The insightful Naked Emperor tells it like it is once again. I would only add that those "Andrews militia" they call Australian policemen beat elderly and middle aged women to the ground with Billie clubs for peacefully protesting the harsh treatment society was receiving- beat them to the ground, then swatted at the arms they put up to block the beatings with the heavy, hardwood clubs; all to keep those dangerous women down. What men they have on the Australian police forces!

And Fauci becoming a member of the Royal Society. It's filth awarding filth, in my opinion. The first book of my five books that make up "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" has the subtitle "A Tale of Two Narratives" but it has really become a tale of two groups of people. King Charles (or was it the Queen before she died) knighting Jonathan Van Tam after he was wrong on everything Covid and tortured the British people with his idiotic policies is a perfect example of the woke rot that is trying to take over society. He now works for MODERNA at an inflated salary as a reward for pushing their vaccines on innocent people including children, Andrews, Biden, the CDC, FDA, Doctors who promoted the false narrative or even knew better but kept their mouths shut (i.e., cowards) need to be bum-rushed in a worldwide civil war to save civilization. Who's in?

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The Science has now done away with science altogether and replaced it with shameless theatre. If I were young, I would be plotting for an overthrow of this farce calling itself legitimate science. And maybe someone is doing just that, somewhere . I wish them luck.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Dangerous Dan, a disgusting man. My mother died in a Victorian nursing from complications related to her Covid infection. I was unable to get there in time as I lived overseas and was denied entry for well over a year because of my unvaccinated status. Strangely, before the jab rollout I was permitted to travel if I could demonstrate I was not infected, yet millions of vaccinees were infected after the rollout. Go figure.

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I’m so sorry for your pain and loss. It’s simply despicable that humans can enforce such inhumane conditions especially on the elderly and seriously ill who died alone in fear

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I'm so sorry to read your story. Bless you and your Mother x

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Draconian Dictators have Draconian Societies to bestow awards on them. It’s the Draconian Way.

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

“…Andrews turned the police into a military force which attacked and shot members of the public with rubber bullets.”

don’t let the police off the hook. following orders doesn’t relieve one of moral responsibility. remember when we were told that dissent was the moral highroad?

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Wtf. I just watched that video and cried. I still can not get my head around any of it. What on earth happened to compassion?

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Nauseating suckups.

These once esteemed institutions and honors, just made themselves completely irrelevant.😐 RIP.

Wait for it...they will VERY quietly back track this in 2025. 😉

#neverletthemforget 📣📣📣📣💯💯💯💯💯#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Dan Andrews showed up Melbourne for what it could be: a place where people naturally accept dictatorship. I was born there but got out for most of my adult years. A city that was manipulated into thinking it was the world's 'most liveable' (ha ha, never) a city already prone to a certain smugness borne out of an inferiority complex. So easy to manipulate and have neighbours tell on neighbours when your government keeps telling you live in the world's greatest city, and you're so myopic and/or distant from the actual world you believe it. I will never, every forgive Andrews for the ambiguity of the laws as we were working in Tennant Creek and avoided vaccinations until it was hinted we wouldn't get through the airport to come back for Christmas. We knew there'd be less killshot in Tennant Creek as they wouldn't want to kill all the Aboriginals at once. The hospital only had Pfizer so it was with the most careful calculation and prayers we chose the chemist to succumb to Astra Zeneca along with a few others. When we got to Melbourne Airport it was literally empty. I could have shot a cannon through it. Fortunately my only vaccine injuries are vertigo and increased sinus attacks however the amount of 5g in Melbourne is palpable and enough to make me very sick when I visit my mother. Andrews must pay or perhaps one day They will dispose of him. Remember in the eyes of the masters everyone is disposable.

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Another disgusting example of Orwellianism.

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It’s a farce with a cast of billions and a worldwide stage. No one could possibly believe that all this is real

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Pass the barf bag!

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Jun 12Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Australia's tyrannical state premier Dan Andrews, AC.

I can only read that thus:

Arsehole in Chief.

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How about ol’ Horseface Adhern who has something to do w/ Prince William’s earthshot (or whatever it is) organization. I think our “betters” do this shit just to rub our noses in it, that they won’t be shunned & will get away w/ everything. It’s in the US too

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And the 20 million dollars awarded to her by that other grub Melinda Gates.

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What do you mean she just received 10million usd from melinda gates!!

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My mistake it's actually 20million...

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She’s still some big honcho for dumb ass William’s green new deal bullshit

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Jun 12Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Another true naked emperor moment where we all are supposed to pretend that they are not corrupt frauds.

They need to change their motto to something like "Take nobody else's word for it, only ours. You rubes."

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Jun 11Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This is from my article https://markusmutscheller.substack.com/p/a-good-horse-runs-just-with-seing I wrote yesterday regarding Dictator Dan and friends:

It appears that nothing has changed. The elites stick together and hold on to power.

But do not despair.

It will turn eventually. And we can do something to turn it around, actually. More on that further down.

It took six decades to hunt down most of the Nazis. Everything the Covid-Nazis have done is documented. And they know that. They know they got carried away, intoxicated by power. They know that they overplayed their cards. They are not stupid.

These awards will be a thin-layered delusion for them. It only temporarily eases their constant worries that everything they have done will come crashing down on them eventually. And until then, they will suffer every day from anxiety.

This pathetic attempt to rewrite history and renovate their tarnished and ruined public reputation is only a flimsy band-aid.

Those power-drunken crimes against humanity will hang over them forever. It is not if they will be hunted down, it is when they will be caught, humiliated and punished. The hunt started four years ago.

They will not sleep well. Their cushy new jobs and all those extra dollars will never erase this nagging fear about how much longer this protection system that keeps them safe for now will hold up. They depend on it.

But too many people have been hurt. Not only ordinary people. Powerful people have been hurt too. Angry people want revenge. That’s how power systems work.

And they all rely upon each other to keep the chain of lies together. Sooner or later, the weakest links break and the house of cards will collapse.

There is no love lost between them. To save their skin, they skin others. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. You use power, power will bring you down.

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None of them can sleep alone I suspect. If Dan Andrews walked down the street, be it the real or fake ones, he would be torn apart. Same with Macron, Trudeau etc

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What a pair of tossers.

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