I do not understand why parents of vax injured kids do not go on a rampage a the doctor's office... especially when the doctor gaslights them telling them it's anxiety ... or all in their head.

At least if they said they were sorry they thought the shots were safe... but nope ... they compound the problem then offer them more shots...

If I was in their situation ... I'd unhinge big time...

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Wrong ‘em Boyo! People never criticize their doctors.

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I have no problem at all confronting doctors... in fact I was thrown out of a doctors office when I showed her this https://pdfhost.io/v/nvrgA~sEJ_VAERS_Heart_Damage_V8


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Covid 19 is but a page in a very large playbook.

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An all 2 familiar scenario ,like mental health is so poplar now,an of course zilch being of the real causes of" IT

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At the risk of being accused of self-promoting, I'll just say that this book shows Covid-19 in the bigger picture. The last third of the book is about the propaganda and manipulation that was used to impact every aspect of our lives, in the name of a "medical emergency." The Covid-19 response was a trial run for how decision-makers would like to control and limit the world's population through any "crisis" they can make stick.

The book focuses on 1) How cheap, effective, already FDA approved meds were suppressed to make ways for 2) expensive, ineffective Emergency Use Authorized meds, that were promoted to treat Covid until the 3) not safe and not effective Covid shots were forced into people, and 4) How the whole Covid-19 response was used to impose stringent, anti-Democratic measures as a template for future "emergencies."

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