But how about we take a closer look at those cancers we are talking about ... what percentage of wildfire cancers come within a month of injection? What portion of these cases is made up by anti vaxxers who eschew all commonly held truths? Seems as easy a thing to ascertain as the political beliefs of unvaccinated people in general? Any reason why we are not running THAT study?
But how about we take a closer look at those cancers we are talking about ... what percentage of wildfire cancers come within a month of injection? What portion of these cases is made up by anti vaxxers who eschew all commonly held truths? Seems as easy a thing to ascertain as the political beliefs of unvaccinated people in general? Any reason why we are not running THAT study?
But how about we take a closer look at those cancers we are talking about ... what percentage of wildfire cancers come within a month of injection? What portion of these cases is made up by anti vaxxers who eschew all commonly held truths? Seems as easy a thing to ascertain as the political beliefs of unvaccinated people in general? Any reason why we are not running THAT study?