First one to call a name loses the argument. I absolutely did advise her to ignore it. She’ll vote her conscience which is what she can do. The rest of the time is hers. When your time is short, which I hope will be real soon, you may actually spend some of it thinking.
You specifically counseled someone to ignore politics, stop lying butt sucker!
First one to call a name loses the argument. I absolutely did advise her to ignore it. She’ll vote her conscience which is what she can do. The rest of the time is hers. When your time is short, which I hope will be real soon, you may actually spend some of it thinking.
Although I doubt it.
Dude fella's in his eighties, shake hands, he had a point about trying not to worry too much.
“I’ll always shake a man’s hand, if only to prove to the sumbitch I’m a better man than he is.” I’d add that first he’d have to be a man.
Not eighties.
Excellent marksman, too. I work on that.
I read the posts out of line, lol ! , apple-logies
S’okay. Go to my stack and read ...dream.
My specialty these days is taking out fat, stupid trolls.
Okey so, sweet dreams everyone, easy on the fudge
A sense of humor beats stupid by a mile.