Read an article today about liberal authoritarianism. The hypothesis of the psychologist is that for certain personality types, liberal authoritarianism is rooted in deep narcissism rather than empathy. Though it may start with a desire to help others or do what is right, it quickly devolves into a pathological need to control everything that does not conform to that person's worldview.

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Not really a surprise, many have been trying to warn people about “liberals”, globalists, and their views for years.

The political Left has always had a nasty authoritarian streak (just talk about politics to a committed liberal or leftist) and they are finally removing their masks.

CS Lewis had the best quote about these people:

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience”

And in this case it will be even worse (if we allow it). Not only do they “do so with the approval of their own conscience “ but they are also using the ‘climate crisis’ to remake western civilization to their liking and advantage.

All at the expense of our peoples and our way of life.

For those in the US, this is EXACTLY what we will get if Biden and the Democrats get four more years in office....Count on it.

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When I was young in the 90s the left seemed to be the anti-authoritarians. Was I hopelessly naive? I still see people like Russel Brand who I would class as old school lefties who adhere to what I consider real left.

At the end of the day it seems to be the plebs versus the elites.

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When I was young in the late 70’s and early 80’s (I turned 18 in 1981), I could see the venom and hate of the more committed left wing Democrats and socialists.

This was an era at the end of the Carter administration when normal society was repudiating everything that they believed in.

That was before the Left absorbed the Democratic Party.

Reagan’s election in 1980 blew their minds, but there were fewer of them at that point.... and they were not an open threat.

They knew that their ideas were unpopular so they regrouped and changed strategies. They took over the Democratic Party and then proceeded to take control of the public schools. Some people saw what was happening and tried to warn the public .... but they were pretty much ignored.

Now the masks are coming off and we may soon get to experience what millions of others have lived (and died) through, a leftist government with absolute power.

I hope I’m wrong......

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I love that CS Lewis quote.

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Liberal authoritarians. See also: Antithesis. Up is down. War is peace. Freedom is slavery.

It’s not liberal. Not by definition. Liberal is de Tocqueville. Jefferson. Voltaire. Our current political class has a fraction of the brain power of the aforementioned.

The authoritarian Marxists realized that their ideology was unpalatable to the masses so they decided that if they called themselves liberals that would work to be accepted by way more people than by calling themselves what they actually were: Nazis - minus the nationalist German part.

And it worked. The masses believe that these people are actually liberals who care about freedom of speech and all the things that go with that word. But they’ve been hoodwinked by words and have ignored actions. Call them what they are: Marxist tyrants.

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Agree completely.

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I recommend Anne Barnhardt who delves into a term she calls 'diabolical narcissism' on her site.

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Certainly nothing empathetic about authoritarianism!

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Sorry, but I’m so

glad I’m on the way out! Feel awful for children and grands. This world is so evil it’s beyond my comprehension! These subhumans are destroying the earth and everything on it! The Geoengineering is creating laser fires, storms, droughts, chemtrails and everything else!

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I'm 75. I read and watch everything I can on independent media to keep aware of what is going on. My kids won't listen. I just get censored. I am very concerned for them and my young grandsons.

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I’m 79. Read and watch as you! I share your concern for the kids and grands. Don’t forget-they won’t read or listen to anything because they know everything!😱

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That is among the "benefits" that leftist education provides. Everything that is low and egotistical: the right to persecute other people and feel justified in doing so, self-righteousness, infantalization (as Dennis Prayer calls it), knowitallism, falling for quick dismissal labels like "conspiracy theory", SEL (Social Emotional Learning) where they learn to react emotionally and not logically, smugness, rewards for thinking of more stupid and evil nonsense than the last guy did, violence, becoming ideologues, and so on.

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Yes, of course, they do.

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At 67 yo I feel the same. So worried for the sh1tty society my grandchildren will inherit.

We have no safety from these lunatics.

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Nancy if you are on your way out then relax. I may be older than you are; but my father was miserable over politics till he died. No one needs to be, and that includes you.

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Love you! I’m 79, but really want to know everything about med and politics. Drives my husband nuts. I do meditate daily and do yoga, pilates, lift, walk and bike(or I’d be dead!)

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I’m 50 and I need this advice

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If you are able to assist then you should. To a degree I can, and I am. But if one can’t, then being miserable helps the other side win. That’s not what we want.

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Appears you are full of worthwhile wisdom!

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Appearances can be deceiving 😆

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I, like many others, have been miserable for the last three years. I can’t believe what these people are doing to our country.

It’s even worse because things were getting so much better before Covid.

We finally had OPEC at bay, manufacturing was coming back, and economy was booming.

The Abraham Accords promised peace in the Middle East (long thought to be impossible) and the border was somewhat under control.

Trumps foreign policy appeared to be working .... and Russia and China were not as big a threat.

I never thought that a US President would deliberately piss it all away...

****End of Another Rant***

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Yeah don’t worry be happy. Just suck the ass when the authorities tell you to, if tastes like delicious fudge anyway, the MSM told me so.

Hint it’s called having a conscience.

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Delicious fudge 😋

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Mr. Raven, exactly what path would you advise those who are not able to change anything, take? My advice to her was based on her circumstances. Worry does not assist in finding solutions.

You are welcome to suck ass if you please. I’m working against it. Writing, readiness, convention of states. What are you doing?

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You specifically counseled someone to ignore politics, stop lying butt sucker!

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First one to call a name loses the argument. I absolutely did advise her to ignore it. She’ll vote her conscience which is what she can do. The rest of the time is hers. When your time is short, which I hope will be real soon, you may actually spend some of it thinking.

Although I doubt it.

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Dude fella's in his eighties, shake hands, he had a point about trying not to worry too much.

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“I’ll always shake a man’s hand, if only to prove to the sumbitch I’m a better man than he is.” I’d add that first he’d have to be a man.

Not eighties.

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("Weighing in on age, huh? Okay — I'm 74⅚!) Seriously, it is very important to keep things in perspective. Most of our lives we have been lied to, but this was nothing new. It has been going on for generations, we just didn't know it. Now we do. That's a good thing, not a bad thing! We can't fix a problem if we aren't even aware of it, and THIS problem REALLY needs fixing! It has for a long time, but it was concealed. Now the Bad Guys have "uncloaked". They are out in the open. We see them. We now understand that some horrifically evil things have been going on that we weren't aware of. In other words, Business As Usual HAS TO STOP, and it is time for a complete transformation.

Again, we need perspective:

Nothing's changed— we just didn't know how bad things were.

NOW we are getting an inkling.

NOW the world (humanity) is WAKING UP.

So NOW the GREAT AWAKENING is beginning!

This is actually a completely amazing time we are living through— essentially the FINAL BATTLE of Good versus Evil, and we have front row seats! We get to participate, to contribute to the AWAKENING! To put our "two cents worth" in. To do what we can to influence people to Wake Up and get involved, to do the right thing. The only thing that will vanquish Evil will be everybody taking a stand against it! Awareness is the key. Information is our "ammunition" because it is Knowledge that will tip the scales. Evil is just IGNORANCE of GOOD, of GOD. When the Light enters, the Darkness flees!

So take heart! This is NOT an accident that we are here now! And know that Light is infinitely more powerful than Darkness. That there is STILL vastly MORE GOOD in the world than Evil! This world, God's amazing Creation, is still just as beautiful and spectacular as it has always been. The Bad Guys want to discourage us and demoralize us. In fact, that's the ONLY thing they can do! They use fear to control us, so DON'T FALL FOR IT! And also remember that we OUTNUMBER THEM by about a million-to-one! Really! And they are really screwed up, STUPID people! And they are getting really scared, because their "program" is behind schedule and not working! Too many of us ARE waking up, and they don't know what to do except double-down and try harder with their same failed strategy.

So this is not the time to let them discourage you. This is the time to join with others and go into FULL ATTACK MODE ourselves! We have GOOD on our side and lots of help from the Divine. We WILL WIN this, and purge the Earth from those creeps once and for all! Just watch!

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All you state is true. Being awake since June,2020, I’m just sick of the evil workers garbage. Of course Light wins. Hopefully the “plan” will soon be launched world wide and it will be fabulous. Just growing weary. Tough times ahead.

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"The Hero's Journey" is always tough! That makes the result more rewarding. We don’t appreciate easy victories as much. Also, this evolutionary jump could take many years. We very well may only get to enjoy it in our next lifetime(s). But without concerted effort on all of our parts now, we may not have a planet worth returning to, and that would be tragic, since this is such a spectacularly beautiful place! (Outside of the big cities, that is!)

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Hey! We have Central Park, Statue of Liberty, not complete hell here ! (Admittedly parts are hell)

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Lol! But you mention PARKS, not skyscrapers! As in the little bits left where there is grass and sky and air (and trees)!

"I rest my case"!

I'm just a bit spoiled now because I traded the nightmare of L.A. for a place very far away, with vast forests, creeks, rivers, blue skies (except during fire events), wildlife, etc. (and a 120 mile round trip to do any serious shopping!) Lol! Everything is a trade-off.

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Yes, truly! Thanks for sharing ~ hope to one day escape this city but if the Good Lord wants it I will stay.

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I really like your spirit! Don’t want to rain on your parade, but if you haven’t heard Dane Wigingham of Geoengineering, you might want to listen. He’s brilliant and has devoted his life to Gaia Earth!

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We are in a lot of trouble, to be sure. I listen to a lot of NDE stories, available on YouTube, to remind myself that regardless of the destruction they bring, when I am ejected from my body I want to go to a higher existence. A lot of them tell of the indescribably intense love they felt from god. Some also have harrowing stories of descending into hell (from which they were obviously rescued, typically by appealing to Jesus for help repeatedly).

I like this quote:

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Cancer Ward

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Typically people who had "hellish" NDEs took them as a "kick in the pants" to get their act together and make a major course-correction. They almost invariably viewed them as positive learning experiences, in retrospect. "Hell" is something we create for ourselves by the vibrational energy we put out that attracts similar energies. But nobody gets "condemned" to anything for eternity. It is all a matter of learning to make better, more spiritually uplifting choices. The religious versions have it all wrong, and are mainly propaganda.

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How about fines & imprisonment for corrupt politicians pushing nutty scams that do zip to reduce fossil consumption in their Net Zero carbon trading wealth transfer scheme? A giant greenwashing scam, almost entirely worthless:

EXPOSED: The Biggest Green SCAM In ESG | Breaking Points, Krystal breaks down the corporate scam of ESG and carbon offset programs in the USA:


Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless, analysis shows:


And they are lying about Biomass emissions. Biomass burning is the most environmentally destructive of all energy sources, 1400 gms CO2/kwh, Supercritical coal is 900 gms CO2/kwh and costs 3X less. But the liars in the British gov't declare biomass "carbon neutral". Probably >80% of the British gov't "Net Zero" programs have little to none benefit for climate. Many are worse.

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CO2 is not the problem.

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Yes, hypocrisy is the problem. If they really think CO2 is the problem then the least they can do is be scientifically accurate & consistent in their application of incentives, programs and in this case "fines & imprisonment".

What's more, in terms of CO2 emissions, these "crimes" subject to "fines & imprisonment" they are talking about, involve trivial amounts of emissions, the real BIG emissions are due to their terrible, irrational energy policy.

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If covid is any indication, when the 'leaders' are caught breaking climate lockdown rules, it will be an unfortunate lapse in judgement. If YOU are caught breaking climate lockdown rules, it's terrorism charges.

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That's a given.

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Speaking about Crimes and the need for Prison sentences & massive fines. How about all the Sleazy Politicians, Bureaucrats and money-grubbing companies, like Drax, who are promoting the Net Zero, Carbon Neutral, Zero emissions Biomass burning fable. This is VASTLY more significant than mickey-mouse household & city vehicle emissions. They all deserve a long, long prison term for chicanery & corruption: The truth:


"....Biomass is the SCAM that we all fell for. Biomass is not carbon neutral, sustainable or green. Let's debunk the myth of biomass as a climate friendly energy source, and explore why even 'green' countries like Denmark may not be as eco-friendly as they seem..."

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Hurray Blade Runners!

You'd think the dolts who botched Covid would have learned a little humility. They still haven't agreed to debate the issues, have they?

Didn't think so.

Have them read my two latest substacks on the subject. :

1) https://drreidsheftall.substack.com/p/a-short-climate-change-primer

2) https://drreidsheftall.substack.com/p/a-very-short-but-important-climate

Keep up your great work, NE!

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"Botched COVID"? They didn't botch COVID. COVID is a well planned attack on humanity designed to provide the excuse to deploy a worldwide bioweapon injection for Mass Extermination and Mass Depopulation. COVID is a spectacular success! The only problem is that it ALSO has triggered a Mass Awakening, and now the Globalist perpetrators are in big trouble!

Returning us all to the Stone Age by stealing our energy supplies (in the "name of" their fake "climate change" hoax) is the other flank of their attack. Five billion people have been injected with bioweapons, and the survivors will be frozen out or starved out UNLESS WE STOP THEM!!!!

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What you're missing is what the useful idiots did. The policies put in place for the evil perpetrators is what caused 99.9% of the deaths. So yeah, the useful idiots botched it. The perpetrators didn't botch the rollout. They got what they wanted- primarily a Trump loss and some death of the elderly- but the useful idiots who did. Think of people in your own family who are liberal. They're not part of the evil cabal. They've been brainwashed and actually believed lockdowns were helpful when they supported their enactment. Even conservative so-called heroes now like Marty Makary, Vinay Prasad, even Scott Atlas and Steven Hatfield believed lockdowns were GOOD IDEA at first. They snapped out of it eventually but at first, they were in the group of useful idiots who supported lockdowns. The WHO predicts lockdowns will end up killing 150 million plus people (140 million due to starvation), primarily due to the disruption in supply chains they caused.

In my original comment, I'm talking about the useful idiots from covid since it's the same people who are pushing for climate change policies now; policies that don't do anything except waste money. Why? Because climate change isn't man-made.

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I wrote the book on Covid. I have not been wrong on anything yet... from the beginning.. Name anyone else and I will tell you what they were wrong about. In this comment, I am referring to the policies they enacted. They were wrong on everything.

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I assume you mean that they botched COVID from a public health point of view. It seems obvious at this stage that response was nothing to do with public health, but more about injecting as many people as possible.

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No. You've got the "They" wrong.

What you're missing is what the useful idiots did. The policies put in place for the evil perpetrators is what caused 99.9% of the deaths. So yeah, the useful idiots botched it. The perpetrators didn't botch the rollout. They got what they wanted- primarily a Trump loss and some death of the elderly- but the useful idiots who did. Think of people in your own family who are liberal. They're not part of the evil cabal. They've been brainwashed and actually believed lockdowns were helpful when they supported their enactment. Even conservative so-called heroes now like Marty Makary, Vinay Prasad, even Scott Atlas and Steven Hatfield believed lockdowns were GOOD IDEA at first. They snapped out of it eventually but at first, they were in the group of useful idiots who supported lockdowns. The WHO predicts lockdowns will end up killing 150 million plus people (140 million due to starvation), primarily due to the disruption in supply chains they caused.

In my original comment, I'm talking about the useful idiots from covid since it's the same people who are pushing for climate change policies now; policies that don't do anything except waste money. Why? Because climate change isn't man-made.

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Shared post to FB .... wondering HOW they will choose to "censor" this....

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I wouldn't worry too much about that psyop ... collapse is imminent


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Fast Eddy the quintessential Doomer. If it ain't one thing it's something else. Why not go for broke and declare a giant interstellar asteroid is going to sterilize the Earth any day now?

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Why not go for broke and explain to me how any of this is wrong


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Wow, they almost said the quiet part out loud.

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Learning Russian is the way out of this. A country awash in energy and land for food production. They will not be eating ze bugs in Moscow.

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Go read Edward Slavsquat! All in it together.

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In fact, Russia likely a step ahead

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Indeed there is something very suspicious about how Russia is embracing all the ESG, vaccine, W.H.O., SDG, Agenda 2030, WEF, Club-of-Rome anti-human dogma. Sad.



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I should start to catalog the pieces I read here. There was one that put Russia’s main bank right in the middle of this. I can’t pull up where, but there’s no place to run.

That’s when you fight.

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Yes, Sper? bank top man WEFFIE. And bank was leading with jab rollouts.

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Do you speak in aphorisms or are you calling me a weffie? Is your dickness passing or permanent?

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Oh dear, how a brief remark can easily be misread. I was being lazy and should have written it clearer. Russian bank CEO is one from WEF and very involved with jabs. Slavsquat's stack has lots of info.

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NE: We are entering the kill zone on climate change zombification. The Great Resetters seem dead set of killing off billions of the planet and total enslavement for rest. While we see concerted efforts in some regions of the west, my bet is they will move into overdrive onto the 3rd world nations to control energy and resources and create energy and food shortages or famines, especially against nations that resisted taking the c-vxx. I expect they will use China to implement aspects of this communist stripping of resources. Think what the USSR did in the Holodor multiplied across 50 nations.

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Tell us more "Russia's" role in the Holodomor, and be clear about who did what to who....

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CT: USSR under Stalin decided to enact retribution to Ukraine because they were not going along with the collectivist plans of the communists. So they decided to enact a policy of forced starvation among the Ukranian farmers by seizing all foodstuffs at gunpoint including much of the seeds which meant there would be no harvest...3-5 million Ukrainians were murdered intentionally (watch the movie Mr Jones and the NYT coverup of the events). It was the 2nd holocaust in the 20th century directly after the Turkish holocaust of 1.5-2 million Armenians being killed for their Christian faith. Other please fill in the blanks.

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Let ‘em. The deeper the hole, the gone-er the buried.

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and the people will pay it all and they will get into debt to upgrade their cars and they will pay whatever is demanded of them. Those that can't will move out or revert to buses, walking, trains or not going anywhere. And then, the people will vote for Sadiq Khan because he's not a tory/one of us/doing his best/not a tory (delete as appropriate). And then the people will vote Labour into power because they're not tories/they represent the working man/I've always voted labour/my mp is so nice/they're not tories (delete as appropriate).

Bit like turkeys voting for christmas or sheep queuing up at abbattoirs. Donkeys led by donkeys (as apparently the lions have all given up and left).

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The cameras ensure your freedom.

Without cameras, you might wake up one ay and find out a pakistani or an iranian or a chinese or russian had become mayor of London, instead of an englishman.

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Great post - hope sheep can read. Sorry, but....

So, anyone who believes that building automobiles with a "kill switch" is for our " safety and protection " from, for example, drunk drivers - you need to open your eyes. Wide. (Just one example....)

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Seems like someone could target the tires of those camera vans....

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