Of the three who attacked my niece, one was given 5 years and is out in November, the other two, because the jury couldn't make up its mind were found guilty of aiding and abetting and were given 2 years suspended.
The girl lives in terror of the convicted rapist coming out.
Of the three who attacked my niece, one was given 5 years and is out in November, the other two, because the jury couldn't make up its mind were found guilty of aiding and abetting and were given 2 years suspended.
The girl lives in terror of the convicted rapist coming out.
Absolutely right about it destroying lives and it should never be trivialised, as so often happens by those who simply don't understand.
Spot on. Well done.
Of the three who attacked my niece, one was given 5 years and is out in November, the other two, because the jury couldn't make up its mind were found guilty of aiding and abetting and were given 2 years suspended.
The girl lives in terror of the convicted rapist coming out.
Absolutely right about it destroying lives and it should never be trivialised, as so often happens by those who simply don't understand.