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So the saying “the devil always overplays his hand” doesn’t ring true for you?

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I think it is very true. Eventually it will all swing back to the light. With defeat I mean short - to - medium term. Hence the preparing, To go for cover and survive. I don't have that many years left, so I try to use them wisely. Enjoyment, Love, Fun, Family, Friends, Nature have to bebalanced with the energy spent on resistance I do my little part, say my little part, support a few big guys.

This is like a freight train gaining momentum, thundering towards the abyss of this totalitarean cliff. In a corrupt and greedy system, a lasting balance is very difficult to achieve. But I am not hoping in front of that traiTn because that would be suicide.

Only very powerful people with a good heart might be able to stop it. They have to wake up to the danger before it is too late. But more likely. the tyrants will destroy themselves before any resistance will, if history repeats itself.

This Russell Brand episode is a bit of a test were everyone stands. Who of the big guys will support him in public and call out the set-up? Rogan? Peterson? Maajid Nawaz? Malone? Wolf? Haven't heard much so far. Good of the Emperor to bring it up. Who of the big guys will risk it?

The bad guys are very clever. They picked the most controversial and the most vulnerable of them first: Brand. And they used the dirtiest accussations: Rape. A minefield in a woke cancelling society.

They made a mistake when they tried to cancel Rogan. Rogan is too solid, too good, too American. And he defended well. But that wasn't a really dirty attack.

The other vulnerable one is Jordan Peterson, in my opinion. They already working on him. Jordan is a brilliant thinker but he is physically and emotionally frail. Doesn't have a thick skin. Tries his best though - so good luck to him.

From those I mentioned, Wolf would be attacked next. Malone is pretty solid but I think Maajid and Tate are the toughest. Think of Tate what you like, this guy is a true fighter and he can play dirty if needed. And Maaji can too. And Maaji is a very smart guy - the smartest of them all. He is a professional.

So, if I needed to chose two of the big influencer when the resistance moves from words to actions on the ground - I would trust and feel safest with these two.

But these two can't do that much either. What we need is really big guys, high up and connected in these cycles, that really want to stop that. They propably need to stay under cover but connected and give intel and strategic leadership to hopefullly many guys like Maaji and Tate. The others, Rogan, Tucker, Malone etc. will also play some parts, of course.

What do you think? What will happen next? What do you think of Kennedy and his chances? He really sets himself to be shot - amazing, the fearlessness.

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