My theory, is that “conspiracy theories” are true. And they’re intentionally leaked by the government, so when the truth finally does come out, it’s not a soul shocking revelation.
Look at the JFK assasination, look at Epsteins island, look at the twitter leaks.
The truth comes out, and everyone’s like “Yeah. We’ve been saying that for years! Hahahahah”.
That’s the vaccine “conspiracy theories” in 5 years they’ll be like, “damn… the vaccine does cause cancer.”
And everyone will be like “that’s what I’ve been saying for years.” And all the people who would have been shocked to learn the truth will be dead by then.
It's like trying to cure cancer with asbestos
My theory, is that “conspiracy theories” are true. And they’re intentionally leaked by the government, so when the truth finally does come out, it’s not a soul shocking revelation.
Look at the JFK assasination, look at Epsteins island, look at the twitter leaks.
The truth comes out, and everyone’s like “Yeah. We’ve been saying that for years! Hahahahah”.
That’s the vaccine “conspiracy theories” in 5 years they’ll be like, “damn… the vaccine does cause cancer.”
And everyone will be like “that’s what I’ve been saying for years.” And all the people who would have been shocked to learn the truth will be dead by then.
Yep. mRNA is going into everything, including probably very soon food & water
Or radiation and poison.
Nay, asbestos was very helpful in many ways.