healing and health? By trusting their own God given immune system, that's how!

How did we go from "eat oranges to cure scurvy" to "inject this monkey poop, dead fetal tissue, loaded with chemicals of all kinds, DNA altering, and red dye crap into your arm?" Good Gravy man!!

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When you realise that viruses were said to be the cause of some diseases, polio, which affected people in summer months when produce was sprayed with DDT and other chemicals, so they then made a vaccine to prevent it but caused more polio in order to cover the toxic poisoning, makes you wonder, what else? Gates of Hell maimed half a million kids in India with a polio vaccine.

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I believe intent to do harm (a design feature) better explains this situation than anything else.

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Hey thanks for posting/flagging this.

Few things:

•I directly know of a few people who developed demylenating conditions from the mRNA vaccines (which again argues the issue is the spike protein).

•The biodistribition studies and preclinical studies on the Pfizer vaccine also showed a similar pattern of where the mRNA vaccine went and which tissues were inflamed (only difference is they also involved the ovaries).

•There are a host of issues I've seen in patients because of it going to the bone marrow (in regards to bone marrow specific cancers and those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants that fail).

•The biggest reason why they test the sciatic nerve for inflammation is because it's the largest nerve/easiest to biopsy, so the inflammation being there means its most likely in many other nerves too.

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Nice work. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five.

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Thanks for posting this about fenbendazole. I have a dog with cancer I want to give this a try.

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Thank you for digging through this stuff, and keeping us in the loop 🔥

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Thanks, this is a very nice write-up.

Here's a collection of old publications on Adeno vectors – basically they knew exactly what we were in for. https://medquotes.substack.com/p/adenovirus-vectors

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Hardly, anything can accumulate in organs. Vaccines, medicines if you were given too strong a dose, to simple waste. So no, the mRNA vax wasn't the only thing that I think accumulated there.

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Explain more please, a liver can become toxic very fast depending on the specific toxins

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Are the spike proteins generated from these vaxxines identical to the natural spike proteins? Seems they are altered. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing, or does anyone really know?

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Thank you for keeping us updated and for writing tricky science up in an easily understandable manner. I was particularly struck by the example of neurological demyelination in the last paragraph. Myelin protects the nerves, especially spinal cord, optic nerve and to brain. Strip away the myelin and you damage the nerves. This may explain why my partner who was coerced into taking the AZ has suffered from recurring but thankfully intermittent attacks of tremors and loss of vision.

The big question for us, and many others too, is how long lasting these side effects will be. Does the body eventually over time (and especially if you deny further “boosters”) manage to get rid of what is in effect a toxin? Or is it similar to arsenic poisoning, which is tolerable in small amounts, but the body never gets rid off, so that cumulative dosing with small quantities of arsenic eventually leads to fatal toxicity.

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my friend suffered this prior to any injections, along with "essential tremor" why they name it so I have no idea. She was already using a walking frame to prevent falls. I know she is much worse since her jabs but we don't discuss anything about them. She doesn't know why she got this, well over 10 years now. The treatment she was on was some plasma type stuff injected into her spine monthly. She also mentioned she has markers from blood tests to develop bone cancer. Last time I saw her, July 2021, she had these 2 big purple bruises on back of her calfs. My jabbed friends keep away from me in case I transmit anything. As far as I know, there is no cure for this yet. I'd do a detox and find a naturopathic doc or try MMS which is supposed to oxyginate blood and help repair all kinds of ailments. Sorry that your partner is suffering. As with polio and Guillaine Barr, people do make full recovery. Have a look for La quinta columna on alt video for some info for detox methods. I do not know if they work at all.

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"Covid Jabs - the gifts that keep on giving"

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So much safe and effective!!🙄

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Well that document didn’t age well.

“Additionally, we have provided robust evidence that AZD1222 confers complete protection against severe cases of COVID-19, as well as COVID-19 hospitalisations, ….” CI and p-value redacted.

And they're still trying to use that old trope.


Interesting truth bomb:

“No efficacy of AZD1222 was observed against asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in either the LDSD or SDSD groups …”

I don’t remember that being mentioned at the time. 🤔

Active placebo (meningitis & rabies vaccine), more adverse reactions (AESIs) in control group. Discussion redacted 🤔

I call shenanigans! 😀

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Brandy Vaughan said they use already authorised vaccines in vaccine trials to make better outcomes for trialled one, not harmless placebo which has to be used for all other meds. Less tests also for toxicity, reproduction etc. The fact they were not classed as gene therapy enabled them to bypass but it is much worse than this. See Sasha Latypova's substack for full details.

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These bioweapons should not be classified as any kind of "therapy", because by definition therapy is something that delivers healing, and these do the exact opposite.

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Yes, I agree!

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Thanks. I’m aware of the use of an active placebo in trials for the reason you describe, but I was led to believe it was just saline in the covid vaccine trials and that they were also the gold standard, double blind randomized control trials. Turns out this isn’t totally true either. There is much to unpick in that document. At least it’s nicely written in understandable language unlike the Pfizer word salad.

They also used every short cut available i.e. if they didn’t have to do something they didn’t rather than err on the side of safety like I’d expect for a medical intervention to be distributed across the world.

They’ll say time was of the essence, speed of science, lives were at stake, we didn’t know, excuses, excuses, blah blah blah, thanks for the indemnity and Knighthood suckers 👑🐴

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you need to understand the trials were sham. People working on them thought they were real but all protocals not adhered to with follow ups, reporting adverse reactions etc. I was a clinical trials administrator and received hours of training beforehand. Any deviation from protocals and adverse events had to be reported to principal investigator within short time frame of being made aware. Go listen to Sasha Latypova and discover why they didn't need to do trials or any Good Manufacturing practice. All to deceive public and also why no scrutiny by our regulator bodies who are supposed to protect us but simply turn other cheek. This is happening globally as we know.

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I agree. I’ve listened to Sasha and others and actually personally know people that administer drug trials. As you say, it’s very strict and protocols must be followed to the letter. I’ve suspected the covid trials were a sham but even if they weren’t they look to have been setup from the start to maximize the efficacy result and minimize the adverse events findings.

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I was a clinical trials assistant in a hospital for a couple of years. Quite a bit of training and exam to pass with certification before handling any documents. All people working on trial signed off and everyone's certification sent to Principal Investigator location to prove everyone competent and fully understanding of protocols. We would get audited and there would be the usual panic stations before inspection by management! Any adverse events had to be reported within a certain time period. We just recruited and forwarded paperwork after each follow up. Some trials just observational, one off, some with devices, new joints, some no end dates. We did not produce any analysis ourselves and results did not appear for a long time after trial ended.

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My sister got 2 astra z's and one booster, cancer marker kidney all of a sudden skyhigh 1 month after the extra vitamins and she has now a chronic nasal drip, as if she has a permanent cold... on homeopathic treatment now, the cancer marker dropped .. she has to check on it 2 times a year now

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Sorry to hear about your sister, I hope she recovers. It’s tragic this isn’t taken more seriously. Here in Australia one of our senators was laughing and heckling another senator that brought up vaccine injuries in Parliament. It’s shameful.

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If there was a gun to my head and I had to take a gene therapy injection and the choi e was between Astrazeneca and Pfizzer or Murderna, I'd take Astrazeneca. So far, it's performing better than the mRNA gene therapies, although that's not saying much. I'd rather eat a sh-t sandwich than take any of them, and that includes Novavax.

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As noted elsewhere, these are bioweapons, not "gene therapy", because by definition therapy is something that delivers healing, and these do the exact opposite.

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