Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"safe and effective"

"we are all in this together"

"trust the science"

"trust the experts"

NEVER forget the PSYOP... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/6-ridiculous-propaganda-lines-of

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Look at the science, build back better, make America great again they go on and on dont they

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I never knew humans could be parrots until COVID :p

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Though ‘Build Back Better’ is terrible and no everyday person uses it without an eye roll 🙄.

That one was an instant fail.

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I see you've bought into the hive-minds lies about maga. Please see my comments above/below.

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I haven't bought into anything other than media people are weird, on either side. I had no idea, I never watch the news.

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Ah. Now I understand. Never mind.

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I can still remember "Gravitas" .

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

During the 1989 Student protests in Tiananmen Square the CCP leadership used the term “turmoil” to describe what was a largely peaceful but growing movement. They repeated it over and over and used “thought work” to build it into the people as well as the military consciousness. The students consistently pushed back on the use of “turmoil” to describe their anti corruption and pro democracy movement. Words matter…..

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Yup. Luz Truss “c r a s h e d t h e

e c o n o m y”. Repeat ad infinitum.

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That was Rishi Sunak's job, the 'Hi risk anus'.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Pushback is essential.

Plus, the Chinese students would’ve been well-schooled in the propaganda tricks to be able to recognize them.

We’re well-schooled, too, but too damn comfortably numb to want to think our way out of it. (That’s the general “we” I’m referring to there.)

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Actually, it is my understanding that Media Matters is the originating "All Powerful Oz" and Mastermind of these matching narratives. Apparently they forward the the narrative and the specific language early in the day (3-4 AM) to all their various minions in MSM including specific language to be used in the narrative and this results is "JD Vance is weird", "Trump is a racist", "Vaccine will prevent transmission", etc. All news organizations (left, right, center) subscribe to the MM Talking Points "Newsletter" so this is why their narrative embeds into the media landscape. A News' organizations that veers against the narrative isn't organized enough to mount a convincing counter-narrative in a short time so the seed germinates for some time until a counter narrative, a new narrative (which builds upon it), or an unexpected event (assassination attempt, etc.) throws it off the rails.

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Media Matters is a part of the hive-mind. As I replied to a comment above, they may instigate these phrases but then they take on a life of their own with people repeating them without being told. Suddenly Pete down the pub is saying 'just plain weird' and he barely watches the news.

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Would you consider Media Matters to be as unconscious of what role it is playing as the other more numerous members of the Hive Mind?

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Certain individuals know what they want and this enters the Media Matters hive-mind which takes on a life of its own in a woke doom loop.

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Dear Naked Emperor, I'm afraid I am somewhat more cynical than you. But your thoughts are always appreciated.

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Media Matters is HIGHLY conscious of its nudging practices, for sure.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

I first noticed this during covid, when literally overnight, every single news publication was using the exact same terms like "social distancing" and "we're all in this together".

I believe it's why, on July 13th, the media was not calling the attempt on Trump's life an "assassination attempt" for the first few hours. They hadn't received their coordinated orders on what to call it yet.

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“Coordinated orders,” indeed!

COVID scenario had been planned for a long time before the event.

The assassination attempt not so much.

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We can subscribe to the newsletter, too.

Fortunately, we don’t have to.

We can read their heavily biased “work” here: https://www.mediamatters.org/kamala-harris/media-matters-weekly-newsletter-july-26

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I do this with certain narcissists.

I deliberately introduce a word into a conversation and within a day or two they’re repeating it all over the office, whether virtual or physical.

Narcissists love to make it seem like they’re the ones that come up with words or ideas.

But in reality they are the hiviest of them all!

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Try using "pustular". Narcissist are a rather pustular lot, aren't they?

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I thought “weird” was the word of the day from the mockingbird media. A few days ago it was “a cultural phenomenon” to describe the incredible fantastic Kamala Harris.

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“Grassroots” was everywhere for a couple of days too. These people are so lame, not an original thought or any curiosity in any of them.

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I find that with certain words that start getting used like "can I "get" a packet of cigarette papers please?' Rather than 'can I have'. Or that thing that started a few years ago where people would say 'yes, yes, yes, no' or 'no, no, no, yes' which still seems to be going on. Harmless maybe but it's still the same hive mind at work I think. I try my best to resist this. It is hard when you're hearing it all the time and probably even harder if you're unaware of it.

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I actually hate when anyone says “can I get (or have)…. in the context of a service entity like a store or restaurant, etc. My DIL does this at every restaurant - “can I have the….” When you’re paying for something, you don’t ask permission for it. For cryin’ out loud just say “I’ll have the…”! 🙄

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I completely agree with your larger point, though I phrase it a bit differently: I think that since 2020 an emergent meta-consciousness has fully awakened and taken control.

However, in this case, it is entirely possible that some Democrat consultant or the like “is going around telling them all individually to say the same thing,” did in fact send out that the new word is “weird,” and everyone is just going along with it, because that’s what they do.

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I'm sure a consultant does do that but then it reaches escape velocity and everyone starts using it without being told

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Maybe. That’s what they’d like. But “weird J.D. Vance” may not gain any more momentum than fake Dem memes like Dark Brandon and Coconut Kamala. For now, as beth02 says, it’s probably marching orders from Media Matters or similar.

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Our brains are electric..I think we can actually send things to 9ther brains

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There was that “journo list” some years ago where they did just that - jump on some call or email thread to consolidate & direct narrative &/or catch phrases & just like that - those were everywhere on lame st media

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter


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My favourite word.

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"Nobody is going around telling them all individually to say the same thing, yet the same phrase is suddenly popping up everywhere."

I bet if we were omniscient, we would find talking points being circulated that outline this exact strategy.

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There are talking points circulated but not to everyone. The talking points are a seed in the hive-mind that quickly sprout in those who were not part of the original circulation.

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David Frum and/or Frank Luntz almost assuredly behing this

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

There is evidence that at the media level what we see and hear is less an artifact of hive mind and more the deliberate result of scripted direction.

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Starts off scripted, ends up in the hive-mind

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

NOT satire.... How To Join White Dudes for Harris https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/white-dudes-for-harris-soy-npc-memes

...the photo gallery is priceless....

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A new low

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By whom?

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Whoever came up with White Dudes for Harris

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"Weird" is a trigger word, especially aimed at women voters (though most men are pretty much feminized nowadays so it could equally apply to them). It's a way to use a word or phrase to evoke a unconscious/gut reaction just like saying "moist" or "ick" to a woman...


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It's both aimed at women voters and republicans to react to (hey, if you want weird, look at this...). Double psyop

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes...we are tribal by nature...soooo, just like during covid times when they put us in vaxxed/unvaxxed camps, they are going to try this now with KAMA-not..... "weird" implies different and not accepted in the tribe.... outcast/odd/bizarre/kooky/oddball/flaky...... no one wants to be associated with these labels.....so, the sheep do what sheep do best....they follow....and are easily led....to slaughter.... and "they" know this..... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080214114517.htm



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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Who remembers "The Lottery"? The hive mind needs someone to blame. There doesn't even need to be a problem. Randomly stone someone, for the greater good of all.

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Jul 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

“Nobody is going around telling them all individually to say the same thing, yet the same phrase is suddenly popping up everywhere.”

Are you sure about that

It seems pretty clear that the corporate media and DNC are all in collusion. They sent some talking point sheet around…

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They send talking point sheets around and these gets absorbed into the hive-mind meaning people who haven't ever read the sheets start using the phrases.

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Thats for sure. We are all being manipulated and played

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Jul 31Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It’s partly hivemind but it’s also a propaganda campaign just like “horse dewormer” and “it’s extremely dangerous for our democracy”. These propaganda campaigns are coordinated by PR firms with the legacy media, as far as I know

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Yep the propaganda campaign works by infecting the hive-mind.

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Jul 31Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It makes perfect sense that Marxists, Democrats, losers - but I repeat myself - would find someone who is deeply patriotic and remarkably successful in spite of difficult and humble beginnings to be weird.

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