"But, due to the UK not having a written constitution, this separation of powers is both complex and flexible,..."

Here in the USA, we have a permanent constitution, but nobody reads it. We have separation of powers, but it's not between legislative, executive and judicial; it's between democrats and republicans.

In other words, it's as big of a mess here as there. This mess won't fix itself. It's up to us...

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From across the sea it appears only certain speech is punished. It’s the worst of the worst of a tyrannical left wing government, and something the American left would love love to emulate if given the chance. Hope you guys get this fixed.

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“But, due to the UK not having a written constitution, “ what about the Bill of Rights 1689? And The Magna Carta

Remembering that the Bill of Rights went on to be the foundation of the American constitution

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This is an uncharacteristically poorly researched opinion piece. To state that there is no written constitution is to perpetuate a very deliberate and damaging lie. The English Constitution Society is a good place to start educating yourself on our rich constitution history and how it has been systematically and treasonously attacked and subverted by the British establishment (including the monarchy) for centuries.


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ok no single document with the written constitution in

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Your response suggests that you regard the matter of our rich and well documented constitution as a technicality because someone hasn't conveniently typed it all up into a single volume and uploaded it to the internet at www.youvebeenmuggedoff.co.uk

And it seems to me that talking up anarchy off the back of a handful of state instigated violent incidents at otherwise peaceful protests is doing their work for them.

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My response suggests nothing other than we don't have a constitution similar to the US. All I said was this makes it complex and flexible. And there was no talking up anarchy

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God alone can stop the madness. So if you pray, PRAY! And then act!

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Lyon's full article can be read online at Unherd for those interested.

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Which I provided a link to

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