this is good stuff. I was gonna write an article on this exact topic, but I think you nailed it.

and to think... as AI progresses, they can just put whoever they want in office.

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Look at the hands rather than the earlobes,face, nose etc.

Hands, fingers and nails, gestures and manipulation/use of digits.

Often overlooked and difficult to fake

The devil is, as always, in the detail

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The real deception is regardless of who is Joe they are all puppets. Those pulling the strings are always the same.

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I don’t think there’s any doubt that the 6 ft 6, or so, athlete that sprinted across to the plane and bounded up the steps earlier this week is double. He moved unfaltering, forgot to shuffle and, equally importantly, didn’t stop to engage in questions or a photo-op as is Biden’s wont. The double was by contrast positively keen to get away from the cameras as fast as possible.

If this was “benign” use of a double for the reasons suggested as to why eg Putin or Kim might use a double, it would be almost fine. But it is not. It is almost certainly to mask the fact that the sitting president of the U.S. is either dead or irreparably incapacitated. It is therefore a deception of a kind never witnessed in history (quite the list since Covid) and a most egregious criminal enterprise.

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I have trouble believing that anyone has faith in the system now. We know they're lying and they know we know they're lying. Yet the fakery continues on, seemingly forever...

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The question here is why she has been allowed to talk about this.

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Because they've moved on from masks to clones now?

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That's a very interesting idea. If by clone you mean someone with the exact same genes, as in "dolly the sheep", there is the problem of how to age the clone to the same age/appearance as the original. I can imagine a clone being used as a potential organ bank for evil globalists, as completely immoral as that would be. Placing a much younger clone in position to appear as the original, especially if the original is quite elderly, makes very little sense when body doubles and full, head/neck mask prosthetics are so believable. With advanced voice technology, anyone of the appropriate age, with a good quality head/neck mask, could conceivably pass for a well-known public figure.

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Possible I suppose. But I still don't see the point of having more "Bidens" - it's not as if he has been compos mentis for the last 4 years. Why imitate someone in that condition? Would you not want the double (or clone) to at least try to show some mental capacity?

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I think it depends on who is actually running him or his stand-in. I assume it’s his globalist masters, aka NWO/OWG highly placed persons most of whom we probably have never heard of. It may be that his “doubles” or masked look-alikes have been instructed to mimic his presumed infirmities. We don’t really know if that is actual or only an apparent condition. As others have pointed out. Sometimes, Biden is very lucid and competent appearing. Other times, he appears completely mentally challenged if not incapacitated. In terms of the “big-picture”, I don’t suppose it really matters because almost nothing is as it appears now.

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Since the first day Biden took office, he looked and moved unnaturally robotic to my eyes.

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Of course, Joe Biden is really his own body double. If he had died a year ago, he could easily have been replaced by an actor. It would be super easy to play the role of an elderly man with dementia who isn't in charge of anything.

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Indeed, during the 1960s and 1970s, I was an avid fan of Martin Landau from 'Mission: Impossible' and, subsequently, Leonard Nimoy, both masters of disguise.

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its like we’re watching a movie 🍿🥤🎥🎬

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The average stupid sheep will NEVER lose faith in the system. They will do exactly as they are told to do. Sure they might bleat about it but secretly they beg to be governed harder....

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Hmm... I wonder if the withdrawal letter was signed by the double LOL

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I heard Toby Jones, well known English actor, who played Alfred Hitchcock in the 2012 film The Girl, saying that the film industry have the ability now with silicone masks to make an actor’s face look exactly like the famous person they are playing. He said they didn’t do it because directors want to retain some character of the actor.

I reckon they don’t do it because they don’t want the public to know they can replicate faces in case the public start doubting that public figures are who they say they are.

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You can run Biden's photos through AI facial recognition online. Heck, run your own photos, see if it can tell the difference between you 10 years apart.

Hint: The AI program indicates the Biden that gave the televised address last week is not the real Joe Biden, but that the one that received Presidential Medal from Obama is.


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And upload a compilation of speeches given by the real Biden, run that through AI, then submit text of the new speech. AI renders new speech in Biden's voice, with any idiosyncratic vocal patterns. Then the actor just has to lip-sync the speech. But this would require a few days of preparation, practice. Odd that Biden was incognito for what? A few days.

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CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou said disguises were incredible, among the most impressive areas of talent in the agency & very James Bond meets Langley. Sounds fun!

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